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Posts posted by ffhelllskjdje

  1. 39 minutes ago, MarkusMcNugen said:


    Are you mounting that folder to the docker host? If not then it wouldn't have persistence. 


    There is already a volume for persistence that you can use for the container. Check out the docker hub or within pages for the container. You should have /config mounted to the docker host and your ssh key for the SFTP server should go in /config/sshd/keys. You'll probably need to be logged in as root on your Unraid server to get into that folder once you have /config mounted, its locked down pretty hard for security.

    I've tried both ways, by using a mapped folder and recently by just bashing into the docker container and creating the key under the docker filesystem.


    I see in the template that the appdata /mnt/cache/appdata/crushftp is mapped to /var/opt/CrushFTP10 in the docker, should I place it there?

  2. 10 minutes ago, Hoopster said:

    There are other options for the functionality lost when those docker containers were pulled.  They are fully supported and provide the same functionality.


    Of course, the choice is yours which way you go, but this ls.io container (unifi controller) and their many others for unRAID are fully supported by the ls.io team.

    Perhaps. but it looks like neither @chbmb nor @linuxserver.io have been active since the blowup according to their last visited date on their profiles. 

    I know they are still updating the containers (i had a few updates today). No judgement either way from me...just interesting all around.


    11 minutes ago, Hoopster said:

    There are other options for the functionality lost when those docker containers were pulled.  They are fully supported and provide the same functionality.


    Of course, the choice is yours which way you go, but this ls.io container (unifi controller) and their many others for unRAID are fully supported by the ls.io team.


  3. 19 minutes ago, wayner said:

    Maybe I read too much into this, but that occured last November when unRAID incorporated Nvidia drivers into the core OS. Here is a quote from CHBMB: (in this thread: https://forums.unraid.net/bug-reports/prereleases/unraid-os-version-690-beta35-available-r1125/?tab=comments#comment-11340&searchlight=1)

    And also:


    Wow, didn't know all that. Definitely concerning to me. I'm rebuilding my system next week and will have to take this into consideration as i'm also looking at proxmox/truenas combo.


  4. I've been running fine for about 3 years without much issue but as of a few days ago, I have had multiple instances of where I am now not able to access my server and have to do a hard reboot. Diagnostics attached, and any help is appreciated. I am wondering if this is c-state related as this is a gen 1 ryzen. I do have the disable c6 zenstate in my go file.


    Welp, tried to downgrade the bios and looks like i bricked the MB, so nevermind, going to Intel now.


  5. 12 hours ago, frakman1 said:

    This template's docker-compose is limited to versions below 3 because it actually uses libcompose to interpret the docker-compose.yml scripts which is limited:




    I got it to work using a recent Beta that supports version 3 of docker-compose scripts because it uses the actual docker-compose binary:




    I just had to change:


    Repository -> portainerci/portainer:2.1

    Docker Hub URL -> https://registry.hub.docker.com/r/portainerci/portainer/




    Now I can use modern deployment stacks for stuff like discourse and artifactory.








    How do you use docker compose with this? I have the beta installed like you instructed in this post.

  6. 54 minutes ago, jonathanm said:

    BTRFS is the only option for more than 1 device in a pool. You have 2 options, either create another pool and have one drive in each, that way you can use XFS, or change the BTRFS RAID level to single. It would probably be safer for your data to make another pool.

    ok thanks, i'll need to rethink my strategy here

  7. 17 minutes ago, jonathanm said:

    BTRFS RAID1 with 2 unequal size members can only use the size of the smaller drive, as each bit of data must exist on both drives. What are you intending to do?

    I just want to use this as a non parity secondary storage with combined total of 18TB. Can i only do btrfs in this pool? I think I tried to change and only had the btrfs option when i clicked on each individual drive. I would prefer to just have xfs

  8. just can't get this working, I get up to the part of the install which completes successfully but then I never see my "bigsur" hard drive. I've tried changing start up disk, rebooting, restarting docker, my only selections are macOS base system, MacOS installer, Recovery, UEFI Shell, Shutdown and Reset NVRAM.

    Tried removing docker, deleting directories and reinstalling and same issue.

    EDIT, Catalina seems to work but can't get Big Sur to work

  9. 7 minutes ago, SpaceInvaderOne said:

    please can you type in the unraid terminal

    ls /boot/config/plugins/user.scripts/scripts/

    and paste back what you get

    1_macinabox_helper/          Plex\ tmp/            delete.ds_store/         nextcloud\ sql/         rsync\ to\ Proxmox/

    yeah, I went there and it is indeed present, but not showing on the unraid plugin 


    I just ran the script from CLI and it works....just not showing up for me in scripts page. not sure why, but running this from terminal worked for me

  10. On 12/30/2019 at 1:45 AM, rahmor said:

    Hi everyone,


    Having some problems getting rclone-beta installed on 6.6.7


    Currently receiving the below error when I attempt to install it via the Apps tab

    plugin: installing: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Waseh/rclone-unraid/beta/plugin/rclone.plg
    plugin: downloading https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Waseh/rclone-unraid/beta/plugin/rclone.plg
    plugin: downloading: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Waseh/rclone-unraid/beta/plugin/rclone.plg ... done
    plugin: downloading: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Waseh/rclone-unraid/beta/archive/rclone-beta-2019.10.13-x86_64-1.txz ... done
    | Installing new package /boot/config/plugins/rclone-beta/install/rclone-2019.10.13-bundle.txz
    Verifying package rclone-2019.10.13-bundle.txz.
    Installing package rclone-2019.10.13-bundle.txz:
    Package rclone-2019.10.13-bundle.txz installed.
    Downloading rclone
    Downloading certs
    Download failed - No existing archive found - Try again later
    plugin: run failed: /bin/bash retval: 1
    Updating Support Links


    Running the following command in Terminal:


    curl --connect-timeout 10 --retry 3 --retry-delay 2 --retry-max-time 30 -o /boot/config/plugins/rclone/install/rclone-current.zip https://downloads.rclone.org/rclone-current-linux-amd64.zip



    I'm receiving the following:


      % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                     Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
      0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:--  0:00:05 --:--:--     0Warning: Failed to create the file
    Warning: /boot/config/plugins/rclone/install/rclone-current.zip: No such file
    Warning: or directory
      0 11.1M    0  4735    0     0    857      0  3:47:54  0:00:05  3:47:49  1060
    curl: (23) Failed writing body (0 != 4735)


    Network firewall disabled, restarted multiple times, and have deleted the rclone-beta folder on the flash drive.


    Any recommendations on how to resolve this/get rclone installed successfully? 

    Did you ever figure this out, i am in the same situation

  11. I see you're on IOS but for anyone else on android i just use Autosync. You can use that to sync or just upload ( there are a bunch of diff sync options, you can also upload and delete local) via LAN or nextcloud/webdav. I currently sync via CrushFTP to my unraid server but I've also tried LAN (you can specifiy WIFI) and it worked well too.


    When I was on IOS i think i used an app called photosync? It had something where you could set a Geo Fence and then it would auto upload via diff ways (FTP,LAN...). Worked pretty well.

  12. man i completely missed that mariadb, misread it as MB...ugh, thanks, i'll look further, only thing that uses that is nextcloud


    ugh, almost a TB of logs, i do recall having an issues with something spamming the logs that i fixed but i didn't think about removing the logs...hopefully fixed, thanks

  13. I can't for the life of me see what's taking up so much space. the cache was normal before i went to bed, i woke up and my 1TB cache drive is 99% full. Mover is not doing anything. I don't run VMs and only have my iso share set to cache=yes. Appdata is cache prefer

    root@Tower:/mnt/user/appdata# du -h --max-depth=1
    1.2G    ./CloudBerryBackup
    140K    ./binhex-krusader
    88K     ./binhex-nzbget
    37M     ./binhex-rtorrentvpn
    87M     ./binhex-sabnzbd
    110M    ./databases
    8.0K    ./ddclient
    431M    ./duplicacy
    52K     ./log
    68K     ./nzbget
    96M     ./openvpn-as
    144M    ./pihole
    21G     ./plex
    6.3G    ./data
    1.5G    ./radarr
    2.9G    ./resilio-sync
    64M     ./sonarr
    622M    ./unifi-controller
    456K    ./binhex-radarr
    2.5M    ./binhex-sonarr
    229M    ./Duplicacy
    12K     ./go-auto-yt
    432K    ./bitwarden
    820G    ./mariadb
    404M    ./nextcloud
    24M     ./airsonic
    564K    ./wallabag
    908K    ./shaarli
    659M    ./crushftp9
    44M     ./advacedairsonic
    88K     ./krusader
    22M     ./archivebox
    25M     ./nodered
    12K     ./deemix
    37M     ./KDEInDocker
    29M     ./airsonic-advanced
    2.0G    ./emby
    3.3G    ./jellyfin
    76M     ./letsencrypt
    400K    ./etesync
    9.0M    ./binhex-nginx
    89M     ./navidrome
    861G    .
    root@Tower:/mnt/user/appdata# ls -la
    total 32
    drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users 4096 Aug 19 07:07 ./
    drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users  293 Aug 19 04:41 ../
    drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users   72 Jun 15 09:12 CloudBerryBackup/
    drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users  112 Aug 16 16:55 Duplicacy/
    drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users  242 Jun 28 06:39 KDEInDocker/
    drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users 4096 Jun 29 07:43 advacedairsonic/
    drwxr-xr-x 1 nobody users  176 Apr 27 07:19 airsonic/
    drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users 4096 Aug  7 00:32 airsonic-advanced/
    drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users  104 May  6 07:18 archivebox/
    drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users   62 Apr 18  2019 binhex-krusader/
    drwxrwxr-x 1 nobody users   59 Aug  3 11:07 binhex-nginx/
    drwxrwxr-x 1 nobody users   65 Dec 27  2019 binhex-nzbget/
    drwxrwxr-x 1 nobody users  156 Jul 16 08:26 binhex-radarr/
    drwxrwxr-x 1 nobody users  201 Jun 28 20:29 binhex-rtorrentvpn/
    drwxrwxr-x 1 nobody users  255 Jun  7 02:39 binhex-sabnzbd/
    drwxrwxr-x 1 nobody users  194 Jul 16 08:26 binhex-sonarr/
    drwxr-xr-x 1 root   root   104 Feb 10  2020 bitwarden/
    drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users 4096 Aug 19 07:15 crushftp9/
    drwxrwxr-x 1 nobody users   24 Dec 12  2019 data/
    drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users  172 Nov  4  2017 databases/
    drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users   27 Sep 14  2018 ddclient/
    drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users   65 Jun 12 08:05 deemix/
    drwxrwxrwx 1 root   root    31 Dec  8  2019 duplicacy/
    drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users  124 Jul 18 07:01 emby/
    drwxrwxrwx 1   1000  1000   24 Aug 18 21:19 etesync/
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root   root  1985 May 13 16:48 flows.json
    drwxrwxrwx 1 root   root    20 Jan 13  2020 go-auto-yt/
    drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users  179 Jul 21 13:38 jellyfin/
    drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users  173 Jul 23 08:29 krusader/
    drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users  169 Aug  3 07:33 letsencrypt/
    drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users   19 Nov  4  2017 log/
    drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users   52 Aug 16 07:36 mariadb/
    drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users   87 Aug  7 06:48 navidrome/
    drwxr-xr-x 1 nobody users  106 Apr  1 06:40 nextcloud/
    drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users  258 May 30 08:32 nodered/
    drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users   25 Nov  5  2017 nzbget/
    drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users  167 Apr 25  2019 openvpn-as/
    drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users   37 Mar 31  2019 pihole/
    drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users   21 Nov  9  2017 plex/
    drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users  180 Aug 19 07:19 radarr/
    drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users 8192 Aug 19 07:15 resilio-sync/
    drwxrwxrwx 1 root   root    31 Apr  7 07:39 shaarli/
    drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users  218 Aug 19 07:14 sonarr/
    drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users   41 Apr 18  2019 unifi-controller/
    drwxrwxrwx 1  65534 65534   83 May  7 09:19 wallabag/



  14. so i got mopidy setup, it successfully scanned my local music. All i want to do now is play music on my android phone. The android app sees my music but no sound is happening because the file is not playing.


    what should i have in my mopidy.conf fine to enable this? I want to just direct play music from my unraid server on my android phone


    EDIT: nevermind, i guess i didn't realize how mopidy worked.  the android app only controls the music on the server which then plays it. I don't want to listen to the music on my server so i guess mopidy isn't for me....back to airsonic

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