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  1. hi i get this error Bluetooth: hci0: FW download error recovery failed (-19 and i know my bluetooth doesnt seem to work... what is wrong with it? here is the diagnostic tardis-diagnostics-20240604-1309.zip
  2. @dlandon so i managed to fix it.. something must was corrupt in file that you keep the records of the historical drives.. what i did was remove the drive... i removed the drive from the historical drive... i check the flash drive plugins folder.. i found an old drive that was in there must been from your old plugins as it was only one... deleted it... i did a reboot... . i re plugged the drive in... and when in first mounts it always says format for this drive... but i wait i then edit the settings and added the script link.... and save and i re tried the hot swap... and that fixed it... it now works hot swapping... i dunno if you can see from the diganostics if there was a glitch in your configuration file... here is a new diagnostic of it working maybe you can compare the 2 if your able to . to see if there was a glitch in the UD configurations for that drive why it was malfunctioning on that server mitchsserver-diagnostics-20240220-1230.zip
  3. specific to that server... if i copy that script to my server and shove the SSD in .. it mounts and "running" and then auto unmounts so something on her server is blocking it from running properly
  4. @dlandondo you think maybe with my issue that its a saved glitched that its only doing it to that specific ssd... that i having this issue.. is there anything you want me else to trouble shoot. like the debug levels... or something
  5. so i downgraded my sisters server... and re tried the hot swap ssd... doesnt work either but i know it used to work in previous versions of the UD plugin as it would unmount but i dont know in which update it stopped as my sister gave me her server like a month ago to repair it and i just been testing it now... after i 3d printed parts and found this issue that the ssd wont unmount in the script so its not an OS issue but i know it used to work in the past but u seen in video how its messed and doesnt unmount but i gonna re upgrade her server back to 8 since i figured maybe that was a problem but it wasnt
  6. so i inboxed you video... where i slapped a test file in... and it copied it so no stat errors.. but it couldnt unmount it... but once i do the lightning bolt it runs in... then i showed in same video i swapped out the SSD with the other ssd... and shoved it in and it runs ths same script file as they use the exact same script file.. and it runs and it gets the stat erros as there are no files to copy or move... but at the end it unmounts and the UD shows the 2 green boxes notifications for unmounting... on the other ssd... so its not liking the 1 SSD it shouldnt matter...... so for some reason it doesnt excecute properly with the one SSD
  7. well those are just move files and copy files... so copy files if any to the ssd move files to a folder to ready to delete... but that has no issue .. so if i copy a file to the one folder... it will copy and move ... but it wont unmount the drive...... ill make a new video and send it to ya with a test file in the folder
  8. here i made a video wasnt too bad the video capture it didnt capture the script pop up from the windows game capture bar but youll see it should have auto run the script but really it doesnt ill Inbox you the video
  9. ya and the notification shows that it doesnt unmount either so the screen box top right never shows up unless you manually hit the unmount button... it doesnt actually unmount.... illl downgrade to .6 and see if it does it there? or ill try to take a video and upload it but it will take a while... unless there is other tests you want me to do... as the hot plugging doesnt even change word "mount" to "Running" on the specific SSD only on the other ssd and a format of the SSD doesnt change anything... its like it doesnt like the SSD
  10. so for some reason it wont run the script right... is there a debugger since its skipping the unmount this is what i have for the unmount /usr/local/sbin/rc.unassigned umount $UD_DEVICE and it will unmount if i run the script not if i click the Mount Button or boot up with the drive in there or put the drive in to the computer... only time it will work with this hard drive is if i run the lightning bolt.... i guess i coul downgrade back to .6 unraid to verfiy it should be working back then.. then i can make sure that it least works back then
  11. ok so i did a new clean reboot.. ssd out when booted up.. i placed the ssd in it mounted but it never unmounted yet script log said it did so i ran that list you mentioned it shows the drive still mounted.. and here is the diaganostic... does it show its not mounted yet its mounted? ```root@mitchsserver:~# ls -la /mnt/disks/ total 4 drwxrwxrwt 3 nobody users 60 Feb 18 11:14 ./ drwxr-xr-x 12 root root 240 Feb 18 11:15 ../ drwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4096 Feb 17 19:32 transport\ data/ root@mitchsserver:~# ^C root@mitchsserver:~# /usr/local/emhttp/webGui/scripts/notify -e "Unraid Server Notice" -s "Unassigned Devices" -d "Device unmounted" -i "normal" root@mitchsserver:~# ``` mitchsserver-diagnostics-20240218-1117.zip
  12. so i terminal'ed in i can confirm the OS doesnt unmount the drive... Krusader says its mounted... so does terminal under disks
  13. ya the UI is mounted the top right corner the notifcation to show green box mounted and unmounted.. never pops up only when the script runs or when i use the other SSD... it doesnt like this SSD for some reason doesnt matter what slot i put it in.. but if i run the script by the ligthening bolt the green boxes top right pop up for unmounting but if u shove it in no it doesn and the UI shows it still mounted... is there a test to see if its still mounted or unmounted?
  14. here is the diagnostic i didnt do any reboots i just did the change to the un_device and had the ssd out and shoved it in it do a screen video capture just i got slow internet so it take a while to upload mitchsserver-diagnostics-20240218-1012.zip
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