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Posts posted by kcgodwins

  1. On 1/13/2018 at 7:09 PM, Everend said:

    No, I don't think so. Here's what I did so far with this docker...


    1. from the Apps tab, search for openvpn.

    2. Locate and click on the install icon for the Linuxserver.io version.

    3. per the spaceinvader's video I was following, verified the default settings were Host and Privileged: = on

    4. After the successful install message, click on the Docker tab. See the openvpn docker is running, then click on the WebUI

    5. Received the ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED message.

    6. Back on the docker tab, EDIT the docker, change the Network Type: to Bridge (from Host).

    7. Refresh the chrome tab

    8. At this point the unsecure message spaceinvader's video said would come up.


    Note: This is the first docker installed on this new unraid install.   


    Q: Can I continue to run openvpn on the Bridge network type?  Are there any considerations/issues for doing this?

    Q: Separate symptom which I expect is related.. I am still unable to use the Unassigned Devices plugin feature to "Add Remote SMB Share" found on the unRaid GUI "Main" tab.

    I'm having this exact issue; I didn't try bridge mode because everything I have read said it has to be host, so I don't know if changing it would have fixed it for me and I'm not near the machine to try it now.


    This is a brand new UnRaid setup and, if I remember correctly, bonding was on by default.  However, I have only one NIC so I disabled bonding, and it shows as disabled in the setup.  Not sure if it needs a reboot but maybe I'll try that as well.


    I will be watching this thread for any further info.

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