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Report Comments posted by Deazo

  1. After reversing to 6.6.7 more than a month ago, things are rock solid, handling big database and many downloads, not a single corruption.

    I am sticking to this version until a true fix comes out.

    It is frustrating to not benefit from any update of a product I payed for, but I am confident the team is hard at work trying to make us all happy again.

  2. Dear Unraid team,

    thank you for looking into this. I have had Plex corruptions since upgrading so I downgraded.

    Unfortunately I cannot run the test as I do not have the time for this and do not want to take any risk with my data, even though it is backed up.

    But for what is worth and FYI, my app data path is as follow: /mnt/user/appdata

    If you need any log file, etc. please let me know.