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Posts posted by iamnypz

  1. On 1/5/2023 at 11:19 PM, adminmat said:


    So I got the sensors to show and the fan controls working again. Now I can't explain why but I have to leave Enable Network / LocalhostConnections set to No. And leave the IP address username/pw blank. If I enable this is will no longer show my sensors or operate the fan controls. (Maybe I'm misunderstanding what these first 5 setting do)



    Then, no matter the settings if you click on Readings nothing happens. That tab doesn't open. 




    You have to go to the Tools tab and at the bottom click on IPMI.




    Then it shows all my sensors, fans etc. 




    Hope this helps. Now I just need to figure out how to set the thresholds lower. I have to keep my fans (mostly Noctua) at about 700 RPM or Supermicro starts to spool up the fans into panic mode. 

    WoW! had this problem for ages. Thanks a million!

  2. 7 minutes ago, Kilrah said:

    Why? System should be its own share...

    Honestly - I don't remember. I know it sounds silly but the years pass...


    Right now it's on the nvme_appdata cache with just the appdata-share. The Nvme_cache is just for Nextcloud data-share. Do you recommend that the docker.img should be on that one instead?



  3. 16 hours ago, KluthR said:

    That is one solution but why is your docker.img at /mnt/cache/appdata ? Did you changed the default docker.img location?

    I actually have the docker image under /appdata/system/docker/docker.img and I do get this error. Any advice getting around this error?


    Thanks a million for taking over the dev of this very important plug-in and happy new year to you!



  4. On 5/25/2022 at 3:39 PM, Andiroo2 said:

    Anyone else having issues using the Grafana container since the 6.10 upgrade?  In another thread on Docker permissions after the upgrade, some users are having permissions issues with existing containers post-upgrade: 


    My Grafana error is:


    logger=ngalert.multiorg.alertmanager t=2022-05-25T09:34:45.41-0400 lvl=eror msg="unable to create Alertmanager for org" org=1 err="error writing file notifications: unable to create the working directory \"/var/lib/grafana/alerting/1\": mkdir /var/lib/grafana/alerting/1: permission denied"


    I've made various wholesale changes to the permissions on the appdata folder with no luck, but I think this error is happening with file access within the container.



    Yup, same here. No dice getting it to work 

    • Upvote 1
  5. On 4/8/2021 at 4:46 PM, NerdyGriffin said:

    I have the same problem, but my CPU Scaling is set to Performance, so changing that didn't solve the problem. The CPU usage and RAM usage in task manager inside the Windows VM show low to medium usage, and the usage shown in Unraid is also equally low, and yet the Windows VM is super choppy and laggy even in things as simple of opening file explorer or simple web browsing. It was running perfectly fine before the upgrade to Unraid 6.9.1, so that's the only thing I can think of that could have caused this. It seems so weird that it would lag like that when the CPU usage, RAM usage, Disk usage, etc. are all fairly low according that task manager and Process Lasso in Windows, and the CPU clock speed is at 4.8 GHz (checked using `grep MHz /proc/cpuinfo` in the unraid terminal).


    Edit: After updating from 6.9.1 to 6.9.2, the problem seems to be fixed. I will come back and add more if the problem reappears


    Edit 2: The problem came back about a day later, it is intermittently lagging with occassional moments of perfect smooth performance. I have tested while viewing the resource usage in Unraid and there is no correlation at all between changes in Unraid CPU usage or memory usage vs. the weird lag inside the VM, and same with the resource usage reported by task manager. It is like there is a bottleneck somewhere, but there is not sign of additional load anywhere and it was running flawlessly on Unraid 6.7.X and 6.8.X, 

    I also tried update the VFIO guest drivers, and updating graphics driver in Windows, neither of those had any impact on the problem


    I may make a separate thread for my scenario, since my computer's symptoms are now starting to deviate from the OP of this thread

    I have the same issues. VMs been rock solid on 6.8.3 and upgraded to 6.9.1 and then 6.9.2 and the load is generally low on the VM but super laggy after about 24hrs of uptime on the VM and/or the unRAID server. I have no GPU passtrough though.


    Edit: At glance, it seems like changing the scaling governor actually helps. Strange.

    Never been an issue for me earlier. Had it schedueled for "power save" from 0100-1600hrs and "performance" 1600-0100 hrs. Changing it to "on demand" reduced VM lag as it seems. 

  6. On 4/11/2021 at 1:52 AM, ElectricBrainUK said:

    503 errors suggests that your unraid api can't connect to your unraid host, how is the networking set up? If you're using a custom bridge the docker network can't communicate with the host. Can you access your unraid ui yourself via a web browser? 


    It is also is possible your username configured is not root, or the password you entered was wrong




    I just upgraded to 6.9.2 and I get theese errors as well. Haven't changed anything regarding network. Log as follows:




    pm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
    npm ERR! /root/.npm/_logs/2021-04-11T11_54_59_342Z-debug.log

    > [email protected] start
    > cross-env NUXT_HOST= NODE_ENV=production node server/index.js

    WARN mode option is deprecated. You can safely remove it from nuxt.config

    READY Server listening on

    Get VM Details for ip: Failed
    Request failed with status code 503
    Get Dashboard Details for ip: Failed with status code: [object Object]
    Request failed with status code 503
    Get Docker Details for ip: Failed
    Request failed with status code 503
    Get Dashboard Details for ip: Failed with status code: [object Object]
    Request failed with status code 503
    Get VM Details for ip: Failed


  7. 1 hour ago, GilbN said:

    Please switch to organizr/organizr 

    Organizr 2.1 does not support any other container than the official one because of some new endpoints that were added in that update. 


    The linuxserver container is deprecated and no one should be using it. 

    Wow, how could I have missed that? Fixed it!



    takk så mye!

  8. As of today/night, my Organizr is broken. I get a "fatal error" on the webpage and nothing shows for some reason (see attached image).


    When i look at the logs, the two lines i marked with red colour stands out. Could it be some PHP error? If so, how do I resolve it?




    User uid: 99
    User gid: 100

    [cont-init.d] 10-adduser: exited 0.
    [cont-init.d] 20-config: executing...
    sed: can't move '/etc/php7/php-fpm.d/www.confncLMpB' to '/etc/php7/php-fpm.d/www.conf': Resource busy
    sed: can't move '/etc/php7/php-fpm.d/www.confmhmfDL' to '/etc/php7/php-fpm.d/www.conf': Resource busy

    [cont-init.d] 20-config: exited 0.
    [cont-init.d] 30-install: executing...
    | Updating Organizr |
    From https://github.com/causefx/Organizr
    9fa7496a..8a22b9fe v2-master -> origin/v2-master
    d8e9ef80..ed5f28e6 v2-develop -> origin/v2-develop
    HEAD is now at 8a22b9fe Merge pull request #1485 from causefx/v2-develop
    Already on 'v2-master'
    Your branch is up to date with 'origin/v2-master'.
    HEAD is now at 8a22b9fe Merge pull request #1485 from causefx/v2-develop
    Already up to date.
    [cont-init.d] 30-install: exited 0.
    [cont-init.d] 30-keygen: executing...
    using keys found in /config/keys
    [cont-init.d] 30-keygen: exited 0.
    [cont-init.d] 50-debug: executing...
    | Kernel Info |
    Linux e0240e380cdb 4.19.107-Unraid #1 SMP Sun Mar 8 14:34:03 CDT 2020 x86_64 GNU/Linux
    [cont-init.d] 50-debug: exited 0.
    [cont-init.d] 60-config: executing...
    [cont-init.d] 60-config: exited 0.
    [cont-init.d] done.
    [services.d] starting services
    [services.d] done.



  9. Hi,


    Just bought a PCIe accelerator card as described above (link) and i can't use the drive.


    I may be over my head on this one BUT as far as i know, the driver was included per customer req in unRAID 6.6.0 


    added per customer request:

    CONFIG_BLK_DEV_SKD: STEC S1120 Block Driver


    The card shows up in system devices as follows:


    IOMMU group 28:[1b39:0001] 06:00.0 Mass storage controller: sTec, Inc. S1120 PCIe Accelerator SSD (rev 04)

    But i can't find it as a drive in the WebGUI using unassigned drives or as a choice when i assign drives to the array.


    From syslog:


    Sep 23 19:16:17 Threadkiller kernel: skd 0000:06:00.0: STEC s1120 ONLINE


    Any ideas? Do i have to compile drivers manually?



  10. On 7/8/2020 at 10:10 AM, binhex said:

    have you got any plex plugins installed?, if so if possible see if you can remove them and see if this fixes the issue, i would assume by the fact there is only 2 posts for this issue that its something specific that you and @GermGerm both have installed.


    also can you screenshot your settings for the container, left click, edit, click on advaneced view, click on 'show more settings', screenshot.



    I'm trying to troubleshoot this issue as well. Had it for like a month or two. Transcode of anything fails within 24hrs of restart of the docker. Though i want to point out that i'm not using this docker, instead i'm using linuxserver.io's docker. Seems like a Plex issue?

  11. On 3/9/2020 at 8:38 AM, Alphahelix said:

    Hi all,


    I hope you can help me with telegraf, I cant seem to get it to get metrics from my eth0 or eth1 or br0. I followed the guide provided by atribe, yet not metrics is to be found I don't even have a header that could look like network statistics. I have mem, CPU, disk, docker etc but nothing about network. Funny thing... I can get the docker network usage, but I think it is snatched from the docker sub-system.



    I deleted the docker image under settings->docker and now it works. Try it!

  12. On 5/11/2020 at 5:46 PM, jaminben said:



    I set this up yesterday using Network Type Bridge and everything worked great... today I changed Network Type to Custom Br0 so it could have a specific IP and for some reason it keeps labelling my Hostname as something like 68239e66048b rather than the Unraid name.


    2020-05-11T15:39:39Z I! Loaded outputs: influxdb
    2020-05-11T15:39:39Z I! Tags enabled: host=68239e66048b
    2020-05-11T15:39:39Z I! [agent] Config: Interval:30s, Quiet:false, Hostname:"68239e66048b", Flush Interval:10s


    Anyone got any ideas as to why?




    It jus doest that i guess. Same happened to me. Change hostname in line 94 in telegraf.conf (se attached pic)image.png.75d9e51cfffa99e24562f60d9f1a2720.png

  13. On 3/9/2020 at 8:38 AM, Alphahelix said:

    Hi all,


    I hope you can help me with telegraf, I cant seem to get it to get metrics from my eth0 or eth1 or br0. I followed the guide provided by atribe, yet not metrics is to be found I don't even have a header that could look like network statistics. I have mem, CPU, disk, docker etc but nothing about network. Funny thing... I can get the docker network usage, but I think it is snatched from the docker sub-system.



    Funny thing. This just happend to me as well, and i can't get it working again. Super frustrating. On unRAID 6.8.3


    got both eht0 and eth1 bonded and briged and the only options in grafana now is "eth0" and "all". When i look into the influxdb that's the only entries as well, so i guess the telegraf docker is f****?


    edit: Spelling

  14. Hi guys!


    Haven't been able to update Nextcloud in a while due to this error, any ideas why it appears?

    At first, I wasn't able to even see the upgrade screen since I got the "Step 4 is currently in process. Please reload this page later" error.

    I found a site that recommends removing the "nextcloud-data/updater-randomstring/.step"-file wich I did and then could proceed. But then this error comes up!


    Worth mentioning is that the data folder (including "nextcloud-data/updater-randomstring/.step" ) is on a FreeNAS server. The share is mounted in unRAID (NFS) with the "unassigned drives"-plug in and there's no problem storing and accessing data there otherwise (got all my sh*t there).


    Any thoughts?




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