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  1. I found the solution for this in another thread (see below). The solution was to disable the fast boot option in the bios. Now everything works perfectly!
  2. I was having the exact same problem with my MSI motherboard. This was driving me crazy - I had to remove the flash drive and put it into a different USB slot after each reboot in order to get the system to boot back into unraid. After turning off the fast boot option in the BIOS it now works perfectly.
  3. Yes I have updated the bios to the latest available version.
  4. i did some googling and found a thread on reddit where they described a very similar problem but they didn't seem to have a solution listed. I'm glad the system is working in general - but I do wish I could get past this last issue.
  5. Thanks trurl - I had the same thought and I have actually tried every available port with the same result, including the two USB2 ports. It didn't seem to change anything. One thing i did notice though is that after a reboot, if I unplug the usb drive and plug it back into the same port - it still hangs after I boot back up. It will only boot if I plug it back into a different port.
  6. Perfect - that did the trick - thank you!! so now one other issue I noticed. It booted right up and everything was normal, but when I rebooted, it would not boot back into unraid. It got through the POST, and then just went to a black screen. The web up was not available and my router did not show the device as online. I powered down, removed the flash drive, re-inserted it and then powered back up and then unraid booted. This seems to be happening every time I reboot. any ideas?
  7. That was a good call! Once I took everything back out and got a closer look, the connector for the cmos batter was actually loose. I reseated it and reassembled everything and now it’s holding the bios settings! now the next problem I am having is that I can’t seem to get it to boot from the flash drive. It sees it in the bios and I have set it as the primary boot device, but it just keeps booting into the bios. I have found a few threads for other motherboards which said they had to switch from UEFI to CSM to get it to boot from the flash drive, but apparently CSM can’t be used without a discrete graphics card. I tried to switch it to CSM and when I reboot it displays an error message and reverts back to UEFI. Any ideas on how I can get it to boot from the flash drive?
  8. Also, I think the really weird part for me is that after I first connect the power and turn it on, everything spins up for a few seconds… but turn shuts down for a few seconds and powers back up with the cmos settings reset. and it only does this the first time after reconnecting power.
  9. Thanks lolight. After removing the CPU cooler I was able to get a closer look and I see the battery. Is there a place where I can get an inexpensive replacement to try?
  10. Also it does appear that the date and time are not correct In the bios. I did double check the cmos jumper and there’s nothing on it.
  11. Thanks. I didn’t see a battery on this motherboard. I know they used to have the coin battery on them but I didn’t see anything like that here. 🤷‍♂️
  12. I just assembled my new Unraid build which is as follows: case: fractal node 304 mobo: MSI MPG B560I CPU: Intel Core i5-10600K Memory: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08HLYSHJC/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 PSU: https://www.newegg.com/super-flower-leadex-iii-sf-550f14hg-550w/p/1HU-024C-00008 CPU Cooler: Noctua NH-U14S, Premium CPU Cooler with NF-A15 140mm Fan I just got everything put together and put in my 3 HDDs and my unraid USB drive. When I tun on the system, it boots into the BIOS. It seems to detect everything correctly - it shows the correct CPU and memory. It see the hard drives and the USB stick. I set the boot order to boot from the USB stick. but after I reboot, it just keeps booting into the bios. If I unplug the power cord from the PSU, wait a moment and then plug it back in and boot back up it usually spins up for a second and then shuts down - then spins back up and says "All settings were reset to default values" Press F1 to Run SETUP Press F2 to Continue and all the bios setting I have made have been reset to default. what the heck could be wrong? I have not built a pc for several years so its possible I may have screwed something up any advice would be greatly appreciated!
  13. Hi - I have a really old unraid server and I am in the process of building a new system. I am going to assemble the hardware this weekend then transfer the drives and the flash drive to the new server. What will I need to do to ensure that the flash drive works on the new server and that the array starts up on the new system? Do I need to do something to transfer my license to the new server or is that tied to the flash drive and not the server hardware? Are there any special considerations for getting the array to start up after I move the drives over? I just want to make sure I am prepared so that the transition goes as smoothly as possible.
  14. when you talk about bifurcation, is that basically just something that would allow me to use my PCIe port to run multiple SSDs? Would i need bifurcation in order to make use of the M.2 Sata card you referenced above? the reason I ask is that i don't have any immediate plans to use any SSDs in my new unraid system. it will likely be standard spinning drives only.
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