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Noah Tatum

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Posts posted by Noah Tatum

  1. Looking for some advice on the best strategy for my server cache. Today, I have a cache pool which is 2x 512GB and 1x 1TB SSDs in btrfs. It's not awesome because I have my container appdata on the cache as well as some VMs. Any time I download anything to the cache, it quickly fills up faster than the mover can keep up.


    SO, I want to increase my cache pool. My thought is to buy 2 more 1TB SSDs and replace the 2x 512GB SSDs in the pool. Would it be possible to then use one or more of the 512GB SSDs for a download-only cache? I wouldn't mind striping them together if possible because it would JUST be more temporary data. From what I read, you can't have more than one cache pool in unRAID, but even if there was some way to pass the drive into a container, that would work for my purposes.

  2. On 10/22/2020 at 7:47 PM, _rogue said:

    Hey binhex, I think I am having a similar issue to dnLL. I am using PIA and I have switched to the new network already as part of my troubleshooting.


    For the longest time I always had all my dockers on one independent VLAN so qbittorrentvpn has IP and my unRAID host would be on another VLAN with IP Since a few days ago I can no longer access qbittorrent from my other containers on the VLAN (sonarr, radarr, reverse proxy). I can access it from my other subnets without issue. Like dnLL if I turn off the VPN I can access qbittorrent without issue from the VLAN. 


    Looking at pfsense I am getting an entry like this ( is my reverse proxy):


    Google-fu tells me that TCP:SA is related to asymmetric routing but trying to configure the floating rules does nothing to help. This kinda makes sense because my reverse proxy would be accessing qbittorrent over the "switch" within unraid/docker but for some reason qbittorrent is sending its reply to the default gateway. Does not explain why this issue only started since the 4.3.0 update but even if I downgrade it does not work again. I even tried a whole new container and still not working.


    I'm stumped. Is this the same/similar issue as dnLL?

    @_rogue, sorry to reply to an older comment, but did you ever figure this issue with pfSense out? I have essentially the same setup, but I'm using binhex-sabnzvpn instead of qbittorrent. Completely at a loss, myself.

  3. Looking to upgrade my server which has been having super strange issues that I can only attribute to hardware issues. I’ve been looking for a reason to upgrade for awhile anyway, so here’s what I’m looking at for the CPU/MOBO/RAM (already have a solid PSU/case/drives):

    CPU: Intel Xeon W-1270 ($430 on Newegg)

    MOBO: AsRock Rack W480D4U ($300 on Newegg)

    RAM: Something like Kingston Premier ECC RAM ($100-$150ish)


    It SEEMS like this should work properly, but I’m thinking maybe someone has experience with the CPU and/or MOBO.


    I’m definitely open to other suggestions, as I have an ATX sized case and room to add more stuff. I thought about doing a dual-socket CPU but couldn’t find anything as cheap as this single-CPU setup.


    I’ve got a few requirements that I want to stick to, which is what’s driving the newer hardware rather than used.

    • CPU
      • Intel QuickSync support
      • ECC RAM support
      • At least 8/16 cores (could also do 2x 6/12 CPUs or better)
    • MOBO
      • IPMI via dedicated NIC (i.e. like HP iLO or Dell


    It seems like the only Xeons with QuickSync support are the newest W-12XX or the slightly older E-2XXXG CPUs. Definitely open to used gear too, but even eBay has used stuff at or above MSRP for these CPUs.


    My Plex container is the most important thing on my server, hence the need/want for QuickSync support.

  4. Sorry for a late response on this, but I've been caught up with work stuff.


    For whatever reason, the server was working for a week or so without issue.


    I'm back in troubleshooting mode and now it's doing instant crashes once I start the array again. It doesn't matter if I disable Docker or VMs in settings; it still crashes.


    One time, it wouldn't even boot (said cannot location bootable drive, or something to that effect). I swapped the USB drive to a different slot and it didn't matter.


    At this point, I am leaning towards it being either the USB stick, USB controller, or motherboard, but that's just guessing. Because all of those are hardware, it seems like troubleshooting this may go outside the scope of these forums. At this point, I'm not sure what to do because I enabled the syslogging to USB and there's nothing relevant.

  5. 29 minutes ago, trurl said:

    Put flash in PC, edit config/docker.cfg so docker service won't start, then see if you can start the array and post new diagnostics.


    So I was able to actually just edit the setting in "Settings" for Docker not to start, I started the array, and it still crashed :( Guessing the place it got stuck in the syslog may be a red herring.


    Running an over night memtest+ and I'll see where I'm at tomorrow.

  6. So I've had my Unraid server for over two years now with minimal issues. I've added/removed drives, etc. and haven't had many issues.


    Out of the blue today, my server crashed. It came back up automatically but without my array started (this is how I have it configured).


    I can start the array in maintenance mode but not normal mode. Since it crashes, my syslog gets wiped, but I tail'd it from root and it died in the middle of starting up Docker.


    I'm attaching the sanitized diagnostics which I ran after starting the server but not the array.


    I tried to research this first but got old articles that said to use troubleshooting in the "Fix Common Problems" plug-in, which I have, but it looks like the troubleshooting feature was removed.


  7. I am having some strange speed issues that I can't seem to figure out.


    I have been using this container for about a month now with zero issues up until now. Essentially, my speeds are much, much slower than they should be and I have taken several troubleshooting steps, but to no avail.


    1) I checked my internet speed which is supposed to be 200 mb/s (bits, not bytes) down. However, the best I can get from this container is about 600 KB/s (bytes, not bits). Up until this happened, I would get from 100 mb/s to 180 mb/s which is fine, considering all the traffic is tunneling through the VPN. I ran a speedtest on several devices, including my unRAID box and they got max speed.

    Conclusion: Internet speed is fine


    2) I checked my VPN provider  (UnlimitedVPN) to see if was being throttled. This was challenging, and I never got 100% proof, but I asked support and they said no, and I was able to torrent large files using the same VPN connection. But, I wasn't convinced, so I signed up for 3-day trial of NordVPN. I installed the .ovpn files into the container and it connected, but lo and behold, I still got crappy speed (<1 MB/s). 

    Conclusion: VPN Provider is fine


    3) I checked my Usenet provider (usenetserver.com) to see if I was being throttled. Support assured me they don't throttle anyone for anything, but I tried setting up the linuxserver NABGET (not SABnzbd) container to try out a different setup. To my surprise, I immediately got full speeds nearing my bandwidth capacity (about 24 MB/s).

    Conclusion: Usenet provider is fine


    4) I checked to see what I was downloading wasn't affecting the process. "Certain" downloads from usenet can result in slow speeds, so I tried something I figured shouldn't get slowed for any reason... I tried download Ubuntu 17 and got the same sucky speeds. However, on my new (temporary) NZBGET instance, I got full speed again.

    Conclusion: Files being downloaded are fine


    5) I finally disabled the VPN on my SABnzbdVPN container and *STILL* got the same crappy speeds.

    Conclusion: Something is wrong with the container; either with my configuration or some bug with sab.


    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

  8. I am having an issue with this container where it binds to the wrong interface. It says exactly what it is doing in the logs, but I can't get it to use the eth0 interface's IP instead of the tun0's IP. I am using mtacvlan networking so the container has its own IP address. I pored over this thread, but I can't seem to figure out how to manually change the deluge bound IP. Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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