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Everything posted by preginald

  1. I have the same issue. My wordpress container that depends on the mariadb container that won't run with the above log output. I've also restored from appdata backups but still get the same errors in log.
  2. Thanks CHBMB! This is how I updated my container (correct me if there's a better way) Remove nextcloud container. (nc $ = nextcloud container terminal) nc $ docker rm nextcloud Then 'Add Container' from unraid's Docker interface, selected my-nextcloud template and then 'Create'.
  3. I have copied a large set of backup data to my nextcloud user's /files folder and I would like to run the 'occ' command to sync but I'm getting errors similar to this post for an owncloud container: My attempts: ur $ docker exec -it nextcloud /bin/bash nc $ chsh -s /bin/bash www-data user 'www-data' does not exist So then I exit back to my unraid terminal and do this ur $ docker exec -it nextcloud php /config/www/nextcloud/occ help Console has to be executed with the user that owns the file config/config.php Current user: root Owner of config.php: abc Try adding 'sudo -u abc ' to the beginning of the command (without the single quotes) so then I run... ur $ docker exec -it nextcloud sudo -u abc php /config/www/nextcloud/occ help exec: "sudo": executable file not found in $PATH And also running occ inside the container... nc $ php occ status Console has to be executed with the user that owns the file config/config.php Current user: root Owner of config.php: abc Try adding 'sudo -u abc ' to the beginning of the command (without the single quotes) Here's my config.php user:group from inside container nc $ ls -la /config/www/nextcloud/config/config.php -rw-r----- 1 abc abc 640 Jul 7 22:27 /config/www/nextcloud/config/config.php How do you run occ on your nextcloud container? What are the correct owner and group for the nextcloud's /config and /data folders? My /config files and folders are owned by abc:abc Cheers
  4. Actually you don't even need to do the first bit either. You can set the root password via the MariaDB container setup. I still have to add insert 'skip-log-bin' to custom.cnf right?
  5. YES! I managed to get my installation working. This is what I did: 1. Delete all traces of config files related to mariadb and nextcloud containers. Install and setup MariaDB [*]Install linuxserver/mariadb:latest [*]docker exec -t -i mariadb /bin/bash [*]mysql_secure_installation [*]create new root password [*]allow remote connection Edit custom.cnf [*]cp /config/custom.cnf /config/custom.bak.cnf [*]vim /config/custom.cnf [*]insert skip-log-bin to end of [mysqld] [*]insert binlog_format=mixed after #binlog_format=row [*]:wq Create db and user [*]mysql -u root -p [*]CREATE USER 'nextcloud'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'xxxx'; [*]CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS nextcloud; [*]GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON nextcloud.* TO 'nextcloud'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'xxxx'; [*]exit [*]restart mariadb container Nextcloud [*]Install lsiodev/nextcloud:latest [*] [*]admin username [*]admin password [*]select mysql [*]db name nextcloud [*]db username nextcloud [*]db password xxxx [*]db location [*]Submit [*]and fingers crossed What I did different was edit the custom.cnf file inside the mariadb container so it keeps the file permissions. I think editing the file from the shared folder in my client machine screwed things up and mysql ignored the custom.cnf And to think I was so close to giving up! Thanks to Dimtar and CHBMB for your help too
  6. Ah yes I did restart mariadb only. OK I'll give it one more attempt. I'll delete mariadb and nextcloud and start from scratch and post back.
  7. Nope! I was only restarting the mariadb container. Are you suggesting that I restart docker as well? If so, how do I restart docker?
  8. Hey CHBMB, I appreciate you taking the time to help. I changed that line to binlog_format=mixed and also binlog_format=row but neither worked. It is as if that custom.cnf file is being ignored by mariadb.
  9. Hey Dimtar, I used your custom.cnf file but I'm still getting the same error. I wonder if it has something to do with the permissions of the custom.cnf because when I entered the mariadb container to set binlog to mixed in mysql cli I saw a message saying /etc/mysql/.../my.cnf will be ignored because it has world writable permission. /etc/mysql/.../my.cnf is soft linked to config/custom.cnf. I tried to chmod 774 the above mentioned file but it didn't change. I'm going to give {next own}cloud a miss altogether and move on to a vm instance or something. I actually had nextcloud working nicely with mariadb on my arch desktop before I converted it into an unraid machine. Thanks for your help guys.
  10. I added skip-log-bin to the [mysqld] section of my custom.cnf [mysqld] skip-log-bin max_connections = 100 connect_timeout = 5 wait_timeout = 600 I also deleted the nextcloud data and config files, droped the tables created by the last failed nextcloud install but I still got this error: An exception occurred while executing 'INSERT INTO `oc_users` ( `uid`, `password` ) VALUES( ?, ? )' with params ["admin", "1|$2y$10$Nl2x6fxx3Xd7c4dsukN4HOIjBW6q3ZAH98il5DL2et3eZpnlgNRPy"]: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1665 Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to row-based logging. InnoDB is limited to row-logging when transaction isolation level is READ COMMITTED or READ UNCOMMITTED. Any other ideas?
  11. Hi Dimtar, I've dropped the tables in the nextcloud db and ran the wizard again. Below is the log output. I also noticed this time I don't have the 504 error. Instead I have this message. An exception occurred while executing 'INSERT INTO `oc_users` ( `uid`, `password` ) VALUES( ?, ? )' with params ["admin", "1|$2y$10$OlTPx6zAGEmTcOn3ive5I.T7UAMys924DX2Kc0mvez0wrabH89Dym"]: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1665 Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to row-based logging. InnoDB is limited to row-logging when transaction isolation level is READ COMMITTED or READ UNCOMMITTED.
  12. Would someone please help me trouble shoot my problem? I've been getting 504 Gateway Time-out error after providing the admin and mysql credentials on a brand new install. My unraid environment ip: version: 6.1.9 Here are the steps I've taken. [*]Installed linuxserver/mariadb:latest [*]Installed lsiodev/nextcloud:latest [*]docker exec -t -i mariadb /bin/bash [*]mysql_secure_installation [*]mysql -uroot -p [*]CREATE USER 'nextcloud'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'xxxxxx'; [*]CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS nextcloud; [*]GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON nextcloud.* TO 'nextcloud'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'xxxxxx'; [*]SET BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED; [*]exit [*] (and provide admin user and db wizard setup) [*]then I get the 504 gateway error [*]when I reload the page I get the setup wizard form again I can see the various tables being created prefixed with "oc_". I can also see the correct credentials are saved in nextcloud's 'config.php'. I have tried mariadb as well as mysql docker containers. would anyone know a way around this problem? Thanks