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Posts posted by bobobeastie

  1. Thanks, so it looks like I have 2 options, fix the UUID issue then try to rebuild the parity drive, I'm ok with not trusting it, or take the 2tb drive I want to replace out, mount it with unasigned devices on another unraid system, put  a precleared 8tb drive in system in question, and use new configuration and build parity, then copy contents of 2tb drive to array once settled.


    If there is no danged in changing UUID's, then I might as well try that first while I wait for the 8tb drive to preclear.  I also plan to check if I can mount the 2tb xfs encrypted drive before doing anything risky.


    Is that a safe plan?

  2. Assuming that means that I can't change/fix the UUID, should I be able to put sdi in a spare bay on my main server and mount with unassigned devices?  That drive is encrypted xfs, will unasigned devices be okay with this and prompt me for the key?  


    If the above works, I can then replace sdi with the drive I was trying to replace it with originally, assuming it has a different UUID, and build parity, then when done add back the data from the 2tb sdi.


    ...just found a post from you about duplicate UUID's, and you said that "xfs_admin -U generate /dev/sdi1" can be run.  Should I try that?

  3. In the beginning, I precleared an 8tb drive that I was replacing in my main server, so that I could put it in my secondary server, to replace a 2tb drive I was getting errors on.  After preclearing was done I turned the secondary server off and replaced the drive, 2tb for 8tb.  I changed slot 1 to the new drive and started the array.  Then it asked to format the drive, and this is where I figured I did something wrong.  I think I said format during parity rebuild, then I got spooked, so I stopped and tried parity rebuild again without formatting, which was also probably wrong.  The rebuild finished and the "new" drive was still listed as unformated.


    After that, I have put the old 2tb drive back in slot 1, and tried a new configuration, nothing had been written to the array but I was going to resync parity from the data drives just in case, better than losing 2tb.  When trying that, it is showing disk 9 as unformated/no fs, disk 9 is 8tb, so if I had to choose, I'd lose 2tb.  I double checked that the drive I removed was the "new" previously precleared drive from my main server.  The serial from slot 8 is a different brand and the one I removed matches the serial from a spreadsheet I keep for my main array for locating drives. 


    Hopefully I'm still in a place where I can keep all my data, but after stumbling around I could really use some help on how to do that, please.  Diagnostics are attached, for the boot it was generated from, I have tried new config and am getting that drive 9 is not formatted.


    Extra stuff that might not matter: I think some of my confusion comes from the secondary server being encrypted, which my main one isn't, maybe replacing drives is different in this case.  I was going to move SAS cards around, but the 16e card I bought for my new server started smoking when I started it up, so I couldn't use one of the 8i cards from that that I was going to put in my secondary server, but moving things around seems to have at least temporarily eased the errors.




  4. So I think it was due to having shares from the opposite server mounted in unassigned devices, and then when that remote server restarted and became unavailable, unassigned devices became unresponsive, which I think must have messed up the whole web interface?  Which caused a very frustrating game alternating server issues.  There's a remote share error in the log file.  I removed the shares and knock on wood, so far so good.  I have the shares mounted so I can run a dupeguru container from unraid to find duplicate files, so if I understand the cause correctly, I would like to find a solution other than just not mounting the shares.

  5. I have two servers, both 1st gen Zen based, one threadripper and one Ryzen.  The first sign seems to be a loading animation on unassigned devices in the Main page that never finishes loading.  At this point I am unable to get diagnostic files either from the gui, or from putty.  With putty, it just hangs at "starting diagnostics collection...".  After that, eventually, none of the pages load, and I am forced to tell the server to "reboot" twice in putty, the first one doesn't do anything.  After the second reboot, which works, and the systems boot, a parity check starts, but is not able to finish before all the issues start, and they seem to stop updating their status at some point near their end.  Sometimes I see after a reboot that the previous parity check had finished successfully.  Also, mover seems to run slowly and sometimes the transfer speeds on the array stop showing non zero values.


    Originally I was updating to the most current 6.7 RC's, though I think I skipped .2.  But yesterday I downgraded to 6.6.7 by replacing the bz files on the flash drives with the bz files downloaded from the unraid web page, and I'm still having these issues.  I left the other bz files from the RC's that were not replaced with 6.6.7 bz's.

  6. I just finished a parity swap that took all day, and when it was done, it asked if I wanted to copy parity again, not start the array.  Because of this, I rebooted, and it asked the same thing, I tried changing disk assignments but it said too many disks, so I changed it back and it is now copying parity again.  I followed the procedure very closely, I even copied the instructions and inserted drive names into it, because I found the old drive, new drive labels confusing, I'm not sure if I did something wrong, but I don't think I did.  Any advice for when it is done again?  I will certainly take a screenshot and grab diagnostics if it happens again.

  7. 3 hours ago, bobobeastie said:

    I have been having issues with rtorrentvpn, and maybe with unraid, I can't get the web ui for rtorrent to load reliably, and when it does load it only connects briefly.  My unraid issues, which I'm mentioning in case it's related, is that pages load slowly, settings change slowly, I give up waiting and relaod whichever page and sometimes the changes took, sometimes they didn't.  When I try to initiate a shutdown or restart I am used to seeing a new page with a countdown, I'm not seeing that anymore. 


    Here's some maybe pertinent backstory.  This is my second current unraid box using leftovers from upgrades, built because the first box is out of bays and running out of space.  I started it with drives pre-cleared 3 times, with encrytped xfs, and initially did not set up a parity drive.  With the array running, I started to get Current pending sectors on one of the drives in the array.  I waited for a drive that was pre-clearing at the time to finish and then had it build parity with that drive, the drive with errors, and 2 others.  Then I replaced the drive with errors and let it rebuild.  This morning I added a cache drive and set things up to use it, including app data (preferred) and my download directory (yes).  I also ran and xfs check of the drive that replaced the drive with errors, and a btrfs check on the cache drive.  I had been using a copy of the openvpn folder from my other box which is running the same container successfully, I just tried overwriting the contents with a fresh download from PIA and that doesn't seem to have made a difference.


    Thank you for any help, log file is attached.


    edit: As suggested I have attached my unraid diagnostics.

    supervisord-sending.log 37.59 kB · 0 downloads

    flags-diagnostics-20190622-2223.zip 93.45 kB · 0 downloads

    rtorrent has been much better at connecting to the web ui since I ungraded to 6.7.1 official from 6.7.1 rc2.  It is still timing out frequently though.

  8. I have been having issues with rtorrentvpn, and maybe with unraid, I can't get the web ui for rtorrent to load reliably, and when it does load it only connects briefly.  My unraid issues, which I'm mentioning in case it's related, is that pages load slowly, settings change slowly, I give up waiting and relaod whichever page and sometimes the changes took, sometimes they didn't.  When I try to initiate a shutdown or restart I am used to seeing a new page with a countdown, I'm not seeing that anymore. 


    Here's some maybe pertinent backstory.  This is my second current unraid box using leftovers from upgrades, built because the first box is out of bays and running out of space.  I started it with drives pre-cleared 3 times, with encrytped xfs, and initially did not set up a parity drive.  With the array running, I started to get Current pending sectors on one of the drives in the array.  I waited for a drive that was pre-clearing at the time to finish and then had it build parity with that drive, the drive with errors, and 2 others.  Then I replaced the drive with errors and let it rebuild.  This morning I added a cache drive and set things up to use it, including app data (preferred) and my download directory (yes).  I also ran and xfs check of the drive that replaced the drive with errors, and a btrfs check on the cache drive.  I had been using a copy of the openvpn folder from my other box which is running the same container successfully, I just tried overwriting the contents with a fresh download from PIA and that doesn't seem to have made a difference.


    Thank you for any help, log file is attached.


    edit: As suggested I have attached my unraid diagnostics.



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