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Kaizac last won the day on September 13 2023

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  1. I'm only seeing the specific docker containers when they are running on the Unraid host IP. Using a dedicated IP from a VLAN does not seem to show the separate container traffic. Is that as expected?
  2. Sorry, the mobile view screwed your Quote, and it seemed like you merged everything to /mnt/user/data/ which is the parent folder. But it merges to /mnt/user/data/mergerfs, which is fine. The permission problems have been discussed a couple of times in this topic, you don't need to go back too far for it. Can you show your docker container template for radarr? And are you downloading with Sabnzbd or something? What path mapping is used there? Also, you can go to the seperate /mnt/user/data/xx folders (local/remote/mergerfs) with your terminal cd /mnt/user/data/local/ and type ls -la It shows you the owners of the folder. I would expect it to say "nobody/users".
  3. You're merging a subfolder with its parent folder. That doesn't work.
  4. What @JonathanM means is the technical correct explanation for how read only permissions work with file systems. What Google is doing is just limiting uploading and calling it "read only". So if you have set up your system as written down in this topic, you can just disable your upload script. It will then see it still as 1 folder, but just keep your new files locally stored. Just make sure /mnt/user/local/ is not cache only, or you will run out of space eventually.
  5. Glad it works! Does it now show up in your Dashboard with direct play? All problems solved?
  6. You don't set permissions within the container, but within Unraid. That's the mapping of /movies for within your docker template. It could be that the files itself are limited in access, but then it wouldn't be able to play it in the first place. You could try the unraid file explorer (top right icon) and go to your plex media folder and select it and set permissions to everything read write. The file could also be corrupt, so are all your test files having this issue?
  7. So I'm still doubtful about that Disk1. Normally you name shares after the files or category you store. A share name would be Media for example and the path would be /mnt/user/Media. So you are sure you have a share named Disk1 in which you have the folder plex-media? And what library path do you use for the library which contains the files you're testing with? EDIT: if you check the movie in Plex, does it show the correct runtime?
  8. Oh and I forgot the Network settings within Plex. Did you put in your LAN networks there? Like or whatever your subnet(s) are? The Shields are direct playing, but maybe they don't find the direct route to your Unraid box and going through WAN back to your Unraid server, which can cause bandwidth limits.
  9. Unraid 6.14? Probably a spelling error, but 6.12.4 is the latest (stable) version. And it's not so much a driver missing when installing Intel_GPU_TOP. It's exposing the GPU readings to Unraid, so you can check them with the GPU statitics plugin for example. That way you know to what capacity your iGPU is being used. For the internal Plex settings, try: both transcoder quality as hardware transcoding device on auto. And Background preset on Very Fast. In the Docker template change "plexpass" to "docker". And did you make sure to use the plex claim function? Just checking, I expect you did and just put in the link for anonymization. Another thing that is odd to me is that you are apparently using a Share called "Disk1"? Is that correct?
  10. Definitely a problem with your setup, not Unraid. Comments like "I really want to like Unraid, but......" are not going to engage people to try and help out. We're not here to motivate you to use a product. Your comments and what I've seen in your other topic is some lack of understanding the technology. Not a problem at all, but right now you're pointing at all other factors as the problem instead of your own lack of understanding. I'm running Plex on the latest Unraid stable version and also latest Plex version (plex pass) and my HW transcodes even still work. So I don't even have the issues the others here have. - Firstly, in your own topic, I see that you're playing a file that has both audio transcoded and a PGS subtitle. PGS subtitles are always CPU transcodes, and single core at that as well. So CPU spikes during playback of such files is normal. - Second, I'm not seeing your GPU stats, so I wonder which plugins you actually installed for your GPU? You should have the plugin "Intel-GPU-TOP". And with the plugin "GPU Statistics" you can see your GPU workload - You're in the linuxserver Plex topic right now. So use that docker, not the other ones. After you've installed it properly and can access your Plex server, click on the Plex docker and then > console. Enter: ls /dev/dri What is the output in the console? - How are you playing a video, like in the screenshot above? What device? What app? - What are your Plex transcoder settings?
  11. No, it's often when you had an unclean shutdown, or the script didn't finish correctly. So in that case you need to remove the file manually, or with some automation, for example at start of array. If the script runs correctly it will delete the file at the end. It's to prevent to have the same script starting a second instance of the same job.
  12. It's a checker file in appdata/other/rclone/renote/gdrive_media_vfs. Just delete that file and you can start the upload.
  13. I think you're talking about rclone VFS cache? That's just to keep recently played files cached locally to not have to download them everything you start accessing the files. It is not some file system you can access. I was talking about the Unraid cache, which you use for a Share. About the moving and Google deleting accounts. I think people are expecting too long of a period where they can keep access to the files. Maybe Google has some kind of legal obligation to keep access to the files as long as the user is paying, but I doubt it. I would count on 6 months maximum before accounts get deleted. I think you are also one of the VERY few who will be going the full local route. The investment is just way too big, and there are much cheaper solutions which cause a lot less headaches. Moving files when you have space again is still foreign to me. I think most will make a selection first of what data they want to save local, instead of just moving everything over without prioritizing. But if that's what you really want to do, you could use the rclone move script to move from your cloud to your /mnt/disks/diskXXX once you added a new one. Once that drive is full, the script won't work anymore. I still believe the 2 root paths per folder with the RR's is still the way to go for most people who want to move files locally, but selectively. Setting that up and adding the paths in Plex would take 15 minutes maximum. After that, you can go through Radarr and Sonarr per item. Obviously, with your volume, this is time-consuming. But like I said, your plan is not something many will do. I don't know your personal and financial situation, so I don't want to make too many assumptions. But knowing that I just purchased 88 TB of storage with deals, yet still spending 1300 euros, I don't think going to 300+ TB is reasonable. And I don't even plan to go local, I just needed drives for backups and such. I don't think you need to worry about the main post anymore. It's not possible anymore, so now it's mostly about moving local again ;).
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