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Everything posted by alby

  1. There's my likely problem, I'm not up to date on my unraid version. Thank you for the information!
  2. I apologize, I didn't leave nearly enough context there. This was in response to an older conversation in this thread: I had to follow the same steps that user did in regard to another issue, and it resolved it for me as well. The only part I didn't understand was the part about adding lines to the 'go' file, to ensure the module will load on unraid reboot.
  3. As a newbie that is very cautious about editing OS config files, what lines specifically need to be added to make sure this config/module functions after a reboot?
  4. I was encountering the 'Cannot openTUN /TAPdev /dev/net/tun' error, which I was finally able to resolve by following the Configuration section of https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/networking/tuntap.txt these instructions on the unraid host OS and then adding --device /dev/net/tun to the Extra Parameters when setting up the container. During this process I also turned off Privileged mode for the container and added --cap-add=NET_ADMIN to the Extra Parameters. My understanding is that this is more restrictive than enabling full Privileged mode, but still allows the VPN to function. I'm now able to use the container without privileged mode enabled, and have been using qbittorrent without issue. If my understanding is correct, it may be worthwhile to change the template for the docker to remove privileged mode, as it does open some security concerns, and use the NET_ADMIN setting instead.
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