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Everything posted by chadjj

  1. Joining the list of people affected. Updated my BIOS and it broke my Windows 10 gaming VM passing through GTX 1660ti. I am using Asus X370-Pro with Ryzen 7 1700, BIOS v4801, Release date 04/25/2019. Running unRAID, version 6.7.1-rc1. Downgraded to BIOS 4207 and everything is working again.
  2. Hey Everyone, A quick status update on my setup. Since I have updated to PRIME X370-PRO BIOS 0604 with Global C-State disabled I have seen positive results. Current up-time is 17hrs, 10mins which is the longest stretch I have seen. If all continues to go well it seems as though AMD AGESA microcode update and Disabling Global C-State have resolved my unRAID hanging issues. Once I have had some considerable up-time I will try to re-enable Global C-State and evaluate that result. Hope everyone else is seeing similar success. -Chad
  3. Hi Bill, I have a very similar setup however haven't made it past 8 hrs of up time. I have global C-State disabled no over clocking straight stock and system hangs. Also on unRAID 6.3.3. ASUS X370-Pro, Corsair 16GB kit 3000, same one AMD sent out for press release which is a differentiating factor. Ran memtest86 with no errors. I am running several dockers so they may be triggering something different. Plex (official), ruTorrent (binhex-rtorrentvpn), SickRage (binhex-sickrage), CouchPotato (binhex-couchpotato-git), PlexPy (linuxserver) also tried Deluge in the past but not on Ryzen. If your up time is solid may be docker related. This would be a new issue based on past results from everyone. I am looking forward to AGESA this week and will report back results then. -Chad
  4. Excellent. Hopefully I see positive results once my microcode update hits this week. Chad
  5. Just checked the ASUS site and no update on my board yet. Looks like ASRock is ahead of the game. 100 hours of uptime is very positive. Are you planning on adding 1 docker at a time? Chad
  6. Hi Paul, With AGESA being addressed it's at least one less variable to factor. Agreed it may take MB manufacturers a while to get their releases out but by the way the article reads AMD has already provided the code and boards should have an April 11 BIOS update. We will see... Possibly updating unRAIDs Linux Kernel to 4.10.8 or 4.11rc5 would be an interesting test for the LimeTech team. Challenge is their NAS stability philosophy, which makes sense to be on the most reliable release. Experimental or early releases are not really an area of focus but could resolve our Ryzen issues. Prioritizing resources on Ryzen may not be a high priority as well seeing that AMD is in the minority of market share. A post was made earlier about having 2 streams but that would be difficult to manage. Quick link to Linux Kernels https://www.kernel.org/ Chad
  7. Hey Paul, I did some digging today on when we can expect our AGESA CPU update for our boards and that should come around April 11th. I found an article today discussing it. It's in Spanish but Google translate works fine. Earlier you indicated things being related to C-State but this is one more potential issue being resolved. Fingers crossed. https://translate.google.ca/translate?hl=en&sl=es&u=http://www.hd-tecnologia.com/confirmada-nueva-bios-con-agesa-1004-para-los-ryzen-5-ryzen-7-aun-no-tienen-esta-actualizacion/&prev=search Chad
  8. Hi Jim2003, How is your up time a couple days later? Chad
  9. Hey Paul, I was away from the house but at some point server became non responsive again. C-State was disabled, new ASUS Prime x370-PRO BIOS 0515 installed. I checked the console and it was responsive. You could type but nothing happened when you did. Checked the logs nothing was captured. So in my instance disabling C-State did not result in increased up time. unRAID became unresponsive in under 3 hrs. Chad
  10. Hi Paul, I completed the update with 6.3.3 yesterday on my old Intel machine and as usual no issues so far. You are correct that 4.9.19 doesn't seem to have any Ryzen related updates. I will move my drives back into my Ryzen system make the C-State change and will keep you posted if I run into any crashes. I looked to see if there were any other settings related to sleep on my board and didn't notice anything. There is also a BIOS update that came out yesterday so hopefully that cleaned some things up. I'll keep you posted. Thanks, Chad
  11. Hi Paul, Hows your up time now that your no longer testing? Thanks, Chad
  12. Asus released a new BIOS for my Prime x370-Pro so they may have for your board as well. Chad
  13. Hey Guys, I found some good news posted today at the following link. We can look forward to a BIOS update for our motherboard to address the AMD CPU freezing issues early April. https://www.bit-tech.net/news/hardware/2017/03/31/amd-agesa-update-april/1 Chad
  14. Hi Paul, Correct, I am no longer running any VM's in the background and have had the system lock up twice since my last post. Both times frozen at the boot console. With no logs to report. Thanks, Chad
  15. Hi Paul, It took several attempts to get a Win 10 VM working a few days ago. I was actually compiling screenshots to share in the forums on how it would hang at the UEFI and wouldn't load the .iso. I had past Windows 10 .iso's at different dates in time and then pulled down a brand new one from Microsoft and that one worked. I don't know what was different from the other 2? Maybe they were corrupt over time not sure. So yes, I have had Windows 10 working but in trying to diagnose I started paring back all services running on unRAID. Troubleshooting with the fewest services running in the background 1 at a time to pinpoint the cause. Like many of us coming up with few answers. Uptime 12hrs, 55mins. I have not changed anything in the environment since the last lock up but yet to hit 24hrs. Last lockup was at 5:55am so if it happens again at that time I will dig into what happened within that window. PS - To clarify my communication with the LimeTech team, they asked me what RAM I was using as they were using Gskill and had similar issues and were considering RMA'ing the RAM thinking it could be defective. I am making the assumption that it's unlikely we are having similar issues with different RAM and both coincidentally bad so theirs is likely ok as I'm not showing any memtest errors. I would find it very strange that all members of the unRAID community are reporting bad memory. Thanks, Chad
  16. Hi Bill, I had the same issue and removed the Dynamix System Temp. I was getting an error on boot and needed to load safe mode and remove the plug in. It resolved that issue but then ran into the system locking up requiring hard reboot. Hopefully they update the monitor with the newer chipsets. Thanks, Chad
  17. Hi Paul, Yes, their are a fair number of differences between our motherboards and a lot of common chipsets, LAN etc. I have run memtest86 and did hear back from limetech support and they are having the same issues and thought it may have been a memory problem and were considering an RMA. They have gSkill and I have Corsair so the assumption is that we had similar RAM with similar issues. With RAM as a differentiator and my RAM reporting 100% ok it is unlikely we both have bad RAM. My kit is brand new for this build as well. This is a great article that compares all AM4 boards by manufacturer. I settled on ASUS due to the 8 SATA ports without gong to a top of the line x370 from Asrock, Asus, Gigabyte. http://wccftech.com/amd-ryzen-am4-motherboard-round-up-msi-gigabyte-asrock-asus-x370/ The challenge is that there are multiple variables. CPU requiring an update from MB BIOS. unRAID updating their Linux kernel and or the kernel being updated with better Ryzen compatibility. In time I plan to test within Windows and Linux just need to find the time. As of right now I have been up for 6hrs 53mins. We will see how long that lasts. Thanks, Chad
  18. Hi Bill, I am on a recent release post this article date 0511 and still locking up. Chad
  19. Hi Paul, Earlier you asked if anyone else is having freezing. I have Ryzen 1700 and Asus x370-pro. Randomly everything comes to a halt and completely unresponsive requiring a hard reboot. I am also not getting a proper log report. I check the logs and the only data I have is from current boot. I recently updated the BIOS to see if that would help and same problem persists. I was on 0504 and now 0511.--update noticed the digital trends article and latest BIOS from ASUS didn't seem to resolve my freezing issues. 0511 is latest as of 2017/03/23 From a hardware stand point I have tried to strip back all components removing all cache drives etc. Trying to determine if their was a specific component that was causing issues. I have not gone down your path with a clean install with a stock config and single drive. But running Win 10 and linux distro on bare metal was next so you have saved me some time. I am to the point where I think there is a incompatibility issue somewhere with unRAID specifically. Model: Custom M/B: ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC. - PRIME X370-PRO CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 1700 Eight-Core @ 3000 HVM: Enabled IOMMU: Enabled Cache: 768 kB, 4096 kB, 16384 kB Memory: 16 GB (max. installable capacity 16 GB) Network: bond0: fault-tolerance (active-backup), mtu 1500 eth0: 1000 Mb/s, full duplex, mtu 1500 Kernel: Linux 4.9.10-unRAID x86_64 I submitted my logs to limetime feedback this morning. Chad
  20. VNC. The plan is to get that working before attempting any IOMMU pass through. I believe I have everything going now. I re downloaded the image from MS and this time it's working. Who knows. Corrupt image possibly?
  21. Did you do anything special to get your Windows 10 VM running. I finally got my ASUS Prime x370 Pro yesterday and everything seems to be running ok except VM's stop at the shell. Thoughts anyone?
  22. Thanks Jon, I wasn't sure if "[8086:24fb] 05:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation Device 24fb (rev 10)" was the Intel wifi adapter.
  23. Hi Jon, Were you able to pass-through the wifi-bluetooth m.2 adapter? I am thinking of implementing a desktop gaming PC + NAS combo as you suggested at the end of your article. This would allow me to use an xbox one controller via bluetooth. Thank you, Chad
  24. Here's a nice review. http://www.anandtech.com/show/11183/amd-prepares-32-core-naples-cpus-for-1p-and-2p-servers-coming-in-q2
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