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  1. The izzy binary should be in the PV appdata directory. The same directory as the config.json file.
  2. Not sure how to edit my post on Tapatalk... Theres a fix in their Discord channel. GitHub disabled boi123212321's account. Check the #help channel for the new link and fix instructions. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. I'm getting above error, any idea? Looks like boi123212321's GitHub page has been deleted, so the link to download the Izzy database is not working anymore. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Is there a reason the template is locked to 6.23.7 instead of latest? If anyone is trying to run the latest version with this template, it doesn't work by default. You have to update the template by adding another port for 8082.
  5. In that case, I can fork the code and test, but I'd need a copy of your images that are providing errors. Or you can ask the dev for support in the discord.
  6. The error looks like it's unrelated to Elasticsearch. It looks like PornVault is able to connect to Elasticsearch perfectly fine. It's failing to add some images, but the logging is not very helpful at only "info" level. You can enable debug mode by starting the container with the environment variable PV_LOG_LEVEL set to "debug" or 5. That might give more useful debug messages.
  7. You should be seeing something in the logs if there's an error. What does your log file output when starting the container? Is your Elasticsearch server working? Going to the URL in a browser should provide output to verify it's working. Does PornVault come up? Does it crash? What is happening?
  8. If something is not working, look in log entries. Labels are correctly being automatically added for me. I did not test actors. Plugin instructions are right on the GitHub:
  9. You need to check that your custom network for br0 is enabled first. Stop Docker and enable Advanced View in the Settings tab. You should see "IPv4 custom network on interface br0 (optional)". The subnet box should be checked and you should see your LAN subnet here. Enable the option that says "Host access to custom networks" to enable the macvlan. You may also need to ensure bridging is enabled on your NIC in Network Settings and that your connected NICs are members of br0. Re-enable Docker. If you enable macvlan, you do not need to use the custom br0 network. If you use the custom br0 network and want any other containers in bridge to connect to any containers on the br0 network (e.g. a reverse proxy to serve PornVault), you need to enable macvlan. To get PornVault and Elasticsearch talking to each other, either macvlan or br0 need to be used. If you need bridge <--> br0 communication, macvlan must be enabled. Once Docker is back up and running, check your Elasticsearch container and move it to the br0 network if not already there if choosing this method. You need to make sure nothing else on unRAID is listening on ports 9200 and 9300. Move PornVault to the br0 network as well if going that way. When you move the containers to the different networks, you'll want to set some static IPs for them. After that, edit the config.json for PornVault and point the search host to http://<ELASTICSEARCHIP>:9200. If you just enable macvlan and don't want to use the br0 network, change the search host to http://elasticsearch:9200 or whatever the Elasticsearch container name is. Alternatively, you might need to use, which should be default.
  10. Then you must have a setting wrong with your custom br0 network. ElasticSearch would only fail to start if the parameters sent to Docker are bad. Edit the template and click Save. Check the docker command that’s generated by the template and verify that it’s good.
  11. Again. This indicates that you didn’t read my instructions. The containers can not communicate because unRAID disables inter-container traffic by default. Either put them on a custom br0 or enable macvlan. This is the solution that I posted earlier.
  12. You provided no errors, no logs, no context. The assumption is that you may have Elasticsearch installed, but I bet PornVault can’t connect to it.
  13. See my edit on page 1. You need to enable the docker containers to talk to each other with the macvlan option. You may need to also create and use a custom br0 network (maybe not necessary, did not test).
  14. @C4ArtZ Please see the edit in my prior comment. It shows how to fix the issue with PornVault not being able to connect to an Elasticsearch container. You can revert the change to target the latest PornVault version. Reverting to the 0.25.0 version was only a temporary workaround to figure out the root cause. There was no issue with PornVault, it was the communication issue between the containers and the unRAID host due to the macvlan option being dissabled by default. @boi12321 As far as I know, unRAID unfortunately doesn't support officially docker-compose. The two easier options are to either do what I recommended with enabling the macvlan and using a custom br0 network or baking Elasticsearch into the image used in the unRAID template, the latter of which I believe to be bad practice. I'd go with the macvlan option. If someone wants to use docker-compose, there are apparently some ways to work around it, but it's hacky at best.
  15. Looks like some code changes for version 0.26.0 broke the Elasticsearch integration somehow. At least in all cases I tested. To get this running again, do the following: Edit the Docker container Change the repository from leadwolf/porn-vault to leadwolf/porn-vault:0.25.0 or leadwolf/porn-vault:0.25.0-alpine The Alpine build is smaller than the default Debian build and is what I use. Apply and restart the container If you run into issues, check the logs. It may be complaining about the config.json. If that's the case, go into your /mnt/user/appdata/PornVault directory and delete the config.json and config.merged.json files. Restart the container, and it will regenerate the config without losing your data. Edit: I fixed the issue with 0.26.0. Hindsight: I believe allowing the macvlan connections may fix this as well. Stop the Docker service, check the Host access to custom networks, and restart the Docker service. I didn't test this because I have this working with the custom br0 network that I typically use for anything that needs its own IP anyway. This option is needed if you have a reverse proxy running on the bridge network that you want to use to serve PornVault. I put both Elasticsearch and PornVault on a custom br0 network and gave each container a static IP on my normal subnet. For example, and respectively. I edited the config to point to this new IP for the Elasticsearch container, and the issue is resolved. You can remove the tag from the repository and it should start up correctly. You may need to remove and regenerate the config.json. The necessary entry in the JSON is: "search": { "host": "", "log": false, "version": "7.x", "auth": null }