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About AndreM

  • Birthday 04/30/1975


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    South Africa

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  1. I tested it just updating my old docker, only editing the Repository to registry.gitlab.com/bockiii/deemix-docker and clicked Apply. It updated, and is running now. It took a couple of stops and starts though because notabug.org, where deemix-webui is hosted, is currently under a DDoS attack. If you get this message in the logs, then it's most likely because of the DDoS attack: [cont-init.d] First start, cloning repo Cloning into 'deemix'... fatal: unable to access 'https://notabug.org/RemixDev/deemix-pyweb.git/': The requested URL returned error: 504 When it starts up correctly, it's normal to see this in the log (at least, for me it is normal, it runs and I can access it:): Starting server at * Serving Flask app "server" (lazy loading) * Environment: production WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment. Use a production WSGI server instead. * Debug mode: off
  2. The CN_DNSBL (DNS Blacklist) looks like it might be coming from firewall blocker or DNS blackhole filter. Are you perhaps running such software, or going through a connection or ISP that is?
  3. Yup, I see that the direction and the delete keys indeed aren't working. I pinged hurricane about it since he develops and maintains the dockergui base. Great, thanks aptalca.
  4. Hi Aptalca. Your Calibre-RDP container is great, just finished moving my whole library onto it. I did have a bit of trouble in the beginning because I didn't read the documentation properly . I assumed that the /config was for config only, so I configured the mappings as such: - /config mapped to /mnt/cache/appdata/calibre/config - /books mapped to /mnt/user/Books/Calibre (a new empty directory) - /downloads mapped to /mnt/user/Downloads (a place where I can place books to import from) and when the wizard popped up and asked me where to create the library, I chose /books and then started some imports to build the library. This worked great, until of course I tried to restart Calibre, or try to use the server, because (as you rightly mentioned), it defaults and expects it to be in /config. Anyway, I fixed it all up and now have /config mapped to /mnt/user/Books/Calibre - which works great. My question is, is it normal for my cursor keys and delete key to be non-functional in the Web RDP session? When editing book titles and authors I have to use the mouse to position my cursor in text input fields, and I have to use backspace instead of delete to delete text.
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