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  1. Thanks this helped me, all working on TS453-pro!
  2. Any info on using the homepage widget Synthing Relay Server alongside this container? Docs for homepage don't explain much and reference a port I am not familiar with widget: type: strelaysrv url: http://syncthing.host.or.ip:22070 Looks like we need to set up another container for this specifically, docker compose below from here services: strelaysrv: image: syncthing/relaysrv:latest network_mode: "host" entrypoint: ["/bin/entrypoint.sh", "/bin/strelaysrv", "-listen=", "-ext-address=syncthing.librelabucm.org:22067", "-status-srv=syncthing.librelabucm.org:22070"] volumes: - ./volumes/strelaysrv:/var/strelaysrv ports: - 22067:22067 - 22070:22070 Can anyone help get this working with Unraid?
  3. Hi all I have just re-spun up an instance of deluge-vpn on my QNAP using docker. Hopefully you can still offer support even though I am not on unRAID. I used to use your docker but had a few issues getting it started again after a hiatus and have only just got it back up. The issue I am having, is that even though I have specified umask=000 as a variable, I am getting file permission issues in both Radarr and Sonarr. I am using PUID=0 and PGID=0. I like keeping it simple as its just media files, not that important. The errors I am seeing make it seem like the umask env variable is not being acknowledge (redacted file name). Import failed, path does not exist or is not accessible by Radarr: /data/complete/Movies/xxxx Import failed, path does not exist or is not accessible by Sonarr: /data/complete/Series/xxxx My full docker run command is as follows. docker run -d --cap-add=NET_ADMIN -p xxx:8112 -p xxx:8118 -p 58846:58846 -p 58946:58946 --name=delugevpn -v /share/Downloads:/data -v /share/Container/container-config/delugevpn:/config -e TZ=xxx -e VPN_ENABLED=yes -e VPN_USER=xxx -e VPN_PASS=xxx -e VPN_REMOTE=xxx -e VPN_PORT=1198 -e VPN_PROTOCOL=udp -e VPN_DEVICE_TYPE=tun -e VPN_PROV=pia -e STRONG_CERTS=no -e STRICT_PORT_FORWARD=yes -e ENABLE_PRIVOXY=yes -e LAN_NETWORK= -e NAME_SERVERS=, -e DEBUG=no -e UMASK=000 -e PUID=0 -e PGID=0 binhex/arch-delugevpn Any idea what I can do to fix this, other than monitoring downloads and manually changing permissions...