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Everything posted by grtgbln

  1. You can read more details about it here: https://tunarr.com/#what-is-this It's not an equivalent to Threadfin/xTeve, which is an M3U proxy that combines multiple M3U playlists into one. Tunarr is a fork of dizqueTV, which like ersatzTV, allows you to use your Plex Media Server content to create custom TV channels.
  2. I would recommend uninstalling and, just for good measure, deleting the cached LiveKit configuration file in `/boot/config/plugins/dockerMan/` before re-installing from the CA store. Unless you think you'll need all 10,000 ports (high traffic), you can edit the port mapping entry to be a smaller range. Ultimately this should then match the start and end port range in your config file: https://docs.livekit.io/home/self-hosting/deployment/#Configuration
  3. It sounds like port 59820 is already being used by another Docker container on your system. There should be a section at the bottom when editing the LiveKit template configuration to see what ports have been allocated to other containers.
  4. Errors inside the application are better directed at the GitHub repository for Tunarr.
  5. I believe you can use the GPU inside the container to assist with transcoding streams.
  6. Alright, I believe I have solved it, had to due with an incorrect default GROUP_ID variable. New template should be available in a few hours, you'll need to uninstall and redownload from the CA store. To be on the safe side, you should also delete the files inside the "webtrees" folder in your appdata (should only be one "config" file). I've also removed some unnecessary and/or confusing variables, including the DISABLE_SSL. You can see what's left/altered under "Advanced", but I'd recommend leaving them as they are.
  7. Is that an HTTP or HTTPS URL for the Web UI?
  8. With the new update, there should be a "db" folder in there now. Have you uninstalled and reinstalled from the CA store?
  9. Good news, I figured out the problem and have fixed it. The template was set to "host" mode rather than "bridge" mode for networking, meaning it wasn't allowing different host-container ports. All my templates have been updated accordingly, since they were all suffering from this issue. My apologies. The new templates should be available in 24 hours, or you can manually change it by editing your container and changing "Network" from "host" to "bridge"
  10. Oops, looks like I got tripped up by how the volume mappings. I'm updating the template currently, should be available within 24 hours.
  11. I am troubleshooting this currently.
  12. I'm not sure I understand. The Docker container failed to install/setup, or LocalAI was up and running, but downloading models failed?
  13. > attempt to write a readonly database Sounds like a permissions issue between the container and the database file you created.
  14. RE: Port, update to template coming in the next few hours: RE: iGPU, as far as I know, LocalAI only supports Nvidia CUDA, not iGPU. https://localai.io/features/gpu-acceleration/index.html
  15. You should just need to restart the app now that the file it expects is there.
  16. Run touch anythingllm.db from inside your "/mnt/user/appdata/anythingllm" folder. I have just updated the template to mention this.
  17. I just pushed out an update to the template that should fix this, check back tomorrow once it's synced.
  18. You'll need some kind of integration that can use the models. I'd recommend a GUI like bigAGI: https://localai.io/docs/integrations/
  19. Thanks for letting me know. The `.env` file must exist before running, otherwise Docker will try to make it (and assumes it's a folder, not a file). I have updated the template to note that.
  20. Is there a way to mitigate breaking changes and/or major versions in a CA template? One app I manage a template for has a new major (x.y.z) version out, which requires changes to both the Docker/CA settings (some new config fields, some removed, some changed type from a string to a dropdown option) and to non-Docker settings (permission changes to the remote API the app interacts with via the provider's portal). 1. Is there a process that I can take to properly migrate user settings from the old "string" type to the new "dropdown" type? If not, is there a way to call this out to the user or force them to view the app's configuration page during an update? 2. In the same vain, is there a way to stop users from auto-updating to a new major version, or bring attention to it? It doesn't seem like there's necessarily versioning for CA templates. The container currently uses `Branch` for which Docker image to use, but with `latest` being the only option. Perhaps changing the only available branch to a specific older image?
  21. As the error suggests, your command is incorrect. You need to provide the "-c" flag when providing a config file path. Use the following instead: python run.py -c /mnt/user/appdata/prerolls/config.yaml Also, please reserve this thread for discussion specifically about running this Community App as a Docker container on Unraid. For general questions about running the Python script directly, please open an issue on the project's GitHub page: https://github.com/nwithan8/plex-prerolls
  22. Thank you for bringing the bug to my attention, it has been patched and will be available in the latest version shortly. The masking of the cron template has also been fixed. In the future, please open an issue on GitHub about the project: https://github.com/nwithan8/plex-prerolls, I check that more often than I check these forums.
  23. The path "/mnt/user/data/media/..." doesn't exist inside Plex. You need to use the path to each file as Plex would see it, perhaps something like "/media/...". Refer to the mapped paths on your Plex Docker container. Also, those Fall, Winter et. al schedules won't work with just paths to the prerolls folders, you need to include full paths to individual media files (not sure if perhaps you redacted those for this help session)
  24. The Docker container does not need to access the pre-roll files directly. In your schedule, use the path that Plex would use to access each file.
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