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Everything posted by JimG

  1. I just want to echo this. The benefit of sharing Unraid resources, CPU and GPU included, is one of the primary reasons I leverage this docker rather than an alternate solution. If the only way to get ML going forward is to move to a VM then I'm probably inclined to look at other options as well, BlueIris probably.
  2. Your detection_sequence looks to be incorrect. The automated script failed to correct one of my instances as well. Rather than 'yolo' you want 'object'. The possible options are: object,alpr,face. In your logs you likely see something like "Unrecoverable error:Invalid model yolo Traceback:Traceback (most recent call last): File "/var/lib/zmeventnotification/bin/zm_detect.py", line 850, in <module> main_handler() File "/var/lib/zmeventnotification/bin/zm_detect.py", line 351, in main_handler raise ValueError('Invalid model {}'.format(model))ValueError: Invalid model yolo"
  3. I think you need to be following the documentation here: https://zmeventnotification.readthedocs.io/en/latest/guides/hooks.html#troubleshooting Specifically One of the big reasons why object detection fails is because the hook is not able to download the image to check. This may be because your ZM version is old or other errors. Some common issues: Make sure your objectconfig.ini section for [general] are correct (portal, user,admin) For object detection to work, the hooks expect to download images of events using https://yourportal/zm/?view=image&eid=<eid>&fid=snapshot and possibly https://yourportal/zm/?view=image&eid=<eid>&fid=alarm Open up a browser, log into ZM. Open a new tab and type in https://yourportal/zm/?view=image&eid=<eid>&fid=snapshot in your browser. Replace eid with an actual event id. Do you see an image? If not, you’ll have to fix/update ZM. Please don’t ask me how. Please post in the ZM forums Open up a browser, log into ZM. Open a new tab and type in https://yourportal/zm/?view=image&eid=<eid>&fid=alarm in your browser. Replace eid with an actual event id. Do you see an image? If not, you’ll have to fix/update ZM. Please don’t ask me how. Please post in the ZM forums
  4. First off, thanks for the work on this. I've been using this container for 7+ months and it has been great in general. Especially appreciate the addition of zmNinja support and the crontab configuration. And the question... Are there any plans to build a 1.31/32 container? I realize it isn't quite in production yet but they are quite close and would love to start leveraging many of the new features including: Record to mp4 container files Record to multiple storage folders Web UI rewrite Montage Review rewrite (?) All system specific path variables are now stored in config files under a conf.d folder Add an arbitrary website as a non-recordable monitor better indication that /dev/shm is full or about to become full