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Everything posted by Meriana

  1. Good afternoon I just tried to run this docker on unRaid 6.4 with a fixed IP adress, but JDownloader seems to fail to start? When I open the browser I eventually get Server disconnected (code: 1006) When I start the docker with bridged networking everything works as it should. Other Dockers like Plex etc. run fine with those settings. See screenshots for details: Edit: I don't seem to get Click'n Load to work? I forwarded the port 9666 to the server, but it seems JDownloader is not running. I used -p 9666:9666/tcp to open the port, but according to the Jdownloader2 wiki you should be able to see a website on but I can't connect. (I'm currently running the container in bridged mode). I used the following command to forward the port: netsh interface portproxy add v4tov4 listenport=9666 connectaddress=<Zieladresse> connectport=9666 listenaddress=
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