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Posts posted by gacpac

  1. I understand the fixed vdisks are really good on performance. However, dinamic disks exist to help users save space and they come with this added benefits of just using the storage that is already used. 


    I started using a small ssd for cache drive. And my drive is already used because of my VMs. I have 3, where 2 I barely use but they are still there for tests.


    Does Unraid support dinamic disks because 3 drives using 20gb assigned for a small 128gb ssd is insane.

  2. I know most VPN don't allow for port forward. 

    Currently I'm using PIA which allows to do that. I like using Transmission because it just works it's simple and torrents get deleted automatically by Sonarr without Hassle. 


    So, I have downloaded the docker for activ-transmissionvpn and it connects I can do privoxy. BUT, I the ports are not open and I'm connected to a location that allows it. Is there any configuration that I have to put in somewhere? what am I missing? 


    Using the PIA application in windows you can enable port forward and disable by default so. I think that's what's happening. 




    And I have tried Deluge and Qbitorrent and for some reason it doesn't works right


  3. Hi, 


    I stumbled upon this feature and I'm going through the same error. Now my question, is this something that I have to do or I can work with the self signed certificate, although I find it annoying as hell everytime I log in to the website. Also, I happen to have issues with my DNS everything I go to the website, sometimes it would not route if I go to https://router.local or https://myip I guess is trying to resolve to the internet since I'm using google dns. 

  4. 11 hours ago, Carl87Wilson said:

    LOL. Yes. I'm going through same at the moment. I've tried quite a few options and I've tried Express, Hola, Nord and Ivacy so far. It's never as fast as torrenting without a VPN but I think this is the opportunity cost for being "safe." If you're in some region where it's not totally banned or if you're getting a torrent that's alright in your region, like say, a Linux distro, you can do so without a VPN.


    Hi, I don't mind much the speeds but with NordVPN I saw it doesn't handle port forwarding and it was crazy how the torrents would freeze out of nowhere and I had to force them. Currently, I have about 100mb download but wouldn't care if the speed through VPN is 30 or 40MB/s is okay.


    At some point, I thought I was doing something wrong until I tried on my computer and it works faster. Could you recommend me a good one with a good torrent client running on docker? I honestly love Transmission it's simple but it never worked on the VPN for some reason and using Deluge works properly but, I find it hard to interact with Sonarr and Radarr because they cannot remove the files automatically since Deluge doesn't have a stop status only pause and seeding. 

  5. I see. I was trying to use the cAdvisor but that was too much . I'm looking for something like the taskmanager on windows. 

    I'm still trying out Unraid I'm deciding between this and Windows Server 2012 for what I use which is.


    Media Server (Plex, Sonarr, Radarr), File Server and Open VPN Access Server


    This seems so far lighter on resources

  6. 2 hours ago, Squid said:

    A long time ago, the built-in / included plugins with CA were removed.  Subsequently, I also removed from CA the "module" shortcut that took you directly to my other plugins.


    Where are you still seeing references to "CA Modules"?  If you're looking for something specific, simply search for it, or browse the various categories (since you're talking about CA Modules, you would want to browse the Plugins category)


    I'm new to Unraid and I've been seeing that option everywhere in videos of how to do things like this one for example and it looks interesting watching the resources of your dockers and see if it's efficient or not. 



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