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  1. solved it - you put me on the right track. many many thanks i figured out how to create a group called foundry, and specified a gid of 421, and added myself to it. if anyone else suffers the same probelem, i used: groupadd -g -421 foundry usermod -a -G foundry <myusername> I don't think i'll ever become a linux admin at this rate! Thanks again Nox
  2. sorry to be a pain, i haven't got a foundry group on my system. An ls -l lists the following: drwxrwxrw- 1 421 421 8 Aug 20 06:18 FoundryVTT/ my usersname isn't 421. i figured it might be the UID, but don't have an account linked to that either. I'm not overly great with Linux, so am probably being a bit of a plum... is there an easy fix?
  3. absolutely bang on with that - i have put it back into my user folder, but i can't see the files with my account. but i can with root. now i just need to figure out how to make is so i can see them without breaking Foundry.... Thanks for the help so far
  4. I have my 'Game Data Path:' set to "/mnt/user/appdata/FoundryVTT/" (without the quotes) but when I browse to that share in windows I don't see the files. Do I need to specify server name or something?
  5. hi, what is the easiest way to backup my world?
  6. Just looking at similar, but the thunderbolt 1u racks are so expensive. That datoptic one but with thunderbolt 2 was around half the price :( Wondering if something like QNAP TR-004U would work with new USB, but reviews are only for the older model showing it slower that it should be. :( Whatever goes in needs to be 'short' and I only have 1u space.
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