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Posts posted by mattmill

  1. On 3/6/2023 at 7:17 AM, mattmill said:

    Does anyone know if port forwarding to rTorrent works when using VPN to Docker? Setup a WG connection to Mullvad with a port forward configured. However in ruTorrent the port is shown as closed. I have done a port mapping in the containers config but it seems unable to pass through the port.





    Has anyone managed to successfully port forward using Unriads built in vpn manager?

  2. 58 minutes ago, mattmill said:

    Thanks for this, this was something I didn't do. However after doing this the docker service is still reported as down in Zabbix.

    Got it working now. 

    For anyone who stumbles upon this I had to install nano (my prefered editor)

    apk add nano

    Then run to open the groups

    nano /etc/group

    I then manually added to the group file. Your GID (281 below) may differ on your host machine.


    Save and reboot docker container and it now works


    Just note that your GID may differ from the one above (281). To find your docker group ID run the below on your host machine

    getent group docker | awk -F: '{printf "Group %s with GID=%d\n", $1, $3}'


    Thanks for the pointers @VRx

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  3. 1 hour ago, VRx said:

    You can do this by logging in as root:

    docker exec -it --user=root zabbix-agent2 /bin/bash

    Next, edit group file (/etc/group) in vim or sed. If You not familiar with vim, sed will be easier:

    sed -i "s/docker:x:281:/docker:x:281:zabbix/g" /etc/group


    Next, type "exit" to exit container shell, then You can restart container from Unraid GUI


    BTW: Some trick could be used for things that not working from zabbix container, by setting up cron in User Scripts Plugin, this cron could monitor something, and write to file, which could be read by zabbix-agent, for example:
    my script read parameters from ups tools, writing output to file on cache pool, zabbix-agent read this file and parse output to different items in zabbix.

    Thanks for this, this was something I didn't do. However after doing this the docker service is still reported as down in Zabbix.

  4. Just now, rmeaux said:

    Not sure what OS's you are on but I've done this with two unRaid boxes. I mounted my media shares in the unassigned devices plugin on the unmanic box and let it rip. My main server stayed cool and I let the unmanic server scream with heat. 



    Unmanic server is running Ubuntu. It's a rented dedicated server so like you, I am not punishing my main server.

  5. @Josh.5 I’m trying to do something a little more advanced with unmanic. I am running unmanic in a docker container on a server which is separate from my media server.

    However when I mount my media server share via SSHFS onto the unmanic server, unmanic won’t pick up any of the files? 

    I can transfer the files manually via SFTP and it works but that will take ages. Any ideas why unmanic won’t detect files when using SSHFS?

  6. On 12/8/2019 at 3:44 PM, WexfordStyle said:

    Did you find a solution for this? I just updated the container yesterday and now all my sites are down with this error.


    EDIT: I eliminated this error by commenting out the ssl on; because apparently its not needed with the listen 443 ssl http2;

    However, in doing this, I now have a new error:


    nginx: [emerg] the size 52428800 of shared memory zone "SSL" conflicts with already declared size 10485760 in /config/nginx/ssl.conf:3


    I am not finding much on google, any advice is appreciated!


    Also having this exact problem after doing my weekly updates on Sunday. Can't seem to find a solution though?

  7. 47 minutes ago, binhex said:


    it looks like the ovpn file is referencing some up/down scripts, which dont exist and aren't needed, please edit the ovpn file and remove the two lines:-


    up /etc/openvpn/update-resolv-conf
    down /etc/openvpn/update-resolv-conf

    then save and restart the container, if its still causing an issue then repeat the log with debug on and post.

    I have removed those 2 lines but im still having the issue.


  8. Ever since I've had my unRaid server one niggle has been bothering me, some of my shares seem to have more space than others and I can't work out why? Ignore the share with 62.9GB as thats a share on a SSD, but some shares have 8.48TB available and some have 8.55TB. Does anyne know why this could be?



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