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  1. Mine does the same thing, the first CPU core for that VM goes to 100% and then crashes, what logs would you like ?
  2. When i passthrough my onboard Soundcard to any of my VMs unraid will try to refresh the page and fail, you can however still navigate every other tab (ie: dashboard, tools, settings...) after 30-40 seconds the whole site then goes down. I have to hard crash out my server (Hold the power button)  The audio controller is in its own IOMMU group so im not quite shure whats going on.
  3. Hi All, When i passthrough my onboard Soundcard to any of my VMs unraid will try to refresh the page and fail, you can however still navigate every other tab (ie: dashboard, tools, settings...) after 30-40 seconds the whole site then goes down. I have to hard crash out my server (Hold the power button) The audio controller is in its own IOMMU group so im not quite shure whats going on.
  4. Ill install a windows os tonight on a drive without unraid and see what happens, thanks for the advice, do you have any pic or pie controllers you'd recommend?
  5. If I use the same USB bus I have passed through it works with any other device perfectl. I haven't checked the log file so I'll do that later on. There are 2 USB controllers passed through and both loose tracking.i have tried it on 3.1 and 3 and yes it thinks all the firmware is up to date
  6. So im fairly new to unraid but ive got the basics down, i have all my shares setup and VMs all working fine. On my VM i have passed through a USB 2 and USB 3.0 bus and all is working. If i plug my vive into this, it works for arround 1-10 minuites before it looses tracking. I have tried the obvious, disabling the camera, cleaning base stations, all 4 usb ports that are passed through, chaning USBs, using it in either seated mode or room scale, ignored the hub. Any advice would be greatly appriciated.
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