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About dorgan

  • Birthday 01/04/1983


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  1. Hmmmm the two should have zero to do with each other….
  2. OK i believe I've tracked down what causes this, and from what I can tell its when you do not have remote access enabled. Can you please confirm you have remote access disabled? And if so, you will need to manually put the IP address:port in the custom servers box.
  3. OK and what is the output of: https://[unraid_domain]/plugins/plexstreams/getServers.php
  4. Can you please share with me the output of https://[unraid_domain][/plugins/plexstreams/getServers.php?useSsl=1
  5. Can you be more specific? I am running 6.12.11 and have no issues
  6. I am planning a rewrite of this plugin, and will add that to the list of support besides also being able to support other media server platforms
  7. I’ll see what I can do
  8. Check your settings, if you already have a server selected in the list, you do not need to fill it in inside the custom servers field.
  9. go ahead and try version 2023.11.27 which should fix this issue.
  10. OK just pushed out 2023.11.27 which should fix this issue.
  11. I've been down with flu and bronchitis and haven't really been on the computer much, but I can confirm I am now seeing this on my side too, so let me take a look and see what's going on
  12. That version of unraid is over 3 years old and honestly no longer supported.
  13. What version of unraid are you running. Also can you post a screenshot of your Plex Stream Settings page, blur out anything sensitive
  14. ok now that I know how to re-create it I can look into it. There was a bunch of changes in moving from unraid 6.12 for this plugin, so somthing probably got a little messy. I'll try to get it correct in the next week or two.
  15. Typically seeing duplicate streams is because there is a configuration setting wrong. Please make sure you do not have servers selected in the servers list as well as populated in the Customer Servers field.
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