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Posts posted by secondsunrise

  1. On 8/2/2019 at 4:39 AM, binhex said:

    edit - with the above in mind @secondsunrise as you are currently the only other confirmed user who has this running, are you by any chance running a cache drive formatted with XFS? or even no cache drive and targetting array for config?

    My cache drive is formatted with btrfs. I'm also running a newer processor (i7-8700) than other folks who have posted in this thread so that may be why I was able to install the original docker image without issue. Haven't had a chance to try any backups yet.

    • Like 1
  2. Is there any way to run a custom, internal website (intranet only) using the letsencrypt docker? For example, could I add a folder containing my custom website to the www folder in the letsencrypt appdata directory? Something like this:

    • If so, how would I go about accessing it from my home network?
      • Is there any way I could type in my servers IP address and a backslash to access it? Something like
    • Would I have to create another entry in my default config file (path shown below)?


  3. On 11/27/2018 at 9:43 PM, Bilal Yassine said:



    I'm trying to set up this docker with a subdomain is it possible? I looked in the docs for BookStack and they only described it with subfolder using apache

    I copied the conf files in Letsencrypt I pasted the code below. if it's possible could you please let me know what I'm doing wrong?

    in the docker config i used the correct reverseproxy address.

    I just got bookstack up and running behind my Letsencrypt reverse proxy using sub domains, had to tweak a few things to get it working though. Here's my Letsencrypt file:

    # redirect all traffic to https
    server {
    	listen 80;
    	server_name _;
    	return 301 https://$host$request_uri;
    # main server block
    server {
    	listen 443 ssl default_server;
    	root /config/www;
    	index index.html index.htm index.php;
    	server_name _;
    	# all ssl related config moved to ssl.conf
    	include /config/nginx/ssl.conf;
    	client_max_body_size 0;
    ## BookStack
    server {
     	listen 443 ssl;
    	root /config/www;
    	index index.html index.htm index.php;
    	server_name bookstack.*;
    	include /config/nginx/ssl.conf;
    	client_max_body_size 0;	
    	location / {
    		include /config/nginx/proxy.conf;

    I also had to change the .env file in the bookstack container by following these steps:

    1. Click on the bookstack docker icon and select console
    2. Type in nano /config/www/.env to edit your .env file
    3. Arrow down until you see APPURL or APP_URL (make sure it's set to APP_URL with the underscore)
    # The below url has to be set if using social auth options
    # or if you are not using BookStack at the root path of your domain.


  4. EDIT: I got it working - thank you @j0nnymoe! Here are the steps in case anyone else needs to get this setup:


    1. Click on the bookstack docker icon and select console.

    2. Type in nano /config/www/.env to edit your .env file

    3. Arrow down to the bottom until you get to #Mail settings and configure it according to your mail server (I use Zoho mail). If you have 2FA setup on your mail server account, you'll probably need to request an application specific password to use in your bookstack .env file

    # Mail settings
    [email protected]
    [email protected]


    On 1/5/2019 at 4:21 PM, j0nnymoe said:

    Add your mail settings to the .env file in `/config`

    I've never configured a .env file before. From the unRAID GUI I clicked on my BookStack docker and opened the console and did a

    cd /config

    but I'm not seeing the .env file anywhere. Just the output below

    root@e123b7bc558e:/config$ ls
    BOOKSTACK_APP_KEY.txt  keys  log  nginx  php  www


    • Upvote 1
  5. Does anyone have a mail server configured with bookstack (for users to create their own accounts and receive an email confirmation)? The documentation on the bookstack website doesn't cover it. I'm sure there's a config file somewhere I have to setup but I can't find it.


    BookStack settings page to allow user registration via email



    Error message when trying to register new user w/email confirmation


  6. On 9/14/2018 at 1:29 PM, TType85 said:

    AT&T ran fiber through my neighborhood last year and I was on it like a fat kid on cake.  1000/1000 for $70/mo no caps. I was on Time Warner (Spectrum) and was paying $80/mo for 300/20.

    This right here. I have AT&T gig service at my apartment (1000/1000) for $70/month, no caps. It's amazing - the last speed test I ran with the speedtest docker had me at 971 down/1104 up lol. I've never run into any outages or issues with AT&T, so far their Gig service has been great. I've never had to reach out to their tech support so can't really say how they might compare to Comcast.

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