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Everything posted by napalmyourmom

  1. Thanks for your response Taddeusz. I figured out my extension issue... it was unrelated to the container. I did want to share the jar here though... it is a minimalist dark skinned theme using the guac-ext guide here: https://guacamole.incubator.apache.org/doc/gug/guacamole-ext.html Just place the jar in appdata/ApacheGuacamole/guacamole/extensions and recreate the container. This extension only does the following: inject custom css overlay injects 3 custom logo.png files to replace stock guacamole logo on login screen, in the UI, and on browser tab modify the en.json language library to change the application name from "Apache Guacamole" to "" Let me know if you are interested in customizing the skin - I am working on creating a tutorial. generic-customize-extension.jar
  2. I am trying to load a custom jar extension for skinning the login screen. I have added my compiled jar to ApacheGuacamole/guacamole/extensions/ and recreate the docker, yet the extension is ignored. In the logs, I see the LDAP and MySQL extensions applied... I have confirmed the object owner and permissions of the jar file match that of the other jar extensions in the same directory. Is there something I need to do in the docker exec script to ensure it is applied? Should this even be possible with this container? Thanks!
  3. Has anyone got the audiobook functionality working in this docker? I try modifying the config.ini file directly default value: audio_tab = True chagned to audio_tab = 1 I cannot get the audiobook tab to display... Perhaps I am not configuring the docker correctly.
  4. I am interested in setting up logic for a php script to execute every time this particular docker starts, including when it is started, restarted, updated with or without dynamix.docker.manager. I want the docker to wait until certain parameters are returned to start then run through its initialization. Is there a way for me to set this up only for this containers and not for all dockers in my instance? Thanks!
  5. Hello and thank you for an awesome docker image. I have airsonic docker running on my unRAID server with LDAP and externally exposed behind an nginx reverse proxy with letsencrypt. I am trying to frame https://sonic.mydomain.com within https://othersite.mydomain.com with x-frame-options. I have the correct rule on my reverse proxy, but the site still does not render in iframe. Is there a web server in the docker container or a config within airsonic that I need to change to enable rendering in iframe? Thanks in advance for your help.
  6. Thanks for another awesome docker container. I have learned so much about Unraid, Linux, and Docker thanks to your works. Can you tell me how to modify x-frame-options in this container so I can render htpc manager in iframe? I currently have an nginx load balancer that forwards traffic from sub.domain.com to this docker container on non-standard ssl port. I have the pub and priv keys mapped to the docker container and I can navigate to the site over https no problem. I cannot find the web server in the container where I could possibly specify x-frame-options, which I can do with other docker containers which have apache or nginx contained within them, or rely on an external web server. Since my load balancer only forwards traffic at the tcp level and does not terminate ssl, the web service must be on the docker container Thanks in advance for your help! EDIT: Also, I want to specify that I have enabled in the general settings "Allow iFrame" but this refers to allowing iFrame within HTPC Manager so that links to connected web apps render within HTPC Manager. I want to frame HTPC Manager itself into another site.
  7. LinuxServer.IO I love your dockers. Thanks so much for your work. How was the /nextcloud URL base so elegantly taken out in the docker config? I just reverted to installing NextCloud on Ubuntu Server because of the lack of LDAP support in this docker. I am trying to achieve 2 things and I am hoping you all can help: 1) I have a permanent redirect on my nextcloud apache server to forward from / to /nextcloud I accomplished this by adding the following line to my default-ssl.conf fil: RedirectMatch ^/$ /nextcloud/ Now I can access my instance at cloud.mydomain.com which ultimately redirects to https://cloud.mydomain.com/nextcloud When I was using your docker, I could authenticate in the app by simply entering "https://cloud.mydomain.com" but with my above config I must enter the url base in order to log into the app. Not a big deal.... but I am more curious than anything how to configure it the way you did. 2) My current data folder is located at /var/www/nextcloud/data on the local filesystem of the VM. I want to create a symlink in that directory and point to a share on my unraid... but I haven't the slightest idea the best way to accomplish that in Linux. Any assistance with this would be much appreciated. Current config.php, where is the nextcloud ubuntu VM on hyperv and is the mariadb docker on my unraid <?php $CONFIG = array ( 'instanceid' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxx', 'passwordsalt' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', 'secret' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', 'trusted_domains' => array ( 0 => '', 1 => 'cloud.mydomain.com', ), 'datadirectory' => '/var/www/nextcloud/data', 'overwrite.cli.url' => 'https://cloud.mydomain.com', 'overwritehost' => 'cloud.mydomain.com', 'overwriteprotocol' => 'https', 'dbtype' => 'mysql', 'version' => '', 'dbname' => 'nextcloud', 'dbhost' => '', 'dbport' => '', 'dbtableprefix' => 'oc_', 'dbuser' => 'admin', 'dbpassword' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxx', 'installed' => true, ); Also my nginx redirect is identical to yours in the tutorial.
  8. linuxserver.io - thanks so much for your dockers. They are fantastic. TL;DR - I am trying to setup a static return route on my LAN gateway to to the VPN subnet so my LAN devices can access devices on the VPN subnet... which I am fairly certain is my problem. Question - if the OpenVPN-AS docker is on bond0 and shares the IP of the UnRaid server, how do I ensure my static route makes it to the docker? Does my docker need its own unique IP? I previously had OpenVPN-AS virtual appliance running in Hyper-V and moved over to this docker. The install and configuration was fairly straight forward, I just mimicked my prior config and now my clients can connect. It seems I only have unidirectional traffic VPN Subnet --> LAN Subnet: Lan: OpenVPN: Unraid IP: Docker interface is set to bond0 Server is up and running fine, all proper ports are exposed on my firewall and forwarded to my unraid IP ( Config in AS Admin should allow all clients (vpn and local) access bidirectionally to all resources on both subnets VPN Clients connect no problem and are assigned VPN IP (10.0.1.x) I am able to access network resources such as file shares, ping LAN IP addresses and hostnames with FQDN, even RDP into LAN boxes LAN devices cannot ping anything on the VPN subnet (connected clients or the VPN default gateway (5310.0.1.161)) I suspect I need to setup a static return route on the LAN default gateway ( which is running a linux distro. eth0: WAN IP eth1: LAN IP ( I have tried adding the following line to the ip table of route add -net netmask gw dev eth1 but it doesn't seem to work even after restarting the firewall service and reboot the device. Thanks in advance for any help!
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