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  1. Hi all, I have external hard drive that is used to backup adobe premiere files from a mac to Unraid. This hard drive is connected to windows 10 machine with SynbackSE. I'm getting a lot of errors in syncback log all of them dot_ files all from the back. Rather than ignore these is there any way to copy these. I'm not sure if these are needed for the mac or else I could just set syncbackse to ignore them. Curious though how I can enable these to be copied via SMB if needed
  2. Hi this might be the wrong thread to ask this in. I'm looking at using luckybackup to back up my UNRAID Shares to external USB Drive via unassigned devices. I wanted to see if luckybackup would support any functionality to start a backup when the USB Drive is plugged in. Or minimum scheduled backup USB Drive plugged in. Thanks
  3. Thanks this is good to know! I was leaning towards NTFS as we are mostly windows based but wasnt sure how rubust it would be. It would be my preference over ExFAT as my understanding would be its a little more robust (could be wrong). thanks for the suggestions!
  4. Hi all, I'm looking to setup a 16TB external hard drive on my unraid server as a backup. The ideal scenario is that this is used encase unraid goes down. I'd love to be able to use the drive on Windows & MacOS natively. I'm leaning towards EXFAT, but wanted to if anyone had any other suggestions. This will be used to store large production video files - so a lot of files larger than 4GB Thanks
  5. Just a bump for this realized it was in the wrong forum Keen to know what people are mostly using for online cloud backup at the moment and if there are any strong contenders / shortlist.
  6. Hi all, I've setup an UNRAID server at work with around 35TB of storage. I estimate we will be using around 10TB of storage over time for archiving video production files. These will be a combination of raw footage and adobe premiere files that will be archived onto UNRAID from SSD Drives once the projects are completed. My plan is to have UNRAID backup the files onto cloud storage as an extra measure + a external hard drive. I wanted to ask if there is anyone doing something similar around video production and what cloud backup services you may be using on UNRAID. Some high level requirments would be the following 1. Ideally Docker that can backup to the cloud ongoing or given frequency 2. It is usefull to have the files available on cloud i.e. dropbox or googledrive as the videographers may need access to files from time to time out of the office 3. I'm less woried about version history etc.. as files wont change much Any tips or advise would be ace!
  7. Hi all, I have an unraid server at home, Would love to set something up small in the office. I currently have an old QNAP nas running unraid but would prefer to get newer hardware. I don't plan to do any streaming of this box, it will mostly be storage + backup + Dockers. I would love something that is small ideally ITX (dont have plans to put more than 4 HD's and one or two SSD. Any suggestions on motherboard + CPU Combo? not looking for anything server grade. Motherboard that can support ideally 6 Sata - 2x SSD + 4 HD I also assume the Node 304 is probably the best case for this setup unless others suggest something better
  8. Hi all Similar to Sknxk Iam getting the following errors on UNRAID 6.8.3 preclear plugin 2021.01.03 This is brand new unraid build on a old NAS. Feb 14 00:51:38 Tower preclear_disk_MN5210F32Z4XXX[29721]: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/preclear.disk/script/preclear_disk.sh: line 498: 0 * 100 / 0 : division by 0 (error token is "0 ") Feb 14 06:48:46 Tower preclear_disk_MN5210F32Z4W8K[29721]: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/preclear.disk/script/preclear_disk.sh: line 475: /tmp/.preclear/sdc/dd_output_complete: No such file or directory Feb 14 06:48:46 Tower preclear_disk_MN5210F32Z4XXX[29721]: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/preclear.disk/script/preclear_disk.sh: line 475: [: -gt: unary operator expected Feb 14 06:48:46 Tower preclear_disk_MN5210F32Z4XXX[29721]: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/preclear.disk/script/preclear_disk.sh: line 478: /tmp/.preclear/sdc/dd_output_complete: No such file or directory Feb 14 06:48:46 Tower preclear_disk_MN5210F32Z4XXX[29721]: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/preclear.disk/script/preclear_disk.sh: line 475: /tmp/.preclear/sdc/dd_output_complete: No such file or directory Feb 14 06:48:46 Tower preclear_disk_MN5210F32Z4XXX[29721]: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/preclear.disk/script/preclear_disk.sh: line 475: [: -gt: unary operator expected
  9. Hi all love some help here. Based on JorgeB response. I'm trying to work out what would be the best way to wipe Cache SSD disk and then start the array (which i assume the cache pool will re-sync. My initial thoughts to be safe was to just take the SSD out and wipe it on another machine. Is there an easy way to do this within Unraid? with out me getting too complicated? Thanks!
  10. Hi Johnnie Yes cache2 is working to Wipe cache 1 do I need to unassign it, format it and then add it back? that simple?
  11. Hi all I took out my unraid server this weekend to give it a clean with high pressure air I connected everything up started the array and docker service was unavailable. I noticed that my cache disk was not online. So I decided to shutdown the system, re-plugin all the sata / power cables and bring it back up. Long story short, after deleting docker image I was still running into problems with unraid BTRFS warning (device loop2): csum failed root 5 type of problems in my event log. **I've managed to solve this by disconnecting my cache 0 Disk - 500GB SSD** I've now been able to restore my docker images from my templates and everything is running. What i'm unsure of is the best way to join the cache Disk back to the BTRFS pool. i've come across the following thread so hoping for some advice to make sure i dont stuff this up - **FYI i'm on UNRAID 6.5.3** **The Steps i'm proposing to do are the following, would love some guidance** 0. Take backup of appdata, libvert with CA backup plugin 1. Shutdown array 2. Re-connect cache disk - SSD500GB 3. Restart unraid 4. Un-assign cache disk - SSD500GB 5. Re-assign cache 2 disk to cache slot 6. start aray 7. Check all is working Stop array 8. Format unnassigned drive 9. assign formatted drive to cache 2 slot **10. not sure if I will need to do anything else** Thanks for your help!
  12. Hi all, Has anyone been able to get remote Sonarr remote path mappings working on external seedbox? I am having an issue where sonarr is working great sending the data to the SB but cant retrieve the data back. I keep getting the following error messages " Import failed, path does not exist or is not accessible by Sonarr: [location] Close I have read by some people that webdrive or SSHFS needs to be setup however I dont understand if this is native to sonarr or if it needs to be done seperately within UNRAID or the Sonarr docker? Any help would be great
  13. OK! I got this working! very happy with the playback so far in Kodi using the TVHD plugin. The issue I am having is my EPG Data keeps disappearing randomly in Kodi. - sometimes its there when I goto TV guide - other times its blank and I have to go back and forth for it to populate - all the EPG data is in TVHD (via OTA Grabber) (As I am only using OTA channels Has anyone had any suggestions on this? I used NextPVR as a test setup a few months ago and definitely didnt hit this issue. However NextPVR playback start times were a little slower.... Any advice would be ace!
  14. Hi all quick question Is there a need to stick with the same overlapping IP range? Could you do this with a separate range like is macvlan treating this as a true vlan (tagged or untagged) Thanks
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