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Posts posted by aptalca

  1. This one doesn't require any manual edits to the config.xml. By default, both the web gui and remote access via FAHControl on a different device allow all connections and there is no password.


    The built-in webserver provides very basic control (ie. GPUs are only active when set to Medium or higher) and its cache management is very finicky. If you have issues connecting, try an incognito window. For more fine grained control of individual devices, you can use the FAHControl app on a different device and connect remotely via port 36330 (no password).

  2. 2 hours ago, dbinott said:

    I have it working and it picked up my details from the online account (from old setup), but, when I open the Computing prefs window, it's blank. I guess not a huge deal since the properties can be update on their website.



    Switch to advanced view, it's in the readme

    • Thanks 1
  3. 8 minutes ago, Blairwin said:

    I get this issue when I launch the docker and sign in to the web gui.  Everything at default and I see cpu usage so it looks like it's running.  Any reason why i just get stuck on this and can't connect?



    Please post the docker log to pastebin and drop a link here


    Did you wait for some time for it to connect?

  4. Hey guys, just created the template for the new linuxserver boinc image, it should show up in CA soon. Here's the support thread: 



    As I said before, this one is new. It contains both the client and the manager, so no need to install anything on a different machine.


    It supports gpu (although rosetta@home is currently not handing out gpu jobs, some of the other projects do).


    Also, this one is multi-arch, so feel free to put any raspberry pis or other iot devices to use as well 😉


    @squid when this is listed in CA, feel free to deprecate my old RDP Boinc one

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  5. 6 hours ago, ghstridr said:

    Need a little help. I updated to the linuxserverio Unraid 6.8.3. Main logs and console complain that the nvidia driver couldn't connect to my 1660TI and it thought that another driver was grabbing it. I do have virtio grabbing the card for when I have a Win10 vm booted. Is there anyway to get this to share between them or get virtio to talk to the nvidia driver in a proxy sort of way?

    The first post explains it. You can't use the same gpu with docker and vm at the same time. VMs require exclusive access

  6. 1 hour ago, oeci said:

    Guys, I'm at a complete loss here. On my Unraid server I've got a working nextcloud container plus a working letsencrypt container (for ports see screenshot). Nextcloud can be reached if I use the internal IP and over the subdomain bodenwiesli.duckdns.org I can reach the nginx server which tells me that the subdomain works and the port forwarding of the router is also active. But not matter what guide I follow (this one, this one or this one) it never works. I would really appreciate if someone could tell me how I need to configure the containers to get this working.


    By the way for testing purposes I forwarded incoming requests to port 80 to the nextcloud container and was able to login to my nextcloud account so I'm 100 % positive that both the subdomain and the nextcloud container actually work. But I'm not ok with unencrypted traffic.


    You're not using our nextcloud image

  7. 17 hours ago, kbbeer said:

    Going down a rabbit hole this morning, curious if a solution exists to this problem. I've been using this container to allow access to one subdomain externally. I noticed today that if I go to my public ip (when remote) chrome prompts with a privacy error and gives the reason that this ip and the subdomain certs which I setup are different. Is it possible to configure so that my ip doesn't respond and you need to hit the subdomain for a response? Or is it best to create a cert for the main page to camouflage the subdomain?

    You can set the main server block (the one that's defined as default) to serve a 404 or not even respond. So only the match for the subdomain will be displayed, any other request will go to the default block and get denied

  8. 1 hour ago, Hoopster said:

    It crashed mine as well.


    After ~2 hours running RDP-BOINC on my server (just installed today on main server), the GUI, SSH, Telnet, etc. all became unavailable.  I think BIONC was still doing its thing as the server was still running and I could hear the CPU fan running on high.  However, it was completely inaccessible and I had to hard reboot the server and cancel the resulting parity check.

    Either don't set it to 100%, or make it run on all cores except for the 0. Unraid has a tendency to be unresponsive when other tasks push all cores to 100%

    • Like 4
  9. 1 hour ago, luizmont said:

    @aptalca I have confirmed that my ISP blocks port 80 and 443 (consumer connection).

    From what I have read, the only way to use letsencrypt is with DNS challenges.

    Is that correct? Can you help me to configure it? Or at least point me in the direction to do this....


    Thank you very much!

    You're already using dns validation, that's why nginx is coming up and reverse proxy works on your lan. If 80/443 are blocked, you'll have to use a different port to access

    So you'll forward 444 on the router and access https://domain.com:444

  10. Hey guys, here's an updated boinc docker image: https://hub.docker.com/r/linuxserver/boinc


    It's brand spanking new, based on ubuntu bionic. Contains both the boinc client and manager, so no need to install anything on another machine. It's not suitable for an in-place upgrade from my old rdp-boinc image, but setting it up from scratch takes only a minute or two.


    This one works with intel and nvidia (with the nvidia plugin) gpus (as long as the project supports it).


    There will be a template and a support thread soon, but until then, you can just create it with the vars from the dockerhub description.



    • Like 5
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  11. 5 hours ago, xthursdayx said:

    Cool, thanks a lot. I don't know if it would be possible, but perhaps hurricane/dockergui:xvnc could just be swapped for lsiobase/guacgui (which, as you probably remember, was updated to bionic by @hurricanehrndz  last year).

    Here it is, wip. https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-boinc/tree/initial


    Currently pushed to lsiodev/boinc


    Tested with nvidia, it works (seti@home). I didn't have enough time to test igpu

    • Like 2
  12. 2 hours ago, xthursdayx said:

    @aptalca any chance of updating the RDP-BOINC container to the latest recommended version of BOINC? Right now the Dockerfile is pulling version 7.2.42 but the recommended version is 7.4.22. If you'd prefer, I'm happy to submit a PR to update the Dockerfile. Cheers. 

    That base is too old. I'll look into creating a new boinc image when I get a chance, on a newer base and perhaps with gpu support

    • Like 3
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  13. 10 hours ago, luizmont said:

    Thanks for trying to help me!


    So, I believe I know the basics of port forwarding, and because of that (only the basics) I don't know what might be wrong in my setup...


    Yeah, I understand that... And I can't access the nginx default page on my cell...

    It gives the time out error.


    Can you elaborate on this part?

    I think nginx is starting, because I can access it from LAN.



    These are my port forward rules



    And my docker setup



    I can provide more screenshots or logs if needed.


    Edit: adding a diagram of my network


    In your previous post, you posted port forwarding on an asus router, now pfsense. Are you double natting?

  14. 1 hour ago, scubieman said:

    What information do you need? I followed space invaders video. I guess I did something wrong.

    How you set it up.


    "I followed X video or guide" is not the least bit helpful.


    Like I said, you should be accessing it at the nextcloud subdomain, not the main url. Either you're not using the right address, or you set it up very differently than we suggest.

  15. On 3/13/2020 at 1:41 PM, frodr said:


    "During first login, make sure that the "Authentication" in the webui is set to "Local" instead of "PAM". Then set up the user accounts with their passwords (user accounts created under PAM do not survive container update or recreation)"


    mean that "admin" should be removed in the url logon?:




    If so I arrive here:




    Going to "Admin" I get this url:




    Loggin in with default PAM I get this annoying guy:



    I have a feeling I am doing something wrong (after 2 hours)...........


    Can it be port forwarding? 1194 to 943 on server ip. 














    logfile.rtf 1.95 kB · 0 downloads

    See here: https://discourse.linuxserver.io/t/just-installed-openvpn-as-cant-login-as-admin/1162/5

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