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Everything posted by aptalca

  1. You have networking or dns issues. The container cannot reach out to letsencrypt servers. Check your dns, turn off pihole or whatever else blocker you may be using.
  2. No idea what port it uses to connect but you would need to map that port so it can connect to boinc
  3. I guarantee cloudflare is a better option than your current dns provider. Do yourself a favor, get a free account, point your nameservers there and do dns validation with wildcard
  4. Edit the default site conf and comment out the block with listen 80 Also, if you use dns validation, you don't have to forward port 80
  5. The readme tells you not to set/change the interface in bridge
  6. Because it's not a desktop os, it's a docker container
  7. Set version var to docker so it doesn't update during start
  8. Click on open folder, delete everything in the bar and put a forward slash `/` in there, it will let you browser the entire container contents including other mapped folders
  9. There are a multitude of options to update ip on dns. Many routers provide that feature. We also have a ddclient image that does just that
  10. The heimdall subfolder method is only for setting the homepage of the main domain. You don't need to do that for the homepage of a secondary domain because it is not already set up. For ombi as the homepage of the second domain, just use the ombi subdomain conf, and edit the server name to read "seconddomain.com"
  11. For the last two posters: 502 means letsencrypt can't reach the other service at the address and port defined. Fyi, 443 is not the correct port for ombi. Also ombi does not use https, it's http
  12. FYI, beta18 has a breaking change. You need to delete config folder and start from scratch (only need to enter the emby address and api key)
  13. It seems they're having dns propagation issues at the moment so dns may not be resolving. With the pandemic and most people working from home, cloud service reliability has gone down across the board.
  14. Sure you can. But you gotta read up and understand nginx configs. Server blocks are for matching and defining domains and subdomains, and location blocks are for uri (subfolder and rest).
  15. That's also why we provide mods for it: https://mods.linuxserver.io