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Everything posted by WebersNET

  1. I should note that everything works except for the dashboard. My dockers and my VM's are all running.
  2. During a workspace relocate, I moved my server like 2-3 meters. The server was ofc shut down using the dashboard, now the server boots, it can be accessed by CLI and the shared drives on my home network, but the dashboard webpage dosn't work anymore. https://imgur.com/QrsU6bc TEXT: Internal Server Error The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request. Please contact the server administrator if this error reappears multiple times, please include the technical details below in your report. More details can be found in the server log.
  3. I recall seeing that it is possible to add "multiple servers", and was wondering how to do this? I would like to run two Valheim servers on my hardware and tried to add another container, i didnt go well, im guessing I f***ed it up on the port mappings and therefore the server deleted the original docker.
  4. Is it somehow possible to list the users created and delete some of them from within the docker? I tried to ssh into the docker, but my noobness prevents me from finguring out how to list the users, so that i can delete the users i dont want.
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