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Everything posted by aptalca

  1. Sounds like you're having networking issues or some other unraid issue
  2. I don't quite understand the last question, but you can add multiple names to the server name directive http://nginx.org/en/docs/http/server_names.html
  3. I'm kinda seeing a trend here. Most if not all of the people experiencing these issues are also using the gpu stats plugin. Did you try without it?
  4. The three lines above that proxy_pass line set the variables. Edit those instead to point to the ip and port instead of the container name and port
  5. To start with, we recommend turning it off. Once you get everything working, you can then experiment with it. I believe with http validation it outright doesn't work because letsencrypt acme server's validation request goes to cloudflare instead of the letsencrypt container (not too sure about it). With dns validation you can get it to work if set correctly. But we don't provide support for that. There are quite a few different settings on cloudflare for proxy and they can be confusing.
  6. Look, I'm not trying to be rude and I don't claim to have all the answers. In fact, I asked you if you googled it because that's the first thing I do when I have an issue. I posted the picture of the first Google result (highlighted answer) because it tells you exactly what the issue is. I suggest you focus on that rather than get worked up about my post. It tells you "Error 522 indicates that Cloudflare is unable to reach the origin web server and the request times out", which means cloudflare can't connect to your server. I honestly don't know how to word it any clearer. It looks like you turned on caching on cloudflare (which we recommend against), and your server is not accessible. Check your ip, port forwarding, etc.
  7. That's what I do for a couple of things as well. But I also make sure there is additional auth (like http auth) for good measure. I did a bunch of tests on different networks and it seemed to work as intended.
  8. Yes, there is no transcoding with direct play
  9. Looks like you set the version variable to "stable", which is not a supported value
  10. Also, we don't really know how the app determines idle state. On desktops, they often look at things like mouse and keyboard input among other things (same as screensaver kicking in) but as you can imagine those things are not the same for a server
  11. That doesn't seem like the correct config for that. In that configuration, http auth is not dependent on the source ip, only general access is. Http auth is requested for every successful connection
  12. Your issues are with "outgoing" connections, not incoming. That's why I suggested dns
  13. So you can connect to your server without having to keep track of ip changes. Just connect to the domain
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