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Everything posted by kcgodwins

  1. I'm having similar issues with permissions but for different reasons (which are irrelevant so I'll spare you the screen space). I started looking at the docker docs for this app and it appears that there is no mechanism for specifying the user and group to store the files as, so it defaults to root/root. It'd be really marvelous if this could be added (or, if it's there somewhere, I could be pointed to the info documenting it). Thanks again!
  2. My only non-monetary concern relative to this is maintaining backwards compatibility in apps/plugins going forward, since obviously this new situation is going to introduce a scenario where some people are not going to want to upgrade due to the additional cost. Case in point -- I'm currently running 6.11.5; I'm planning to upgrade to 6.12.x at some point relatively soon but still haven't gotten there due to a number of reasons. That said, the minimum requirement for the Community Applications plugin is 6.12.x as of November of last year. This means I've stopped applying CA upgrades to my system until I get to 6.12. I'm grandfathered (allegedly (lol)) so it's not going to be an issue for me but it may be an issue for someone new to the platform down the road. I'm a grateful user of all these apps and I know very little about what goes into making them all mesh together, so I'm not sure if maintaining backward compatibility is even a reasonable ask, but figured I'd at least point it out. Cheers.
  3. Doesn't show up for me in Community Apps. I'm running 6.9.2.
  4. It was line 424 for v6.9.2; updated it and worked great. Thanks all.
  5. Thanks, I'll take a look at it. Do you (or anyone) know why this has become an issue all of a sudden? Just curious. Thanks again. Mike
  6. Could you post what line 448 looks like prior to the above update? I'm running 6.9.2 and I'm wanting to make sure I'm touching the correct line. My current line 448 reads: $reply_json = json_decode($reply, true); Seems like a really radical update if that's what I'm supposed to be replacing. More and more of my dockers have gone "not available" in the past week, for reasons I'm unaware of. I'm hoping that this might fix it. TIA ETA: I'm also not opposed to upgrading to 6.10 or 6.11 if one or the other will resolve this. Thx again.
  7. You're right, it's right there. Not sure how I overlooked it but thanks for the pointer.
  8. Hi; is there a cookbook for upgrading ownCloud in this docker? I read some time ago that the gui-based upgrade doesn't work (unfortunately, I read that after I tried it LOL), so I guess I'm doing it manually. I don't mind digging around and compiling the info I need to get it upgraded but if someone who has already done this a time or two has a guide somewhere I'd rather not re-invent the wheel. Thanks in advance and thank you for all the efforts on this and all dockers. You guys are wizards...
  9. Cool, thanks. Learn something new every day. 🙂
  10. I'd like an answer for this question as it relates to the java version if there's a viable answer for it. I don't necessarily want to upgrade minecraft versions as they are released (right now I'm running 1.18.2 and didn't want to go to 1.19 right away; however, looks like the docker decided to upgrade to 1.19 on its own anyway). Thanks in advance.
  11. I'm usually pretty keen on figuring out the simplest of things (which I think this should be one) but, alas, here I am to ask... How can I determine which version of Uptime Kuma I'm running? Normally I'd console into the docker, do a ps -aux to find the executable and then do something like <executable name> -v However, this container has no ps, so I'm scratching my head. Thanks in advance.
  12. Oops, I had forgotten I'd already asked. How embarrassing. Thanks for the info.
  13. Hello everyone. I switched from Nextcloud to Owncloud relatively recently (approximately a month or 2 ago) and I very much like it, but there's an issue I'm seeing that's troubling me somewhat and I wanted to see if it's just happening to me, or if this is expected behavior. Seems that, each time I restart the OC docker, it spends considerable time essentially rebuilding itself; downloading packages and whatnot. Is this the way it's designed to function? It seems odd to me, and it's the only one of my approximately dozen dockers that behaves this way. Just thought I'd ask. Thanks.
  14. Relatively new with Owncloud, having moved over from Nextcloud. I have a question regarding it's startup behavior. It appears to me that, each time the docker container is started, it goes out and "rebuilds" itself from scratch (downloads/installs packages, etc.). Is this normal behavior or is something awry that I should look into? TIA
  15. Love this container, use it all the time on my Unraid box. I'm trying to mimic this functionality on a Windows box using Handbrake, particularly the "watch" and "automatic conversion" functionality, but I've not yet figured out how to do this. Does anyone have any information on how I can accomplish this or links to any resources that can help me out? Thanks in advance!
  16. Okay, I made this change last week and it fixed the problem, but here we are the week after and it appears my edit (as well as the original file I saved as a backup) are gone. So, I guess I'm soliciting advice for the "best way" to get dynamix docker manager to not update it's config? Change everything in .../include to read-only, perhaps? I'm still on 6.8.3 and currently have no plans to upgrade to 6.9, although I might consider it after .10 comes out and I see how the upgrade goes for others. TIA Mike
  17. How does one revoke a cert with this? Or, more to the point, revoke a cert created by this? There doesn't seem to be a lot of real world tutorials out there, at least none that I have found. Any pointers would be appreciated. Thank you!
  18. I don't need to know how to recover my password but I was being curious because better to prepare for the oops then have to find the info in a panic, right? So I click the 'Password Recovery' link on the login page (6.8.1) and I end up on a wiki-ish web page that has no information regarding password recovery. Is this the expected behavior? I'm not sure I'd want something like that pointing to a document on the internet. Can it be updated to display the procedure from a file on the local flash drive or something? Maybe this has been addressed post 6.8.1 so if it has, my apologies. I'll get to upgrading one of these days. Cheers. Mike
  19. I was going through those motions as I got your reply; thank you for the info. It was nice having verification I'm on the right path. Now I'm back in. Now it's time to shut her down and perform some hardware upgrades (going from 16GB to 32GB memory and adding 2 SSDs for cache (I currently have no cache). Thanks again. Mike
  20. I'm running 6.6.7 headless and this plugin has effectively hoarked my ability to ssh into my box. I've deleted the plugin and will try to get access back by tethering a monitor and keyboard to the thing but if there is any "quick start" to getting this fixed I'd appreciate a pointer to it. Thanks
  21. I rolled back to the previous version of the docker container and I can get back into it again (it's now running php 7.2.19). I'll play around with it to see if I can get Nextcloud proper to upgrade to a later version and then re-update the docker. Thanks for the advice so far. Hoping I won't need to perform the long drawn out procedure noted but I do appreciate that it is there if I need it.
  22. Hi guys, sorry for the intrusion but I just discovered I have an issue after updating all my dockers this evening. I can no longer access Nextcloud via letsencrypt; I have started getting the error "This version of Nextcloud is not compatible with > PHP 7.2. You are currently running 7.3.6." Both the nextcloud and letsencrypt dockers are from linuxserver.io and I updated both this evening. I got into the letsencrypt console and did a php -v and it is indeed running 7.3.6: PHP 7.3.6 (cli) (built: Jun 14 2019 11:43:56) ( NTS ) Copyright (c) 1997-2018 The PHP Group Zend Engine v3.3.6, Copyright (c) 1998-2018 Zend Technologies with Zend OPcache v7.3.6, Copyright (c) 1999-2018, by Zend Technologies So, my questions... 1. Is there a change log/release notes or other such page somewhere on the net for each of these dockers so I can read to validate that the version of php changed (I believe it has)? 2. Is there a way to "downgrade" to a previous version of a docker and, if so, how? A pointer to some educational material on the subject would be appreciated. 3. I find it odd that two dockers from the same publisher are apparently at odds with each other. Does this happen often? 4. Anyone else having this issue? Thanks Mike
  23. Update: When I got home, I bounced the entire docker subsystem on my unraid box and also refreshed the Tautulli config and it seems to have fixed the issue.
  24. As of the most recent docker updates, it appears that Tautulli is no longer picking up watch history from my plex docker. I believe the plex docker (also linuxserver, I believe) had an update at the same time, so I'm not certain where the issue lies but thought I'd mention it here in case anyone else is seeing similar behavior. Thanks Mike ETA: Tautulli *does* see when something is being actively streamed, it just does not log it in history.
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