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Report Comments posted by dan91

  1. 7 hours ago, limetech said:

    Did you see the post immediately above yours?


    7 hours ago, dlandon said:

    Post diagnostics.  There will be more in the log after that.


    Hi please see diagnostics attached but that is as far as it gets it just hangs.


    Would it be anything to do with i'm using the second password on my LUKS volume due to the post I made in the main thread?




  2. 7 hours ago, limetech said:

    If you are typing your passphrase into a file, there is no way it's going to be 1).  And 2) should work depending on what editor you are using.



    Sorry I mean the unraid web page encryption passphrase limits it to 512 characters (Or did on the old version) any extra is not included so when I created the encrypted array even though I pasted more than that it was chopped to 512 chars. Which is why I struggled to get the paste into a file and mount using the keyfile command working as I was entering the full password. I first had to mount the array normally (entering the passphrase in the web ui) and look at the keyfile it made and see what was chopped off the end.


    After doing that I was able to mount it fine using a copy pasted into a file and using the keyfile what I meant by 2 was something in my old passphrase stops the new way you are doing it from working. I confirmed this seems to be a problem with cryptosetup as I tried to mount one of my unassigned devices manually using the cryptsetup luksOpen command. When prompted to enter the password and I enter the password which is now correct and works fine in the keyfile it fails to load. Leaving me to think that something in my password is not supported using that method and which is why unraid fails to mount using the new method of not making a keyfile.


    Hopefully this makes a bit more sense?



  3. Had an issue with the change to encryption away from the entering you passphrase makes a keyfile and mounts using that.


    It seems my passphrase is;


    1) too long

    2) has characters that dont translate into the standard password prompt luks would provide these are some characters which were in my password as an example; Ö®ëÆ

    This doesnt really seem to be a bug in unraid as after testing I cannot mount the drive by running it manually on the disk with this password it has to go into a keyfile first (even though i normally just paste the phrase into the webui) which would normally put it in a keyfile and mount that way up until this version which is why ive only just noticed the problem.


    Just spent 5 mins adding another key to all my disks and now no issues except for unassigned devices which i posted in the other thread. This is more of an info post for anyone else who may experience the issue!


  4. Hi, I have updated to the newiest version of Unassigned devices and on RC1


    When it trys to map my unassigned devices it does the following but then does not do anything, the array does not finish mounting so none of my services start.


    Oct 15 19:17:36 Tower unassigned.devices: Mounting 'Auto Mount' Devices...
    Oct 15 19:17:36 Tower unassigned.devices: Adding disk '/dev/mapper/Crucial_1TB'...
    Oct 15 19:17:36 Tower unassigned.devices: luksOpen: key file not found - using emcmd to open: 'cmdCryptsetup=luksOpen /dev/sdk1 Crucial_1TB --allow-discards'

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