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Everything posted by james.page6978

  1. Thank you! Sent from my ONEPLUS A5010 using Tapatalk
  2. Had an issue with the Facial recognition script. When it detects an unknown face it stores it in /var/lib/zmeventnotifications/unknown_faces however it couldnt create the folder due to permissions issues. I created the folder and set up a symlink to the appdata folder so I can view them easily and copied the permisions from the known_faces folder using chmod. Is this something that can be put in the dock container?
  3. Thanks for the help, I will have a look at the HDHomeRun!
  4. Hi, I am running the LinuxServer Docker for plex and have a plex pass. I'm looking to setup up the Live tv and recording funcitonality however I am struggling to find out how to do this. I found the LinuxServer DVB docker however there was a comment on there recently stating this was being deprecated. Basically can anyone explain to me what hardware I need to buy and how to setup the software? I was looking to just get a USB Tuner card. Thank you in advance!
  5. Hi, I am trying to get airsonic to be visible on my external domain. I followed spaceinvaderone's video on setting up reverse proxy for nextcloud however I can not figure out how to implement this for air sonic. I have next cloud up and running however dont know what needs to be put in the conf file for airsonic any help is much appreciated thanks
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