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Everything posted by genius384

  1. Hi folks, First off, great plugin. I was able to set this up with minimal headaches. However, I have one issue that I'm hoping to get some help with. My Unraid server has two NICs. Both in bridge mode: eth0: eth1: I run all of my containers off eth1. For Wireguard, everything works and I'm able to resolve and route to containers, my local router ( and to containers on the bridge network. However, I'm unable to access any of my devices on the LAN (such as Pihole on from my client. I have my client set up with "Remote Tunnel Access" since I want everything to route through my local net. I'm thinking there is an issue with having both NICs in bridge mode. When I run a traceroute on my client, it works for everything but the LAN devices, and hangs after hopping to I've attached a screenshot of my route table in Unraid and the traceroute from my client device (Android) Edit: I figured this out. For Allowed IPs on the client side, you should include, ::0/0 (for IPV6) to make sure Android works and routes all traffic through the tunnel.
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