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Posts posted by T65

  1. Hallo,


    habe gestern noch lange an den DNS Einstellungen getestet und dazu versucht nähere Informationen zu finden, warum und weshalb. Wie ich bereits schrieb, funktionierte Variante 1 sofort und nur mit Variante 2 gab es Probleme.


    Wenn ich den Cloudflare DNS Proxy für den "bitwarden" CNAME entferne, wird die Adresse "richtig" aufgelöst und ich kann darauf zugreifen (mit Firefox und Edge). Ich hab dann mal einen A-Record mit eingeschaltetem Proxy auf die WAN-IP zeigen lassen aber auch das funktionierte nicht. Zum testen dann einfach mal den Proxy wieder deaktiviert, brachte mich auf die Bitwarden Anmeldemaske (nur mit Firefox, Edge wollte nicht). Bin nun wieder zu den alten DNS Einstellungen (diesmal mit ausgeschaltetem Proxy für CNAME bitwarden) zurück.



    - ping -c 4 bitwarden

        ping: bad address 'bitwarden'

    - curl bitwarden:PORT

        curl: (6) Could not resolve host: bitwarden


    Nichtsdestotrotz, werde ich die Angelegenheit weiterverfolgen und mit diesem Teilerfolg für den Moment leben. Falls jemand noch einen Tipp hat, bin ich bereit das gerne zu testen ;-) werde auch mal im englisch sprachigem Forum nachfragen, ob dort jemand Erfahrungen mit Cloudflare DNS Proxy gesammelt und bereits eine Lösung gefunden hat.


    Vielen Dank an euch: mgutt und Anym001

  2. Hallo und vielen Dank für die Vorschläge und Hilfestellung,


    als erstes habe ich gestern noch einen Portscan durchgeführt und mal geschaut ob der Port 80 bzw. 443 überhaupt geöffnet werden und das richtig an der Fritte konfiguriert wurde. Portscan verlief positiv.



    - Musst du da evtl die Domains hinterlegen über die ein Zugriff möglich sein darf? Nicht das ich wüsste.

    - Hast du den Container auch mal über ein anderes Network zb Host einfach mal getestet? Container erreiche über das interne Netz problemlos.



    - proxy_pass http://bitwarden:PORT; oder proxy_pass http://IP:PORT; Hat leider nicht geholfen.


    So, habe mich jetzt noch einmal hingesetzt, alles gelöscht und alles nochmal "Schritt für Schritt" installiert. Dabei habe ich einmal die Variante 1 "swag + duchdns + vaultwarden" hinzu genommen und die Variante 2 "swag + cloudflare (dns verification) + vaultwarden" ausprobiert. Um diverse Konfigurationen/Anbieter auszuschließen und den Fehler zu begrenzen ... mit Teilerfolg.


    Variante 1 hat erstaunlicherweise sofort funktioniert.

    Variante 2 hat nicht funktioniert und wirft bei mir den Fehler 523 und die entsprechende Cloudflare-Maske.


    Wenn man die Beschreibung so ließt, liegt es wohl an den DNS-Einstellungen, die bei mir lauten:

    A, dynamic, WANIP, Auto, Mit Proxy

    CNAME, www, xxx.de, Auto, Mit Proxy

    CNAME, bitwarden, dynamic.xxx.de, Auto, Mit Proxy,

    MX, xxx.de, mail.xxx.de, Auto, Nur DNS


    Habe ich einen Eintrag vergessen, der Essentiell ist?


    P.S.: Außerdem mal die Konsole von SWAG öffnen und schauen ob "ping -c 4 bitwarden" bzw "curl bitwarden:PORT" geht. Werde ich auch gleich noch testen.



    Sobald ich eure Tipps und Vorschläge ausprobiert oder vielleicht etwas neues herausfunden habe, melde ich mich unverzüglich.


    Viele Grüße,


  3. Hallo liebe Community,


    ich versuche mich gerade daran, einen Reverse Proxy einzurichten, um auf meine gespeicherten Passwörter in Bitwarden zugreifen zu könnnen. Ich dachte das wird ein selbstläufer durch die guten Tutorials von "Spaceinvader One" aber irgendwie möchte es nicht funktionieren und jetzt wollte ich euch meine Vorgehensweise einmal erläutern und vielleicht findet jemand von euch einen Konfigurationsfehler meinerseits oder etwas anderes was ich vielleicht übersehen habe 🙂



    Vodafone (Unitymedia) mit DualStack

    Fritzbox 6660 Cable



    1. Buying a Domain and Connecting it to Cloudflare for Use with your Home Server

    2. Tracking your Dynamic ISP IP Address for use with your Home Server with Cloudflare DDNS & Duck DNS

    3. How to Setup and Configure a Reverse Proxy on unRAID with LetsEncrypt (swag) & NGINX

    4. How to Use DNS Verification with your Reverse Proxy & use a Wildcard SSL Certificate (optional)

    5. Easily Setup a Bitwarden Server on Unraid or a VPS for Password Management



    Fritzbox Freigaben:

    - Bezeichnung(en): HTTP/HTTPS-Server

    - Protokoll: TCP

    - IP-Adresse im Internet: IPv4

    - Port(s) an Gerät: 180/1443 bis Port 180/1443

    - Port(s) extern gewünscht: 80/443


    Unraid Docker Settings:

    - Preserve user defined networks: Yes


    Cloudflare DNS Verwaltung:

    - A, dynamic, WAN-IP

    - CNAME, bitwarden, dynamic.xxx.de

    - MX, xxx.de, mail.xxx.de


    Cloudflare DDNS:

    - Network Type: Bridge

    - API Key: xxx

    - Domain: xxx.de

    - Subdomain: dynamic

    - Cloudflare Proxy: true

    - IPv6/IPv4 records: A



    [s6-init] making user provided files available at /var/run/s6/etc...exited 0.
    [s6-init] ensuring user provided files have correct perms...exited 0.
    [fix-attrs.d] applying ownership & permissions fixes...
    [fix-attrs.d] done.
    [cont-init.d] executing container initialization scripts...
    [cont-init.d] 30-cloudflare-setup: executing...
    DNS Zone: xxx.de
    DNS Record: dynamic.xxx.de
    [cont-init.d] 30-cloudflare-setup: exited 0.
    [cont-init.d] 50-ddns: executing...
    No DNS update required for dynamic.xxx.de (XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX).
    [cont-init.d] 50-ddns: exited 0.
    [cont-init.d] done.
    [services.d] starting services
    Starting crond...
    crond: crond (busybox 1.31.1) started, log level 6
    [services.d] done.




    Network Type: proxynet

    http: 180

    https: 1443

    Email: xxx

    Domain Name: xxx.de

    Subdomain(s): bitwarden

    Only Subdomains: true

    Validation: http oder dns

    DNS-Plugin: cloudflare (wenn Validation == dns)*


    */.../appdata/swag/dns-conf/cloudflare.ini -> API Key einfügen und Email abändern.



    **** This may be due to user customization or an update to the samples. ****
    **** You should compare them to the samples in the same folder to make sure you have the latest updates. ****

    [cont-init.d] 70-templates: exited 0.
    [cont-init.d] 99-custom-files: executing...
    [custom-init] no custom files found exiting...
    [cont-init.d] 99-custom-files: exited 0.
    [cont-init.d] done.
    [services.d] starting services
    [services.d] done.
    Server ready



    resolver valid=30s;
    upstream bitwarden {
        server bitwardenrs:80;

    server {
        listen 443 ssl;
        server_name bitwarden.*;
        include /config/nginx/ssl.conf;
      client_max_body_size 128M;

      location / {
       proxy_pass http://bitwarden;
        proxy_set_header Host $host;
        proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
      location /notifications/hub {
       proxy_pass http://bitwarden;
        proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
        proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";
      location /notifications/hub/negotiate {
        proxy_pass http://bitwarden;




    Network Type: proxynet



    Naja, das war mehr oder weniger meine vorgenommene Konfiguration aus den Videos. Keine erkennbaren Abweichungen und wenn ich das ganze Teste, dann erhalte ich bei Firefox die Meldung: Fehler: Umleitungsfehler und bei Edge: ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS.


    Hab ich irgendetwas übersehen oder eine falsche Konfiguration vorgenommen? Wenn jemandem etwas aufgefallen ist, würde ich mich freuen, wenn wir zusammen das Problem beheben könnten 🙂


    Ein dickes Dankeschön schonmal vorab.


  4. Dear community,


    I have different VMs which are connected to the network and some not. I have set up a hard disk with drivers for graphics cards, ... and various programs I want to test in an isolated environment. If I configure a new VM, I passthrough the hard disk (Manual, /dev/disk/by-id/...) and install all necessary drivers from the hard disk without need of the internet.  BUT if I create a text file on the hard disk on VM "abc", shutdown VM "abc" and start another VM "def" - it looks like that this file is not (present/visible/written) on the hard disk in VM "def".


    The hard disk is only used by one VM at a time! I removed the hard disk and connected it via USB. All data is available, but not always in the VMs. I tried different bus types (VirtIO, SATA, USB, ...), with no success.


    Does anyone know the problem, perhaps a solution or should I avoid this procedure?


    Thank you very much,


  5. Dear community,

    I have a virtual machine with windows 10 installed. I tried to set the guest hardware time for qemu from libvirt to a specific value:

    <domain type='kvm' xmlns:qemu='http://libvirt.org/schemas/domain/qemu/1.0'>
      <qemu:arg value='-rtc'/>
      <qemu:arg value='base=1970-01-01T00:00:00'/>

    But that doesn't work. I also tried to change the clock tag to something like:

    <clock offset='variable' adjustment='-500000' basis='utc'>
      <timer name='hypervclock' present='yes'/>
      <timer name='hpet' present='no'/>

    Here is the problem that the date / time is printed correctly in the Log "-rtc base=2019-09-23T14:25:47 \" but not set up corrently in operating system and I have to change these value in the *.xml all the time. I figured out, if I start the virtual machine and click on "Edit" the value changed to another value. In my case to -500001 or different.


    My plan is, an external hardware (arduino + dcf77 modul) and the corresponding software receives the current time via dcf77 longwave time signal and updates the time of the operating system over the air.


    Does someone of you tried this? Can someone help me out or can give me some useful tips or links?

    That would be great!


    Thanks a lot,



  6. Hello,

    the last update was three months ago, so its time to close this thread.


    I didn't tried the GTX 1070 on the server platform but fixed the I/O input lags passing through the USB controller on my two VM's with the two gpu's AMD R9 and AMD RX56 Vega!


    Thank you for that great support and tips - I love you guys!



    Today I saw your video about the AMD RX 5700XT and through my experiences I am of the opinion that the motherboard hardware connection is different. I had and have no problems with my RX56 graphics card and the Supermicro motherboard from the first time - install, pass-through, install drivers and have fun. I would have liked to test the RX 5700XT with my setup, but therefore buying, testing and returning a graphics card makes no sense.


    Maybe we should create an overview that lists different setups and which components produced the best results?

  7. Hello,

    the GTX 1070 arrived and I tried it on the "server platform" - the same issue. Then I grabbed my "desktop platform":


    Ryzen 1700

    Asus Prime X370 Pro

    32GB RAM


    and it ends up with the same issue ¬¬. I tried different configurations and found a curious behaviour with VNC (1. GPU) and the 1070 (2. GPU). So i stopped searching for performance issues and started searching for I/O input lags. I stubbed the USB controller, passed it through and voilà!!!


    I had no success to test with Q35 because I could not find or extract a valid UEFI Rom file for the 1070. That means I couldn't test the "PCI Root Patch". In GPU-Z the gpu was configured with x8 ... - can't remember.


    The next step will be, trying it on the "server platform" - again.

    I'll keep you posted!

  8. Yesterday I installed Windows 10 on the NVME and on a baremetal system. Then I stubbed the NVME controller and created a new Windows 10 VM on the unraid server. No improvements and now I guess it's definitely the GPU, maybe due to a wrong PCIe configuration x1 instead of x16 Gen 3. Some member discussed that already and maybe that's it - I don't know!


    PCIe Root Port Patch


    Now I bought a Nvidia GTX 1070 because I have no other GPU laying around.


  9. Could be but I'm a AMD-Fanboy :) I have never bought Intel or Nvidia :D


    Well, in this case I would like to buy one of the two graphic cards (small form factor):

    • MSI GeForce GTX 1070 Aero ITX OC 8GB

    • MSI GeForce RTX 2070 Aero ITX OC 8GB

    I think that these graphics cards (not the same model) will be used by other users and there should be no problems :/

  10. @bastl

    Thank you for your help, tips and efforts. Yesterday it was too late to answer your tips or give feedback.


    13 hours ago, bastl said:

    First of all, is there a reason why you isolate all of your cores except of the first one?

    13 hours ago, bastl said:

    Second thing, as far as I know it's not adviced to have a SSD/NVME as one of your array drives.

    13 hours ago, bastl said:

    Next thing, the SSD you passthrough to the VM is a 32GB Transcend SSD, right?

    I have built a simple setup without docker containers and using only the most necessary hardware, to avoid as many sources of error as possible. No, it's an old configuration from an older experiment and the two SSD hard drives lay around and could be integrated quickly. I also started from scratch, setup the Transcend SSD as array disk and the Samsung SSD as VM disk.


    1. SCSI (no improvments)

    2. Custom CPU (no improvments)

    3. Emulator Pin (no improvments)

    4. IO Thread (no improvments)


    Which I'd like to try:
    - Remove the SCSI/VirtIO layer and use a NVME instead.
    - Pass through various devices that may be important.


    Maybe we'll get some extra points and the system will work the way we want to. If not, we just have to wait for upcoming updates and improvements.

  11. Yes, of course.

    I thought it would go without but with it it goes much faster 🙂


    I will collect all the necessary data and make it available to you.
    - VM settings (xml, ...)
    - VM driver outputs (device manager, amd adrenalin overview, ...)
    - Unraid settings (vfio bind, gouvernor, cpu isolation, system devices, ...)

    - Bios settings













  12. Dear Community,

    I've been using my server for quite some time, but for technical reasons (performance) I didn't use a VM. After several updates (Unraid) I would like to start a new attempt.


     - 6 Cores and 6 HTs (one numa node)
     - 8192 MB-RAM
     - Q35
     - OVMF


    I have created a Windows 10 VM and made some configurations (numatune, cpu isolation, pcie root patch, ...). I passed the SSD and the graphics card to the VM. Windows updates are all installed and I also installed the latest graphics card driver from AMD (19.4.1). With the VM you can already work well and also the game speed is good or sufficient for me.


    When I move a window quickly or make fast mouse movements in games, I noticed that there are slight dropouts (like when something has to be reloaded). There are no CPU/GPU peaks or other drastic jumps. In a graphics card performance test
    I measured almost the same performance (99%) to bare metal.


    Has this behavior been noticed by some of you or is there a name or thread for it?


    First of all, I have deliberately avoided further details in order to tackle the problem step by step and collect informations. With concrete ideas I will provide you of course with the necessary informations :-)

    Thank you very much and I'm glad to hearing from you.


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