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Posts posted by czarci

  1. Hi,

    Yesterday I tried to install machina box and before that I created a new cache pool from my unassigned nvme. Today when I tried to boot it, it's stuck on this screen. It does work in safe-mode, I removed everything related to VM and also that new cache pool, unfortunately it didn't help.

    Diagnostics attached. I would really apprieciate help and I am glad to buy a coffee!




  2. 34 minutes ago, SpaceInvaderOne said:

    If you want to delete the vm and it moans about not being able to remove the nvram please do the following

    1.  In unraid vm manager click to edit the vm 

    2. scroll to bottom and click update.  (dont run helper script afterwards)

    3. now you can delete the vm from in unraid vm manager



    unfortunately it's stuck on "Updating..." I waited like 5-10 minutes, then if I try to remove it, it's the same. Funny enough if I go to Tools -> Docker Safe New Perms, the VM disappeared? and then I just removed the file on cache...

  3. Following the guide, unfortunately I got an error and there is almost nothing on the google to try to overcome this... any ideas?




    I will try the tape trick now -> no change with the tape


    I will try with it on another motherboard -> I got different error, couldn't Initialze PAL -> I was able to succesfully flash it in UEFI mode



    What a ride, all drives are visible now :) I hope this topic will help someone in the future as well


    edit 4:

    I went to Tools -> New Config -> Selected Preserve "all" and following "Trust the Parity Drive" selected "Parity is already valid" and finally I see all greens :) thank you for your help @JorgeB



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  4. Thanks for clearing that out!


    Okay, so it worked perfectly in this mode with ASRock B365M Pro4 and G5400 for a year.

    What is bizzare I remember watching this tutorial a year ago and I thought I followed it... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYYzfAaDLTs


    Now if I flash it to IT mode, I will have to do new config anyway right, but it should allow this missing 8TB disk to be seen again?

    2nd option would be to keep it the way it is, create new config and utilise last 8th cable from the controller for a future disk?

  5. Hi!

    I decided to upgrade my intel G5400 to new 10700k and Gigabyte Vision D setup and move compltely to VMs. I have been running my server for over a year now without any issues. After the upgrade I had to use 6.9.0-rc1 in order to recognize new NIC on my card (it was invisible for 6.8.3 version). I have a problem with one disk (normal WD Red 8TB, not shucked).


    I have 9 drives in my array:

    1 via SATA (Parity)

    8 via Dell H310 (as I remember I flashed it before making my setup, don't remember which version probably newest)


    All working well, but one Disk - normal WD Red 8TB, not shucked. Unfortunately for whatever reason now it's missing when connected via DELL H310 (and I tested all the cables) and it's only visible via SATA, but then it changed the name as you can see on attached screen.


    What would be the best solution to this? Also I am super curious why the disk decided to not work with te H310 anymore...?




  6. Problem: I can't access my unRaid web interface (usual address doesn't work)

    What happened: Today I moved my Win10 VM from cache SSDs to unassigned NVMe device, I struggled a little bit, but then I used spaceinvaders video and finished with a success (it started booting from his Clover img) - what is weird for me, is that I see all of my array disks inside "Disk Management" tool in Win10 + I see unRaid USB stick as D: in "My Computer"


    I am super happy that my VM works from unassigned device and is booting well, but... I have no idea how to access unRaid now :|. I couldn't find similar case in this forum, therefore I created new topic - any ideas what to do now?


  7. Your ping time is actually faster than mine.  Only suggestion is to turn off / reset everything.  Switches, routers, modems, etc and see what happens.


    Somehow my problem with the lag (when entering Apps section) disappeared o.O. I think it was a problem with my router.


    Thanks !

  8. Set your bios back how it was so that unraid boots.  Go to the apps tab. Wait for it to complete the download then go to tools, diagnostics and post the resulting zip file


    Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk




    Ok, done.


    PS. is it normal that on my cache ssd, the docker.img file is 21.5GB? (please remember it's brand new array).

    Nothing looks amiss.  Only thing I can suggest is to set the DNS addresses to and and the default gateway to your routers IP


    What is the output of

    ping -c3 tools.linuxserver.io


    I have changed my router DNS settings to and, as well as added the default gateway as and changed DNS on unRAID box as well and still same problem :|.


    Here is the output:

  9. I have a question if Unassigned Devices plugin can help me.

    I have two hard drives: 3TB HDD (with data on it) and 4TB HDD (brand new, empty disk). When creating my array for the very first time, I picked from the dropdown list both of them. Next I noticed I have to format them in order to use them in array, so it was a no-go... so I then went to Tools and started brand new config.

    I was able to create new array with just 4TB, formatted it and was able to work with it. My question now, how can I access my 3TB disk with data so I can copy everything to 4TB disk and then format 3TB disk and copy some of it back.


    I just removed my 3TB disk and placed it to my other PC, but unfortunately in Win10 I can't see it in My Computer (I can see it in a place where you manage disks, but can't do anything). Will I be able to still access my data somehow? I didn't format 3TB disk in unRAID.


    After installing the Unassigned devices plugin I can see my 3TB disk on the list, but there is no 'Mount' option beside it :<

  10. Guys, I am new to unRAID but decided to jump in and bought the basic license.


    Quick question, is it normal when I enter the Apps section after installing the plugin, to see the Content update list loading for 2-3 minutes and the presenting data? I have 300mbps internet, brand new pendrive to boot unRAID from, 5820k cpu and SSD cache installed.


    Watching Spaceinvader One I can tell it shouldn't take so much time and additionally it seems that the server during that time is unresponsive.


    Thank yoU!

    Nope.  Its roughly 140K compressed download (uncompressed about 1 meg)


    Only "normal" reason for it to take that long is if you hit Legacy Mode.


    What happens if you hit this url directly  http://tools.linuxserver.io/unraid-docker-templates.json


    Another possibility is you have issues on your cache drive, in which case diagnostics would be in order.


    Legacy Mode as in BIOS? (sorry if that sounds like a dumb question, should I change it to UEFI only?)


    EDIT: After changing to UEFI only in BIOS I cannot boot from pendrive. Pendrive shows up in boot manager, but after selecting it, it just skips it.


    When I hit the URL directly (on other PC, from which I use browser to do stuff on my unRAID machine) I get the json file in a split second.


    I run the SMART tests of my SSD cache, Completed without errors.


  11. Guys, I am new to unRAID but decided to jump in and bought the basic license.


    Quick question, is it normal when I enter the Apps section after installing the plugin, to see the Content update list loading for 2-3 minutes and the presenting data? I have 300mbps internet, brand new pendrive to boot unRAID from, 5820k cpu and SSD cache installed.


    Watching Spaceinvader One I can tell it shouldn't take so much time and additionally it seems that the server during that time is unresponsive.


    Thank yoU!

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