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Everything posted by aptalca

  1. Great success on the ZM docker! All feeds run in HD as expected. Thanks for your hard work! That is great to hear. If this didn't work, I was ready to give up because I was simply out of ideas At the end of the day, it was a shared memory issue. With an hd feed or multiple cameras it was running out of shared memory and causing a crash
  2. There was an issue that forced me to set up this container to keep both the library and the database in the same folder. I can't remember what it exactly was, it's been a while. The description states that you have to select /config as the library location for this container to function as intended. If you want to keep your library in a user share, why not map /config to /mnt/user/Books ? The config really is just a couple of files. Plus, calibre is really not intended for managing an existing library in place. It imports the books and maintains its own library, where it will store multiple formats of each book (as needed by different devices). To make a comparison, calibre is more like piwigo and lychee, and not digikam. In terms of accessing the books remotely, that's what the calibre server is for. It allows you to browse your library and download books directly onto your (mobile) device from a basic html interface.
  3. Alright, here we go again with zoneminder I applied a shared memory fix. I am now able to view multiple streams, something I couldn't do before. Hopefully it will allow HD camera feeds as well. Please test and let me know. It is also back to the phusion base, so you might have to wipe the local app folder (due to mysql issues) One major change is that the template now has privileged mode turned on. I'm not sure if your template will update or not when you do a regular update. Therefore, I highly recommend uninstalling any existing version, deleting the local folder, and reinstall from the community repositories after updating the repositories. While installing, you can also open the advanced view to make sure privileged mode is checked on. Good luck and let me know if it works fine. If this works, any future update will be more stable and you'll be able to update the regular way (hopefully), but this version changes too much that might break regular updates.
  4. Not sure. Hurricane Hernandez developed the baseimage for the webrdp containers. He might know the answer
  5. I'll give zm another go. I have an idea on how to fix the hd and multiple cameras issue but it's a 50-50 chance it will work. I'll try over the weekend
  6. If you updated from an older version, did you delete the mysql folder? Try reinstalling it with a different local config folder if it's easier
  7. I updated the zoneminder docker. This time built on the ubuntu base. You might have to delete the mysql folder in the app folder for it to install. Let me know how it goes.
  8. How did it crash the guacamole server? What did the log say? Sometimes it takes a long time to download the calibre install file (one time it took me 30min) during that time, guacamole server is not started yet. It starts after the update is completed.
  9. Still working on it. Been quite busy lately
  10. Good idea, but I don't think that's the issue. When I added it here: http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=40262.msg380746#msg380746 it worked fine. It's think its some issue with dockerMan not updating the popup menu correctly when a change like that occurs in the template. From a fresh install with no traces of the old template anywhere on the flash drive it works fine. it needs to be in there still though, because otherwise nobody will be able to reassign the host port. The network is set to host mode. So there is no port mapping. I did it the same way as needo's Plex template which also runs in host mode. The reason is that it uses upnp and needs several ports to be mapped. I took the easy way and set it to host mode. Upside is, I don't have to worry about ports, whatever port the container opens gets passed through in unraid. The downside is, the user can't map them. But then again, I wouldn't want the users to try and change the ports for upnp and whatever else anyway, because then the whole thing probably would stop working. I'll take another look when I have time to see if I can figure out all of the ports that are needed and try and map them in bridge mode. upnp is nasty and a security minefield. Haha true, but it works. I got some reading up to do
  11. Good idea, but I don't think that's the issue. When I added it here: http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=40262.msg380746#msg380746 it worked fine. It's think its some issue with dockerMan not updating the popup menu correctly when a change like that occurs in the template. From a fresh install with no traces of the old template anywhere on the flash drive it works fine. it needs to be in there still though, because otherwise nobody will be able to reassign the host port. The network is set to host mode. So there is no port mapping. I did it the same way as needo's Plex template which also runs in host mode. The reason is that it uses upnp and needs several ports to be mapped. I took the easy way and set it to host mode. Upside is, I don't have to worry about ports, whatever port the container opens gets passed through in unraid. The downside is, the user can't map them. But then again, I wouldn't want the users to try and change the ports for upnp and whatever else anyway, because then the whole thing probably would stop working. I'll take another look when I have time to see if I can figure out all of the ports that are needed and try and map them in bridge mode.
  12. Deleted all traces, rebooted and reinstalled. That did the trick. I think the issue may have been that I had my template repo saved in template repositories as well (from a long time ago, just never had deleted it), and that might have caused an issue. Not entirely sure, but it works now. Thanks
  13. Huh, that is strange. The only things I changed in the template were the addition of the WebUI link and the change log. Didn't touch anything else. That is weird. I'll look further into it. Thanks
  14. Updated the AmazonEcho-HA-Bridge to enable the WebUI. It is much much much easier to manage the devices that way. Unfortunately, the WebUI link is not showing up in unraid GUI for some reason. You can use the following to access it until we can fix the link: unraidIP:8080/configurator.html **EDIT** The missing link may have been just me. It might show up fine for others. I was able to fix it for myself, let me know if anybody experiences it as well.
  15. Hi Squid, I just added a new WebUI link to one of my containers, AmazonEcho-HA-Bridge. The app didn't used to have one, but it now does. So I edited the template and added the WebUI address. But no matter what I do, the WebUI link is just not showing up. When I try to edit the container, it shows the WebUI address in the template, though. I tried stopping and starting docker, reinstalling the container, and everything else except for rebooting the server. Is this an issue with unraid gui interface or community repositories? Or did I do something wrong? I'm on rc4 by the way. Here's the template: https://github.com/aptalca/docker-templates/blob/master/aptalca/amazon-echo-ha-bridge.xml Thanks **EDIT** Reboot didn't take care of it either, still no WebUI link
  16. No problem The calibre-RDP includes the calibre server, so no need to install both In your screenshot, the ports listed on the left are internal to the containers (container port). The ones on the right are the ones exposed by your unraid server (host port). Your kodi is exposing port 8080 in both the container and unraid, that's fine. When unraid receives a request at port 8080, it forwards it to port 8080 in the kodi container. When you install calibre-rdp, set the two host ports to whatever you like, whatever is not being used by other docker as in the attached screenshot. You can then access the calibre server by going to unraidIP:8098 and you can access the calibre-rdp by going to unraidIP:8097/#/client/c/Calibre That way when unraid gets a request at port 8098, it will connect it to port 8081 of the calibre-rdp container, which is the calibre server
  17. I'm having a hard time getting an ubuntu based docker going. It's like I had to start learning how to build containers from scratch. Taking longer than I thought but still working on it.
  18. Yup, I see that the direction and the delete keys indeed aren't working. I pinged hurricane about it since he develops and maintains the dockergui base.
  19. I'm testing a full ubuntu build to see if that works better. I noticed that zoneminder has an official docker but it doesn't save anything outside the container so all changes and settings are lost once it is updated or reinstalled, and it hasn't been building properly on docker hub for a long time. . . sigh. Oh well, I better finish what I started, lol
  20. That's interesting. I don't think I used the cursor keys in calibre, but I used them in other containers that use the same webrdp base and there they worked fine. I'll test to see if it works in calibre
  21. That is interesting. The docker install steps mirror the steps you linked to, however the docker uses a base that is a stripped down version of ubuntu, so there may be a dependency or something missing. I'll look into it. Could you post some snippets of the log where you try and add a high res camera and a second one? Can you also try adding the feeds through "Libvlc" instead of "Remote"? It is much easier to set up that way and I was able to add multiple iptv streams with no issues (I don't currently have any actual cameras set up unfortunately)
  22. You're supposed to set the library location to /config as described in the docker overview. That's how this docker was designed to work (unfortunately hard coded). Calibre "imports" books into its library, which is in the same location as its configuration files. I don't believe calibre was designed to "manage" an existing library. . . unless you're trying to use an existing calibre library from another installation, in that case why not just map /config to /mnt/user/books ? Additional mappings should be used to provide calibre access to other locations to import books from, not to move configuration or installation files to.
  23. Their wiki is pretty good. They have separate pages for different brand and models of cameras and they have setup instructions for each.
  24. No. Two reasons: 1. Releases are jar files, each with a different name and a download link. Annoying to build the algorithm that tries to identify the latest release and retrieves the download link. It's doable, but I simply haven't had the time or the desire. 2. It's still technically alpha and the Dev is changing a lot between releases. I'd rather update to tested releases to make sure the docker works
  25. Calibre by default saves the books you add in the same location as the config/database. I am not aware of a way to separate them. I am just curious why you wish to separate them, as the config consists of only one folder and 2 database files. In terms of /config vs /books, it is just the internal mapping within the container and it is hardcoded in the firstrun.sh and startapp.sh files. On every start up, calibre is started with the "--with-library=/config" option. If you really want to change it, you can map /books in the xml, and while the docker is running, first move the library to /books through the gui, and then exec into the container by "docker exec -it RDP-Calibre bash" and then modify the file /startapp.sh and change the "/config" to "/books". It should work (as long as you just stop and restart the container, but it won't survive a reinstall or update), but no guarantees as I haven't tested it. The only difference will be that within the container and the gui your library will be stored at /books instead of /config, not sure if that's what you're after. . . EDIT: for the webserver, you would also have to modify the last line of /etc/my_init.d/firstrun.sh to switch /config to /books
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