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  1. The downgrade and the transcode works great, again!!! Thanks
  2. please post the link i dont see your signature or find this faq in your profile. Sorry and thanks for your work
  3. i have issues with version with the web Client. All Browser says "convert failed..." with the version before all works great! I need instruction to downgrade the version Thank you
  4. i post new screens in my thread: https://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=54762.msg523687#msg523687 I hope someone can help me
  5. it´s a onboard card. The WebGui, telnet and ssh is unreachable, too.
  6. i try this in the first tests. I think the problem is the wake up i have no picture on the monitor (he´s say no signal) and ssh, telnet no connection, only the ping works.
  7. What version of unRAID are you running? Maybe try v6.3.0rc and see if this improves your situation. is a fresh installation with 6.2.4. i see the 6.3.0rc is a prerelease. Is in v6.3 many bugs? EDIT: i try v6.3 and no solution for the wake up problem
  8. Hi, i have problems with the S3 sleep Plugin. After wake up is the system unreachable. Link to the Thread: https://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=54762.0
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