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Report Comments posted by dorgan

  1. 5 minutes ago, dorgan said:

    I am not sure if this is an issue with rc2 or just in general.  but it seems while the management access screen shows the cert as not expiring until next month, the browser is showing it has already expired.

    I was able to work around this by viewing the source, removing the disabled attribute from the renew button and then clicking on the renew button.

  2. On 11/3/2021 at 12:58 PM, Frank1940 said:


    This probably needs to be discussed in some detail.  The problem of packages being added to the core of Unraid by plugins was one of the main reasons why the concept of using Dockers where ever possible was promoted.  


    The problem is simple.  You install a package with your plugin.  The package is updated and now it does not work with your plugin.  Not a problem since a working versions is a part of your plugin.  Now, I develop a second plugin which does a different function which also uses that same package but works only with the later version.  I also include it in my plugin.  I think you can easily see the problem.  Installing either plugin will break the other one.  Trouble shooting this type of problem is a real b!Tch. 


    If the package is included in the core of Unraid and your plugin breaks because of an update to the package, you will have to fix your plugin or convince the maintainer of the package to fix the problem on his end. 

    What are next steps here, is this an internal discussion?  I've provided a work around to my users using a script to install the dependancies but as stated this is not ideal.  Let me know how I can help.

  3. 20 minutes ago, Frank1940 said:


    This probably needs to be discussed in some detail.  The problem of packages being added to the core of Unraid by plugins was one of the main reasons why the concept of using Dockers where ever possible was promoted.  


    The problem is simple.  You install a package with your plugin.  The package is updated and now it does not work with your plugin.  Not a problem since a working versions is a part of your plugin.  Now, I develop a second plugin which does a different function which also uses that same package but works only with the later version.  I also include it in my plugin.  I think you can easily see the problem.  Installing either plugin will break the other one.  Trouble shooting this type of problem is a real b!Tch. 


    If the package is included in the core of Unraid and your plugin breaks because of an update to the package, you will have to fix your plugin or convince the maintainer of the package to fix the problem on his end. 

    Yeah you are correct, it definitely becomes a bit of stepping on each others toes.  I was able to get things working on my local machine, but it seems there are a bunch of libraries that are no longer available in 6.10 that were previously available in 6.9.  Here is the full list of packages I needed to install to get things working locally againon 6.10-rc1:









  4. 18 hours ago, limetech said:

    Could be.  Nothing in 'stock' Unraid OS requires libgd so we would not have noticed if an updated package removed it.

    We can add it - what about 'vnstat' package?  Is this useful to add to Unraid OS?

    I dont think vnstat needs to be a core package in unraid.  The Network Stats plugin that I maintain can be updated to include this, i just have to figure out how.

  5. This is not specific to rc2, but it is specific to unraid 6.10.  One of my plugins installs vnstat package, but it seems anyone who upgrades to unraid 6.10 rcs is encountering issues with my plugin and upon investigation i see that vnstati is outputting the following error:


    vnstati: error while loading shared libraries: libgd.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory


    Was something with libgd removed/changes moving from unraid 6.9 to 6.10?

    • Thanks 1
  6. Anyone else seem to have nfs issues when running 6.10.0-rc1?  I have tried to upgrade to 6.10.-rc1 three times now, and every time I do my Plex Server has issues playing any media from my unraid server.  its an NFS mount, and essentially upgrading to 6.10.0-rc1 when playing media my plex server load goes through the roof.  There are no load/memory issues on unraid server, but downgrading unraid server to 6.9.2 fixes the issue.

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