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Everything posted by ORIMBELLI

  1. Thanks for your prompt reply, here is the diagnostic. Please be patient with me, noob here! thevault-diagnostics-20191020-1556.zip
  2. After copy-pasting the URL into INSTALL PLUGIN tab I get this error log: plugin: installing: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Squidly271/community.applications/master/plugins/community.applications.plg plugin: downloading https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Squidly271/community.applications/master/plugins/community.applications.plg plugin: downloading: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Squidly271/community.applications/master/plugins/community.applications.plg ... failed (Network failure) plugin: wget: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Squidly271/community.applications/master/plugins/community.applications.plg download failure (Network failure) thevault-syslog-20191020-1535.zip
  3. Unfortunately I had to give up with this docker, recurring cumbersome authorisation requests and if files are copied into DB folder/docker will not be uploaded to DB cloud. Seems to work only as a download-only mode from DB. Hoping makes sense. BTW thanks a lot to this great community & ken-ji! (I just wanted to share my experience)
  4. hi ken-ji, thanks for your reply. I confirm my No-Cache-Disk for Dropbox share. Bug (?) Reporting : 1) WARNING:tornado.access:404 HEAD /blocks/1393998867/n74zf9taRF37OmKfCo1NgBnjrlijL1n9IqNzUPOOysA ( 4230.70ms many lines like the above are shown in Log for: Dropbox. 2) I've experienced an hard time to setup different user for DB share, apparently I had to try many times to setup a different user, it was always sharing as Guest. After using your lovely Docker plugin here it is my features wish list: Easy way to setup user/permission in DB Docker (guest as default user is too "risky" imho: would you like your whole DB content exposed to all network users by default?) Button/link to authorise Docker at DB website: it is completely obscure for newbie like me to "discover" that I have to look for a log then to pickup a rapidly scrolling link to DB website... Thanks for your attention. \mark\
  5. Using Dropbox Docker container [up to date version-while posting this] Noticing many weird behaviours: Worst of all: Share named "Dropbox" cannot be shared, is not published and not accessible by user. Shows up only if I connect as Guest but when clicking to list files connecting with AFP or SMB show and error."The operation can’t be completed because the original item for “Dropbox” can’t be found." Browsing with Krusader I can see all files synced, my own-created shares are working fine. Clicking on Port Mappings row "17500/tcp" can't reach any site/page, not sure if this is indented for clicking... There is not "dumbo-mode" to login and start Dropbox from container, I've luckily clicked on Log "Up 31 minutes" and noticed a looping message about clicking on a link pointing to Dropbox.com... Checking with Krusader seems that permission are not passed correctly when set in Shares>Share Settings>AFP... Enclosing screenshot of Container page, pretty much default settings. Thanks for any ideas you Gang would like to share here. Mark [unRaid Server Plus 6.4.0]
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