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Posts posted by aptalca

  1. HELP, I'm trying to get my USB camera (logitech c270, locally attached to unraid machine) working with Zoneminder. From what it looks like it does not show anything under /dev/video0 becuase I dont have cheese installed? but i cant install cheese because there is no apt-get for unraid, cant install that because there is no dpkg ether. It does show up under usb devices though bus 003 device 009.
    In order to use a device in docker, the host would need to load either the drivers or the kernel modules. I don't believe unraid supports any USB cameras
    This didn't work initially, but I just recently updated the container and now have the following in my letsencrypt log file:
    <-------------------------------------------------><------------------------------------------------->cronjob running on Tue Jul 25 02:08:00 PDT 2017Running certbot renewSaving debug log to /var/log/letsencrypt/letsencrypt.log-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Processing /etc/letsencrypt/renewal/box3.duckdns.org.conf-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cert not yet due for renewalThe following certs are not due for renewal yet: /etc/letsencrypt/live/box3.duckdns.org/fullchain.pem (skipped)No renewals were attempted.No hooks were run.

    I'm also getting the following readout in the nginx error log file (real IP address hidden):

    2017/07/23 18:41:23 [crit] 742#742: *663 SSL_do_handshake() failed (SSL: error:14037085:SSL routines:ACCEPT_SR_KEY_EXCH:ccs received early) while SSL handshaking, client: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx, server:


    I don't understand what the issue is. The certs are there, and the nightly renewal script is running successfully. So the container is running fine.

    The nginx error log has to do with a client that tried to access your site. It could be an issue on their end or an issue with your site config or contents. I have no information to determine that.
  3. 2 hours ago, jamesp469 said:




    Network Type: bridge

    Privileged: on

    http: 81

    https: 444

    email: registered email address for DuckDNS

    Domain Name: duckdns.org

    Subdomain(s): test

    Only Subdomains: true

    Diffle Hellman: 2048

    AppData Config Path: /mnt/user/appdata/letsencrypt

    PUID: 99

    PGID: 100


    all ports are being forwarded correctly, and the duckdns docker is set up correctly as well.


    Try restarting the container (not reinstall). There is an intermittent bug that pops up every once in a while on first boot, but works on a reboot. If that doesn't work, post the full container log

  4. 1 hour ago, stefer said:

    imageproxy.php?img=&key=00b562fcac28e727imageproxy.php?img=&key=00b562fcac28e727This is what I have in the docker config :




    This is what i see in the web ui :




    When I click on All books, I don't see anything, its empty.  Notice at the bottom the /config path... well, this one is not editable.  It's almost like i'd have to move my library to /mnt/user/appdata/Calibre-server


    Calibre server has no gui to change settings. It looks for the library at /config. Set that to your existing library location. It has to already be set up with calibre prior. Otherwise use the rdp version and create a new library and set it however you like

  5. 17 hours ago, jamesp469 said:

    I'm having issues getting this up and running on my server; I am getting the following from my LetsEncrypt log:


    /bin/sh: /app/le-renew.sh: Permission denied

    Has anyone else experienced this, and does anyone have any potential solutions?  I'm not exactly sure what permissions need to be enabled.


    I don't experience it. 

    Please post your container settings and we'll take a look

    I tried to read through and figure out what the implications are, but it goes beyond me.  It seems like if I own my domain yyyyy.com, I can get the wildcard certificate for *.yyyyy.com.  Is that right?  or am I totally off base? 

    Yes, that is correct about wildcard certs.

    Letsencrypt (acme) uses a couple of different methods to verify that you control the domain. One is using a webserver and serving a custom file to the letsencrypt server. That is the method we use in this container.

    Another method is to add a custom txt variable in the public dns settings of the domain, which letsencrypt reads to validate.

    Unfortunately the wildcard domains will work only with the dns method.
  7. I just switched back to unRAID, and am working on getting the LE+Nginx docker setup. Nginx starts, but the logs are constantly being populated with the following:
    2017/07/11 16:25:04 [emerg] 366#366: bind() to failed (98: Address in use)2017/07/11 16:25:04 [emerg] 366#366: bind() to failed (98: Address in use)

    No matter what I put the port to in the docker config, or in the nginx.conf, these errors just stream across with the port I specified. Nothing is using those ports except for nginx. I'm able to access most of the proxy_pass (except plex, working on that too), but within just a few minutes, my error.log is growing huge. Anyone come across this before?

    I suspect you highly modified the nginx. conf and perhaps removed the "daemon off" setting so it's trying to launch a second instance unsuccessfully.

    Did you by any chance copy your nginx settings over from another install? If so, go back to defaults by deleting them and restarting the container. Then modify the defaults as needed.

    If that doesn't work, post your container settings along with nginx and site configs and we'll take a look.
    • Upvote 1
  8. 15 hours ago, mattekure said:

    I just read that LetsEncrypt recently announced that starting in Jan 2018, they will offer wildcard certificates for free.  so you could have one for all the subdomains




    DNS challenge only :|



  9. 19 hours ago, mikeyw said:


    First of all ThanX!, I have been watching this thread for a while. it has helped me get letsencrypt/nginx running on my (Unraid)server with no real issues till now. I have a working nextcloud confg and I can get to my index page. (which I have modified slightly just so I know its mine) and can get my instance of couch potato running on my server. So now I am having issues with getting a rev proxy to my instance of home-assistant, I followed a thread bite from feb 17 about this but have tried the included config file with no success. So just looking for a little help. So here is what I have also done: copied my working nextcloud file an changed it accordingly. added the necessary stuff to the ha config file.


    Now what I get is "502 Bad Gateway" when I go to https://subdomain.my_server.com


    Here is a portion from the error log file:

    2017/07/10 14:47:06 [error] 347#347: *1 SSL_do_handshake() failed (SSL: error:1400410B:SSL routines:CONNECT_CR_SRVR_HELLO:wrong version number) while SSL handshaking to upstream, client: ISP, server: SUBDOMAIN.myserver.com, request: "GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1", upstream: "", host: "SUBDOMAIN.myserver.com", referrer: "https://SUBDOMAIN.myserver.com/"


    And here is the "site-confs" file:( just the one that seems to be the issue):

    # This is the virtual host part that allows a subdomain include
    server {  
        listen 443 ssl;
        server_name subdomain.my_server.com;
        root /config/www;
        index index.html index.htm index.php;
        ###SSL Certificates
        ssl_certificate /config/keys/letsencrypt/fullchain.pem;
        ssl_certificate_key /config/keys/letsencrypt/privkey.pem;
        ###Diffie–Hellman key exchange ###
        ssl_dhparam /config/nginx/dhparams.pem;
        ###SSL Ciphers
        ssl_ciphers 'there is really a key here';
        ###Extra Settings###
        ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;
        ssl_session_cache shared:SSL:10m;
            ### Add HTTP Strict Transport Security ###
        add_header Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=63072000; includeSubdomains";
        add_header Front-End-Https on;
        client_max_body_size 0;
        location / {
            proxy_max_temp_file_size 2048m;
            include /config/nginx/proxy.conf;


    hopefully I didn't redact too much info for it to make sense but here it is. I am sure it is something that I missed, so I would appreciate some extra eyes. 


    ThanX in advance 



    A couple of thing I noticed. . .

    I am not sure if is the real ip you are trying to reverse proxy or if that's your redaction. If former, that is incorrect. in net=bridge will refer only to the letsencrypt container, not the host and not other containers. You can use the server ip to connect to a different container.


    Also, you are trying to reverse proxy an https page. That is likely the reason you are getting the ssl handshake error (or a combination with a nonexistent service on as referenced above). Try to use an http address for the reverse proxy.

  10. Hi Mr. Aptalca,
    Looks like the RDP-Calibre docker is broken. The RDP part does not load. Someone says that v. 3 of Calibre broke the RDP.
    This is in my top 3 favorite dockers....

    Works fine here. It wasn't the rdp part that broke, it was the built in server. It is now fixed but you have to enable in the gui settings. Details on docker hub description
  11.   So I've also tried using google domain with the docker to failure like you and peruse the forums at letsencrypt and finally found one person that said create the A record and put the public ip. In you case 68.XXX.XXX.XXX ip, go to the section labeled custom resource records leave @ A 1H add your ip. then run the docker boom you'll get your cert.


    Only drawback is if your IP changes you have to update google.


    I don't understand why google is so hard and duckdns.org works flawlessly but i have a feeling they want to control that too and pay them money.



    Every dns provider expects you to update your ip with them when it changes, including duckdns. Otherwise, how would they know what your new ip is? [emoji6]


    Most of them have an api and they provide tools so you can automate that part if you want to.




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