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Posts posted by SRB

  1. I was getting upload errors to Nextcloud, consistent with what everyone is reporting here. Unclear if it was the update to MariaDB, Unraid 6.12 or the combination of the both that broke everything. Either way, I was able to fix everything through the following steps.


    1. Update MariaDB to the latest docker version. Check the docker log, and if you see the message @silentbob noted, perform the upgrade.


    On 6/1/2023 at 4:51 AM, silentbob said:

    After rolling back, I can see this in the logs 



    mariadb-upgrade -u root -p<PASSWORD>


    I had to run it twice, not sure if this is the reason the update broke my system.


    2. Restart MariaDB and Nextcloud dockers. Try to upload a document to Nextcloud. In my case all uploads were failing (both through browser and desktop client). My Nextcloud log (which you can check at Administration setting > Logging on your Nextcloud site) was filled with


    Doctrine\DBAL\Exception\DriverException: An exception occurred while executing a query: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1034 Index for table 'oc_filecache' is corrupt; try to repair it


    so I figured I needed to repair the oc_filecache table in my MariaDB nextcloud database.


    3. Stop the Nextcloud docker or put it into maintenance (unsure which is best practice, maybe some from the LS team can chime in)


    docker exec -it nextcloud occ maintenance:mode --on


    4. Access your MariaDB container's console and truncate your oc_filecache table. Be careful, there is no heading back from this. I believe you will lose all file shares and labels (metadata type stuff).


    docker exec -it mariadb bash
    mysql -u root -p<ROOTPASSWORD>
    TRUNCATE TABLE oc_filecache;


    5. Restart your Nextcloud docker or take it out of maintenance mode


    docker exec -it nextcloud occ maintenance:mode --off


    6. Run the occ files:scan command to rebuild your file cahce. This could take a while (especially if you have a big install). The webgui may be unresponsive, just let it run and everything should eventually come back.


    docker exec -it nextcloud occ files:scan --all -vvv
  2. 56 minutes ago, SRB said:

    Hey everyone,


    I noticed this morning that my Nextcloud clients were not connecting (everything was working fine yesterday). I went to the webgui and got this message


    Your data directory is not writable
    Permissions can usually be fixed by giving the webserver write access to the root directory.
    See https://docs.nextcloud.com/server/23/go.php?to=admin-dir_permissions.


    From reading around I need to run a chown command on the nextcloud data directory (/data within the docker, /mnt/user/nextcloud in unraid). I'm just unsure what the command should be.


    Who is the user that should have write permissions? the unraid nobody user? abc user in nextcloud docker? should the command be run from unraid bash or from within the docker?




    Nvm... one of my cached disks had dropped out making all shares that use it unwrittable 🤦‍♂️

  3. Hey everyone,


    I noticed this morning that my Nextcloud clients were not connecting (everything was working fine yesterday). I went to the webgui and got this message


    Your data directory is not writable
    Permissions can usually be fixed by giving the webserver write access to the root directory.
    See https://docs.nextcloud.com/server/23/go.php?to=admin-dir_permissions.


    From reading around I need to run a chown command on the nextcloud data directory (/data within the docker, /mnt/user/nextcloud in unraid). I'm just unsure what the command should be.


    Who is the user that should have write permissions? the unraid nobody user? abc user in nextcloud docker? should the command be run from unraid bash or from within the docker?



  4. Hey everyone,


    Looking for advice on next steps on how to deal with some disk errors I have been fighting with. About a month ago I had one disk report read errors, and so I did the usual pull bad disk, replace with known good disk and rebuild. This was followed by another that did the same, so I pulled it and rebuilt with another known good disk. Everything rebuilt fine and all was good.


    I always do a pre-clear postmortem on bad disks to confirm they are unreliable. However, this time 3 cycles of preclear on each disk reported that these disks were still good. This worried me, as I wondered if the issue could then be with the cabling or HBA. And of course, this issue reared its ugly head again on the same disk slots, even though the disks were new and pre-tested (I always do 3 rounds of preclear before putting a disk into the array). So I swapped the HBA and got new cables. Everything rebuilt fine and I ran a parity check immediately after, which passed with zero errors.


    But I wouldn't be posting here if the issue didn't persist. Today I got read errors again on the same two disks, both at the same time. No data loss (thank goodness for dual parity), but I'm at a loss on next steps for troubleshooting. Attached is the diagnostics zip file with the most recent round of disks errors captured (disks 13 and 14, sds and sdv).


    Any suggestions on what to try next would be greatly appreciated.



  5. Just recently, I am getting errors when trying to connect to certain indexers in Sonarr/Radarr when going through this container's Privoxy.  Some  indexers work, and some don't (I've found that Rarbg and NzbFinder.ws don't). Disabling the proxy in Sonarr/Radarr fixes the issues. Any ideas on what might be causing this? The Sonarr logs just give a generic protocol error


    Unable to connect to indexer: Error: ProtocolError: 'https://nzbfinder.ws/...'


  6. 1 hour ago, binhex said:

    only relevant to PIA, does nothing for all other providers.


    this is to allow you to define additional ports for things like web ui's when using the same network to route additional containers, it has nothing to do with port forwarding.


    Excellent, thanks for the clarification

  7. On 9/11/2020 at 7:55 AM, ibmsynchronous said:

    Thanks for recommending Mullvad.  I'm having some issues getting the port forwarding setup with them.  I got a port from my Mullvad account and I edited the rtorrent.rc to have that port but it's still closed on rutorrent.  Do i need to add that port somewhere in the docker settings?  I'm coming from PIA so i'm a little lost.


    I had the same question as I switched from PIA to Mullvad. I think I have port forwarding setup correctly as I am seeing a big improvement in speeds after I did the following:


    1. Got a port assigned from Mullvad (My Account > Manage ports and WireGuard keys > OpenVPN Forwarded Ports)


    2. Stop and modify DelugeVPN docker container. Everything stayed the same from my PIA configuration, except:

    VPN_user: [Mullvad account #]

    VPN_pass: m

    VPN_PROV: custom

    STRICT_PORT_FORWARD: no (only required for PIA)


    3. Download ovpn file and crt file from Mullvad.  Placed these in the delugeVPN\openvpn appdata folder. Renamed the ovpn file to openvpn.ovpn and make sure it points correctly to the mullvad crt file.


    4. Start container. Check docker container log to make sure VPN connection is established correctly. Once webgui is up and running go to Preference > Network. In Incoming Port, untick Use Random Port (if it was ticked) and in the box put the Mullvad assigned forwarded port. Hit Apply and Ok.


    5. Restart docker, just in case/for fun.


    6. Go to https://www.yougetsignal.com/tools/open-ports/. Enter your VPN server's public IP address (can get it from the container log) and the Mullvad assigned port, the port should come back as open. You can also test by downloading a popular torrent (ubuntu image for example) and seeing what speeds you get. I was getting 30 MB/s after doing all this so I was confident it was working correctly.

  8. Hey everyone,


    Hoping I can get some help with pfSense running as a VM within Unraid. The VM has been freezing causing all network traffic to die, and it all stems from this error in the pfSense syslog


    Nov 18 10:52:47 	kernel 		calcru: runtime went backwards from 2843 usec to 1269 usec for pid 0 (kernel)
    Nov 18 10:52:47 	kernel 		calcru: runtime went backwards from 2831 usec to 1268 usec for pid 0 (kernel)
    Nov 18 10:52:47 	kernel 		calcru: runtime went backwards from 2689 usec to 1200 usec for pid 0 (kernel)
    Nov 18 10:52:47 	kernel 		calcru: runtime went backwards from 2957 usec to 1322 usec for pid 0 (kernel)
    Nov 18 10:52:47 	kernel 		calcru: runtime went backwards from 2739 usec to 1224 usec for pid 0 (kernel)
    Nov 18 10:52:47 	kernel 		calcru: runtime went backwards from 2815 usec to 1257 usec for pid 0 (kernel)
    Nov 18 10:52:47 	kernel 		calcru: runtime went backwards from 3096 usec to 1384 usec for pid 0 (kernel)
    Nov 18 10:52:47 	kernel 		calcru: runtime went backwards from 2867 usec to 1281 usec for pid 0 (kernel) 


    which according to this post on the Netgate forums (https://forum.netgate.com/topic/51494/runtime-went-backwards) is related to a NTP conflict between the hypervisor and pfSense. Does anyone know how I can stop Unraid from setting the VMs time via NTP? Thanks



  9. On 10/21/2019 at 11:41 AM, Technazz said:

    Fair enough! Any Takers?

    I think I may just set up on a Ubuntu KVM for now.






    I struggled with InvoiceNinja as a docker for a while, never got it to work and so decided to run it as an Ubuntu VM. Been running smoothly for over 6 months now and I have no complaints. Followed this guide to get it up and running: https://websiteforstudents.com/install-invoice-ninja-on-ubuntu-16-04-18-04-lts-with-nginx-mariadb-and-php-7-2-fpm/


    Did a little bit of customizing to get it to work with the Linuxserver letsencrypt docker, which I'd be happy to share if anyone is interested.


  10. One issue I've noticed after point unmanic to my entire tv shows library is that the dashboard page becomes unresponsive. Tested on both firefox and chrome. I've queued up several hundred jobs, all of which are trying to be displayed on the dashboard which the browser cannot handle. The conversions continue on just fine and the work around is to check progress on the history page.

  11. 3 hours ago, saarg said:

    There are no updates to the plugin itself when a new build is released. It's announced in the support thread.


    I remember seeing a notification when the 6.7.1 Unraid Nvidia build was released? Maybe I'm misremembering. Either way, I have Unraid update and plugin notifications disable and enabled, respectively, so we'll see if a notification comes through when 6.7.2 Unraid Nvidia is released.

    • Like 1
  12. On 6/26/2019 at 3:20 AM, AgentXXL said:

    Agreed. Especially for users like myself that are new to unRAID. I've learned lots since starting my trial 28 days ago, and migrated to my Pro license 2 days ago. I'm now aware that I need to check if an unRAID NVidia build exists BEFORE upgrading. A simple trap to see if the user is running the NVidia build should be possible, and then advising users to check 1st BEFORE upgrading.


    Doesn't a work around for this already exist? In Settings > Notification Settings, set Unraid update notification to never check. Then make sure the Plugin update notification is set to something other than never check, since I'm assuming the notifications sent by Unraid Nvidia are considered 'plugin notifications', right @CHBMB?

  13. 12 hours ago, Josh.5 said:
    • FFMPEG was causing some errors on certain files.
      • If you have noted any conversion failures in the past, can you please re-test with this version to confirm if it is now resolved or not.

    After the update, I am still getting the same ffmpeg convert error on certain files. Let me know if there are any debugging steps/logs I can provide that can help.



  14. Just in general DON'T use /mnt/Cache or /mnt/Disks use /mnt/user or /mnt/user0 (ignores cache drive) saves any callossal fuckups with shares spread over disks and it's better practice.
    What Boniel said. /mnt/disks is from UD, I'm using it to mount my TV share on my main Unraid box through NFS.

    I've wavered back and forth between using /mnt/cache and /mnt/user for my appdata folder since I usually always have it set to cache only. But that one time I switched it to use the array and didn't clean up the references to /mnt/cache, oh man the headaches...
  15. 15 hours ago, CHINCB said:

    I am trying to install this docker and after finding in in common apps I get a completely empty docker page with none of the predefined variables, how can i get the correct docker to install?


    The template hasn't been setup right, so you have to map the variables, paths and port yourself. The following (adjusted to your specific setup) should get you started



  16. I'm getting errors with some of my video files. I haven't been able to pin down what exactly is causing the issue, since I can't gain any useful insight from the logs, but its fairly pervasive across my video collection (for a given TV show, maybe one third of episodes error out). I thought maybe it was a permissions issue, so I isolated a few files that were giving me errors and modified their permissions, but this didn't solve the issue. I thought maybe the files were corrupt or something, but I can successfully process them in say a Handbrake docker.


    Here is an example error I get.


    User uid: 99
    User gid: 100
    **** [base-ubuntu] (hosts_config) Updating hosts file ****
    [cont-init.d] 10-adduser: exited 0.
    [cont-init.d] 20-config: executing...
    **** (permissions_config) Settings permissions ****
    [cont-init.d] 20-config: exited 0.
    [cont-init.d] done.
    [services.d] starting services
    [services.d] done.
    [I 190610 09:27:48 web:2162] 200 GET /?ajax=pendingTasks&format=html ( 3.51ms
    [I 190610 09:27:48 web:2162] 304 GET /?ajax=workersInfo ( 1.02ms
    [I 190610 09:27:48 web:2162] 304 GET /?ajax=historicalTasks&format=html ( 28.46ms
    [I 190610 09:27:50 web:2162] 200 GET /?ajax=pendingTasks&format=html ( 2.89ms
    [I 190610 09:27:50 web:2162] 304 GET /?ajax=historicalTasks&format=html ( 27.36ms
    [I 190610 09:27:50 web:2162] 200 GET /?ajax=workersInfo ( 0.58ms
    2019-06-10T09:27:53:ERROR:Unmanic.Worker-1 - [FORMATTED] - Exception in processing job with Worker-1: - ['ffmpeg', '-y', '-i', "/library/America's Got Talent - S13E01 - Auditions 1.mkv", '-hide_banner', '-loglevel', 'info', '-strict', '-2', '-map', '0:0', '-map', '0:1', '-map', ' 0:1', '-map', '0:2', '-c:v', 'libx265', '-c:a:0', 'copy', '-c:a:1', 'aac', '-b:a:1', '256k', '-ac', '2', '-metadata:s:a:1', "title='Stereo'", '-c:s:1', 'copy', '-y', "/tmp/unmanic/file_conversion-1560173267.6531262/America's Got Talent - S13E01 - Auditions 1-1560173267.653139.mp4"]
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "/app/lib/worker.py", line 134, in run
    File "/app/lib/worker.py", line 119, in process_task_queue_item
    self.current_task.success = self.process_item()
    File "/app/lib/worker.py", line 103, in process_item
    File "/app/lib/ffmpeg.py", line 509, in convert_file_and_fetch_progress
    raise FFMPEGHandleConversionError(command)
    lib.ffmpeg.FFMPEGHandleConversionError: ['ffmpeg', '-y', '-i', "/library/America's Got Talent - S13E01 - Auditions 1.mkv", '-hide_banner', '-loglevel', 'info', '-strict', '-2', '-map', '0:0', '-map', '0:1', '-map', ' 0:1', '-map', '0:2', '-c:v', 'libx265', '-c:a:0', 'copy', '-c:a:1', 'aac', '-b:a:1', '256k', '-ac', '2', '-metadata:s:a:1', "title='Stereo'", '-c:s:1', 'copy', '-y', "/tmp/unmanic/file_conversion-1560173267.6531262/America's Got Talent - S13E01 - Auditions 1-1560173267.653139.mp4"]


  17. I have been experiencing stability issues since upgrading to 6.7.0, as on 6.6.7 my system had been entirely stable (up for a few months straight). Note that I am using the Unraid Nvidia build provided by LinuxServer. I first noticed my issue when I had a kernel panic crash a few hours after upgrading from 6.6.7 to 6.7.0, below is a screenshot of the crash.




    This happened unexpectedly so I wasn't able to get any diagnostics or logs. After this happened, I rebooted, enabled syslog mirroring (nice new feature) and waited for another crash, so I could provide complete information when posting here. To my surprise my system didn't crash for about week, but today it did. The syslog during that crash is attached, which happened at May 20 07:51:07 and to my eye there isn't anything particularly revealing in the syslog. I wasn't able to get a screenshot because the machine rebooted. I've also attached a diagnostics zip (post crash) for information on my setup/configuration.


    Thank you for the help. Cheers


    syslog_crash at May 20 075107.txt tower-diagnostics-20190520-1208_post crash.zip

  18. On 5/6/2019 at 9:05 PM, gacpac said:

    For the warning relating the reverse proxy. 


    I was missing this line in the config.php for nextcloud


     'trusted_proxies' => ['letsencrypt'], 


    I took this from the template from let's encrypt

    Thanks Gacpac, I was getting the same warning and this fixed it.

  19. A while ago (unRAID 6.3 days) I was trying to get my server configured to connect to an enterprise proxy for http traffic. Through discussions with LimeTech support, I was advised to add the following to my go config file


    http_proxy=http://proxyserver:port /usr/local/sbin/emhttp &


    which is also advised in this thread:


    Back then it didn't end up working and I was told to wait for the release of unRAID 6.4 since the front-end http server was being changed to nginx. So now that some time has passed I'd figure I'd give it another go, but alas I am still not able to get it working. What's more, I know this is a configuration issue within unRAID because if I create a Win10 VM within unRAID, I can get traffic through the proxy within Windows. Any suggestions on how I can get this working within unRAID? Thanks.

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