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Posts posted by Roxedus

  1. Hi everybody,
    Did anyone already try to setup a full local selfhosted bitwarden (without any Let's Encrypt) and make it working with Android ?
    I have bitwarde docker running on my Unraid, reachable on all web browser through https://tower:18443/bitwarden (including Web browsers on my phone) thanks to a self signed certificate with self CA. The only thing I can't have working is the bitwarden Android App which throw me a "Trust anchor for certification path not found" error even though i've imported the CA certificate.
    Here is how I generate my stuff :
    # >>>>> CA Keyopenssl genrsa -des3 -out towerrootCA.key 4096# >>>>> CA Certopenssl req -x509 -new -nodes -key towerrootCA.key -sha256 -extensions v3_ca -config conf.file -days 365 -out towerrootCA.crt# >>>>> Server Keyopenssl genrsa -out tower.key 2048# >>>>> Server csropenssl req -new -sha256 -key tower.key -subj "/C=FR/ST=FR/O=MyNas/CN=tower" -extensions v3_req -out tower.csr# >>>>> Server certopenssl x509 -req -in tower.csr -CA towerrootCA.crt -CAkey towerrootCA.key -CAcreateserial -out tower.crt -extensions v3_req -days 365 -sha256 -extfile conf.file cat tower.crt towerrootCA.crt > finalcertif.crt

    With my config.file :

    [req]distinguished_name = req_distinguished_namex509_extensions = v3_reqprompt = no[req_distinguished_name]C = FRST = FRL = LocalO = MyNasOU = MyNasCN = tower[ v3_ca ]subjectKeyIdentifier=hashauthorityKeyIdentifier=keyid:always,issuerbasicConstraints = critical, CA:TRUE, pathlen:3keyUsage = critical, cRLSign, keyCertSignnsCertType = sslCA, emailCA[v3_req]keyUsage = nonRepudiation, digitalSignature, keyEnciphermentextendedKeyUsage = serverAuthsubjectAltName = u/alt_names[alt_names]DNS.1 = towerDNS.2 = tower.localDNS.3 = tower:18443

    Thank you for help, have a good day,

    If it is anything like the iOS app, if keeps its own chain of certs
  2. I did consider that way when I did my post, and my conclusion is still that it should not be able be reached outside of the lan. I have the port mapped, so I can reach it outside of the reverse proxy, if that's not the case for you, doing a allow/deny is the next best option, outside of just disabling the admin panel in the container.

  3. 2 hours ago, SimplifyAndAddCoffee said:

    1. I get a 502 bad gateway using the subdomain to try and hit the bitwardenrs docker on 8086. 


    Bitwarden_rs runs on port 80 by default, have you changed the app itself to listen to 8086?


    2 hours ago, SimplifyAndAddCoffee said:

    2. I don't want bitwarden exposed to the internet

    There is two ways you can tackle this. But which to choose depends on two things, do you use dns validation with swag, and do you have a internal dns server?
    If the answer to both is yes, you can just set up the local dns to point to swag on your subdomain. If it is no on either of those, you can use allow/deny in nginx to only let the lan subnet connect. 

  4. On 1/17/2021 at 1:15 PM, kim_sv said:

    Can't access web-UI with VPN?



    Been using Speedtest-tracker now for a while and very pleased. Thank you!


    Figured yesterday that I would try to put it behind my VPN to see what speed I actually get. I have all my downloading containers mapped through binhex-qbittorrent-vpn, so I thought I would map a new speedtest-tracker container through qBit also.


    But can't get it to work. I'm fairly noob with this so I have probably just made a turd of everything 😁


    This is how I tried to set it up:

    Mapped :8766 in qBittorrent for speedtest-tracker (named it "speedtest-tracker-vpn" to keep them apart)



    Added "--net=container:binhex-qbittorrentvpn" to 'Extra Parameters' but not sure if it's ok to just add that with a space after "--restart unless-stopped"? Changed 'Network Type' to "None".

    Also choose :8766 as port to not interfere with :8765 that the normal speedtest-tracker use.



    The container starts and seems to run but I can't access the web-UI? Any ideas?


    You cannot change ports when using the --network argument, it behaves similarly to host. you would have to use port 80.

    • Like 1
  5. 7 hours ago, blaine07 said:

    Posting a pic; evidently BW can’t get certain Favicons; is this stuff in life reason for alarm or?




    Im not sure how advanced that feature is, like if it follows the html tag for favicon, or just assumes it lives on /favicon.ico, i have those errors too sometimes, and i havent seen anything bad from it. 

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