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Posts posted by JohanSF

  1. 16 hours ago, Mrtj18 said:

    Im not sure this would help but in my situation, any time I rest my tvheadend docker I will need to rest my router, and vice versa. Or I would get massive buffering issues.


    The only way I can do days or weeks without having to go through with this, is to try my best to NOT rest my router. Of I don't rest my router constantly, tvheadend will play just fine

    I never reset my router or otherwise have trouble with that portion.

    5 hours ago, bucky2076 said:

    I would be interested to see how these adapters are configured inside tvheadend.

    Seems like a networking problem (DNS, DHCP) or something similar. Also how the users are configured too... 

    I use hdhomerun... and never have to reboot or reset. Very solid.


    Here's the adapter configuration (status period marked cause I was googling and that might be of interest):

    Stream profiles (don't know if the relevant one is selected here):


    User settings:


  2. I constantly have to restart the tvheadend docker container when I want to watch TV.

    When I simply try to tune a channel I usually get this:

    tvheadend docker log when it doesn't work: https://pastebin.com/hU2e3rDc


    After restarting the tvheadend docker container it works perfectly until a while has passed with no watching, and it will need a restart again.

    tvheadend docker log while watching a stream: https://pastebin.com/B4GUSPyS

    DVB Driver Plugin:


    Container edit page:


    My device is a Hauppauge WinTV-quadHD and I'm using antennas container to route tvheadend:


    Please let me know if there is anymore information I can post to help solve this issue. It is a huge pain to deal with this on a daily basis.

  3. My binhex-rtorrentvpn using PIA stops and starts every night when the mover runs. For the last couple of months it has been random if it was running when I woke up or not.

    For example I just restarted right now and get this:

    I can restart the container a minute later and then it will work - it seems completely random and this has been going on for more than a month now. Just haven't had the time to properly deal with it :( Now from reading your comments it seems like I'm not the only one.

    • Like 1
  4. Search has been broken for quite a while. Typing anything into the instant search field throws this error and the search does not execute:



    I googled and found this:



    Maybe something needs to be updated in the container, or is this just on my end that I need to do something?
    Recreating the container did not fix it.

    Tried manually updating to the newer https://github.com/Micdu70/rutorrent-instantsearch, the one in the folder on my system was from 2010, but this did also not fix it.

    EDIT: It seems that the manual updating to the newer instantsearch plugin worked! :) maybe it was a cache issue after updating it.

  5. Hi all, I just installed two brand new drives to my LSI SAS2008 controller, but I'm not seeing them in unRaid. I can feel them running with the touch of a finger on the physical drives so it should not be a connection issue.


    The drives are both this model: WESTERN DIGITAL ULTRSTAR DC HC550 18TB 3.5 SAS SE 512MB 7200 WUH721818AL5204 INT

    This is the cable: https://www.av-cables.dk/diverse-sas-kabler/mini-sas-kabel-sff-8087-til-4-x-sas-29pin-sff8482-0-75.html


    I have searched both google and the forum here, and found this, but I am not sure if it is relevant for my case:


    Here you can see the card while booting:





    The settings:



    SAS Topology (I tried with the cable plugged in to either SAS port:



    I use this SAS cable and it definitely feels high quality - my PSU is the RM 550x powering the drives via molex with no conversion:



    Can you help me troubleshoot it?


    Kind Regards, Johan


  6. Yo, I am here because android apps nzb360 and Transdroid won't connect anymore after the last update.


    I saw what you changed and tried commenting out the two new lines. Everything works now except nzb360 still won't connect locally.


    I am not sure if I am even in the scope of people that can benefit from what you changed (and I don't quite understand it), as my apps were set to connect to a subdomain reverse proxy with basic auth set in the Letsencrypt docker container by Linuxserver, and locally to the localip:9080 with /RPC2 endpoint and without authentication.

  7. To the devs:

    You can fix the Reverse Proxy issue by editing the file /etc/services.d/duplicati/run to the following (i.e. adding --webservice-allowed-hostnames=*):

    #!/usr/bin/with-contenv bash
    cd /app/duplicati || exit
     exec \
        s6-setuidgid abc mono Duplicati.Server.exe \
        --webservice-interface=any --server-datafolder=/config --webservice-allowed-hostnames=*

    See https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-duplicati/blob/master/root/etc/services.d/duplicati/run

    For now I use a mounted run file with this change.

    Edit: The best solution is to make it an environment variable in the docker container.

  8. I need access to put an asterisk in the the Hostnames option to make my reverse proxy working again.
    What I need looks like this:


    But that is only possible if I can visit Duplicati via, how do I do that when it is inside this docker container?

    This means that as of now I only see this:

  9. Thank you for this.


    Yet doing 'ulimit -n 65536' on the host, I still get the error:

    max file descriptors [40960] for elasticsearch process is too low, increase to at least [65536]

    My guess now is that I have to do that command in the elasticsearch container, how can I pass it in the edit section of the docker container?

    EDIT: Add '--ulimit nofile=65536:65536' in the Extra Parameters field when you edit the docker container.

    • Like 1
  10. I had a fully working RDP-Calibre going and wanted to update so changed to EDGE=1, then I got this:
    Setting it back to EDGE=0 gives me a black screen with the mouse cursor and I can do ctrl+shift+alt but nothing else.
    Strangely, if I visit the reverse proxy I have of RDP-Calibre I see this on the black screen:

  11. On 10/19/2016 at 4:14 AM, georgez said:

    1. On Linux or Mac, use ssh-keygen to generate a key pair, there'll be 2 files generated, a private key file (e.g. id_rsa) and a public key file (e.g. id_rsa.pub);


    2. On your unRAID server, enter folder /root/.ssh (create the folder if it doesn't exist), then edit the file /root/.ssh/authorized_keys (create the file if it doesn't exist), and copy/paste the contents of public key file (id_rsa.pub) into authorized_keys. If you have multiple Linux/Mac computers, you may put multiple public keys into authorized_keys, one in a line;


    3. Change permission of authorized_keys to 600:


        chmod 600 /root/.ssh/authorized_keys


    Now you can ssh into unRAID w/o entering password.


    However, after reboot, you'll lose everything in /root folder, so you need to find a way to keep everything during a reboot. Here's how I made it:


    1. Create a script /boot/config/ssh/setup_ssh_client.sh:



    mkdir ${SSH_DIR}
    chmod 755 ${SSH_DIR}
    cp /boot/config/ssh/authorized_keys ${SSH_DIR}/authorized_keys
    chmod 600 ${SSH_DIR}/authorized_keys



        make it executable:


        chmod 755 /boot/config/ssh/setup_ssh_client.sh


    2. Copy the previously created authorized_keys into /boot/config/ssh folder


        cp /root/.ssh/authorized_keys /boot/config/ssh/


    3. Edit /boot/config/go and add the following line at the end, so that our setup script can be called during reboot:




    All done. Now your ssh settings will be setup automatically at reboot.

    Hey georgez, great guide. But I understand that ken-ji had some better practice idea below, could you maybe edit this guide to reflect that? For us noobs that need step by step guides :D

  12. In settings I can succesfully test my connection to 32p and rtorrent. But when I search for my wanted comics I get this in the log:

    2018-08-11 15:54:11	ERROR	Uncaught exception: Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "/app/mylar/mylar/logger.py", line 336, in new_run
    old_run(*args, **kwargs)
    File "/usr/lib/python2.7/threading.py", line 754, in run
    self.__target(*self.__args, **self.__kwargs)
    File "/app/mylar/mylar/helpers.py", line 3007, in search_queue
    ss_queue = mylar.search.searchforissue(item['issueid'])
    File "/app/mylar/mylar/search.py", line 2118, in searchforissue
    foundNZB, prov = search_init(ComicName, IssueNumber, str(IssueYear), SeriesYear, Publisher, IssueDate, StoreDate, actissueid, AlternateSearch, UseFuzzy, ComicVersion, SARC=SARC, IssueArcID=IssueArcID, mode=mode, rsscheck=rsscheck, ComicID=ComicID, filesafe=Comicname_filesafe, allow_packs=allow_packs, oneoff=oneoff, manual=manual, torrentid_32p=TorrentID_32p)
    File "/app/mylar/mylar/search.py", line 336, in search_init
    findit = NZB_SEARCH(ComicName, IssueNumber, ComicYear, SeriesYear, Publisher, IssueDate, StoreDate, searchprov, send_prov_count, IssDateFix, IssueID, UseFuzzy, newznab_host, ComicVersion=ComicVersion, SARC=SARC, IssueArcID=IssueArcID, RSS="no", ComicID=ComicID, issuetitle=issuetitle, unaltered_ComicName=unaltered_ComicName, allow_packs=allow_packs, oneoff=oneoff, cmloopit=cmloopit, manual=manual, torznab_host=torznab_host, torrentid_32p=torrentid_32p)
    File "/app/mylar/mylar/search.py", line 1785, in NZB_SEARCH
    searchresult = searcher(nzbprov, nzbname, mylar.COMICINFO, links, IssueID, ComicID, tmpprov, newznab=newznab_host, torznab=torznab_host, rss=RSS)
    File "/app/mylar/mylar/search.py", line 2627, in searcher
    rcheck = rsscheck.torsend2client(ComicName, IssueNumber, comyear, link, nzbprov, nzbid) #nzbid = hash for usage with public torrents
    File "/app/mylar/mylar/rsscheck.py", line 1083, in torsend2client
    torrent_info = rp.main(filepath=filepath)
    File "/app/mylar/mylar/test.py", line 52, in main
    torrent = self.client.find_torrent(torrent_hash)
    File "/app/mylar/mylar/torrent/clients/rtorrent.py", line 72, in find_torrent
    return self.conn.find_torrent(hash)
    File "/app/mylar/lib/rtorrent/__init__.py", line 323, in find_torrent
    return(rtorrent.common.find_torrent(info_hash, self.get_torrents()))
    File "/app/mylar/lib/rtorrent/__init__.py", line 78, in get_torrents
    *[method.rpc_call + "=" for method in retriever_methods])
    File "/app/mylar/lib/rtorrent/rpc/__init__.py", line 148, in add
    _handle_unavailable_rpc_method(method, self.rt_obj)
    File "/app/mylar/lib/rtorrent/rpc/__init__.py", line 53, in _handle_unavailable_rpc_method
    raise MethodError(msg)
    MethodError: Method isn't available.
    2018-08-11 15:54:10	WARNING	Unable to retrieve information from 32Pages - either it is not responding/is down or something else is happening that is stopping me.
    2018-08-11 15:53:23	ERROR	Could not locate exceptions.csv file. Make sure it is in datadir: /config/mylar

    Opened a github issue: https://github.com/evilhero/mylar/issues/2054

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