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Everything posted by ich777

  1. 1. Delete the docker. 2. Go to your appdata folder and delete the corresponding 'minecraft' folder.
  2. No problem here, Screenshot of first start: Screenshot after accepting EULA: Screenshot from Docker page: Please post a screenshot, this error means that the server can't find the java executable. Change you something else? Without more info troubleshooting is really difficult. Did you use a Mac and copied something to the server directory from a zip file or somithing like that?
  3. This would be possible but i don't add it for security reasons. If you run anything inside the docker as root you can get easily acces to the host files and and more. This is because root inside the docker runs as the same UID as the host machine.
  4. This is a fully windows written game without linux in mind, i did already a test on linux with wine but there is too much overhead and the gameplay is sub acceptable. Please give me a little bit more info? I think the docker couldn't download the runtime or can't find it... What did you change? Did you try and restart the container allready?
  5. There is already such a variable it's named 'Extra Game Parameters'.
  6. Go into the template and enable the 'Advanced View' and delete '--restart unless-stopped' at the 'Extra Parameters' at the top so the docjer will not longer restart if there is an error or it is stopped externally. You can also change it to '--restart on-failure' but i'm not sure if it does restart if there is a failure and if it stops if you stop it through RCON but it's worth a try...
  7. No problem here: Wich filesystem do you use for the cache and the array drives?
  8. Thank you for the info, i will look into this after the weekend and contact the dev's if i can host a copy of the latest version on my github. Or can you do me a favour if you've got discord (please contact me per PM)? Will look into that after the weekend (but this should not have happened since the map is locatedin the rust folder). I need a little bit more information to test it on my server, wich version are you using (latest, stabel,...) have you installed a cache drive in your unraid server, where is you factorio folder located on the array or the cache?
  9. Can you provide a little bit more information, eventually a screenshot of the docker configuration page? Have you changed anything (port number,...)
  10. ColonySurvival Docker is now done, should be available in a few hours.
  11. Nice, good to know that it now works. Thank you. Please try also to download the modpack feom your provided link and unzip it to the serverdirectory from a windows machine.
  12. This was ment to be done later but that's no problem, can you even try to extract the files with something other than the standard zip app in osx or maybe osx i don't know since i only hava a pc? Eventually something messes something up... I also uploaded my latest log: latest.log Also i've uploaded my whole RAD folder try to delete everything inside your gamefolder (stop the docker first) and extract my archive (it's a rar archive) *Click*.
  13. Yep... Colony Survival should be no problem (i will contact you if i finished the server, i need someone to test if everything is working) Empyrion was discused earlier in this thread. I've tried it but you must run it with WINE and there is much overhead, the dev's postet on the forum that a nativ linux server is planned but will come not out until 2020.
  14. Can you please post a few pictures from your docker template screen and also from ypur server directory. I have no problem with this modpack and didn't understand why it doesn't run on your unraid server.
  15. Download it from the link that i've provided and extract it to the server directory (be sure that you've once started the docker and do it's thing, than there will be the error that something went wrong, stop the docker, delete the server.jar in the docker, extract the downloaded serverfiles to the server directory and start the docker - please be sure that you edited the settings on the dockerpage right!)
  16. Yeah then you've don't edited the serverfilename like i mentioned above (it must be the named like the forge jar). But you've also got the forge jar in the folder? Are you sure you've downloaded the server and not the client version? Please try to download the version that i've linked above. Do everything step by step then it should work just fine.
  17. I will look into this in a few hours. @henkim21 For me the server works just fine, here is my configuration from the docker, have you also put in the Extra Game Parameters? What i've done: Install the docker and change the serverfilename to: 'forge-1.12.2-' (configure the ports to your needs and set Accept EULA to 'true') After the docker installed the runtime and displays a error in the log stop the docker Delete the minecraft.jar that the server downloaded. Download and install your modpack: Link Edit the docker again and fill Extra Game Parameters with: '-xx:PermSize=256m' change the XMS and XMX Size to '2048' and '4096' and click on 'Apply' (everything without quotes). Open the logs and wait for it to say something about the EULA and that you should restart the docker again. Restart the Docker ...and Boooom there you go... it works (in my case) Try these stepps and report back.
  18. No nothing special, the runtime will be downloaded if the folder is not found. You only have to configure everything right in tge docker template, serverfilename...
  19. Then something with the modpack is wrong, can you try if the server is running as expected on a normal pc and not on unraid? Ou can always setup your server on your pc, see if it is running and then copy over the files to your unraid minecraft directory.
  20. Sorry but thats not me who grays out the port numbers, thats a common behavoir. Btw have you read the description of the first udp port? It says that you must delete the port and create a new one (if you do that and start the docker edit the docker again and you will see that the port that you've created is greyed out too). Please read corefully the discription of my dockers that's allready a part of the discription of the ports I can't do anything about this behavoir, thats why i wrote it in the discription of the port. (Btw i wrote this to the discription for the udp ports for all my dockers) In other words, delete my port, create a new one with the right protocoll and the right port numbers and you're good to go.
  21. /mnt/cache/appdata will create a directory on the cache if your appdata is located on the aray (i think that's not in many installations the case) /mnt/user/appdata will take the configured settings and disks on the shares tab for the appdata folder
  22. Very good i think the main problem was that you used firstly the /serverdata/clusterfiles directory since this can and change the dockers behaviour. But i think i don't will add that to my template because that's a modification for the server and i make only vanilla servers, all mods or anything else is up to the user.
  23. No, not in the 'Extra Game Parameters' there must be spaces eg: '-log -automanagemods'. Spaces are not allowed in the 'Game Parameters' These two Variables 'Game Parameters' and 'Extra Game Parameters' are the command line, it's added to the start command of the server. Eventually there was a typo or some other kind of error and the server went to a looping state (if you put a false command in there where the server can't start it will loop forever). My bad, want to say that you should remove the space from the 'Game Parameters' and hopefully this will solve the other problem with the ini file. Then i will change the template (description of the two variables and the required mark). Edit: One question have you changed the cluster directory to /mnt/clusterfiles or anything like that or did you leave it where it was /serverdata/clusterfiles
  24. If this is necessary keep me updated this is a thing that i could easily change (i've only taken a quick look at the wiki page...). I've also noticed that you make spaces in your game parameters (the description say's seperated with ?, but i think that's not 100% clear), don't put spaces in there, the game parameters must be like this: '?Port=7781?QueryPort=27015?RCONEnabled=True?RCONPort=27020?bAllowUnlimitedRespecs=true?FastDecayUnsnappedCoreStructures=true?MaxPlayers=10' (from what i've read in the ARK documentation) Please try to correct the game parameters eventually this is the problem... Yep, i will do that but i want to solve all your problems first and then change the docker and the template. Yes because i changed all my templates to not push the old settings back if completely deleted or left blank. Is the problem solved with the servername? Then i will change the discription like two comments above and add a note that if you want the name from the ini file you have to leave that empty.
  25. Please look at this post *click* i think this is more of an ARK error than one from the docker (i know this post is a little bit old but should be recent enough). Like the discription of the Game Parameters say you could always use the it directly in the start parameters. For example: In wich directory did you put your ini file? That's a normal behavoir since it doesn't allow spaces in the startup paramters, i will look into that if it's easily fixable without breaking things for other people who run the docker. Can you also try that for the servername please, eventually it will your servername from the ini file up if you leave it also blank...? Also a lot more investigation is needed why it doesn't pick up your ini file eventually @Jo7410 can help a little bit with that also because i don't personaly run an ARK server and i'm not 100% familiar with it? And thank you appreciate that. Edit: I think it will be better you change your clusterfiles directory to /serverdata/serverfiles/clusterfiles or a completely different directory that is actually not in use like /mnt/clusterfiles
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