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Posts posted by whitedwarf

  1. I have found this fix in another thread:


    Change the mariadb docker repository to "linuxserver/mariadb:110.4.21mariabionic-ls31" (without the " of course) and let it run.

    Then edit the docker repository again to "linuxserver/mariadb:latest" and it should run fine again.



    • Like 1
    • Thanks 3
  2. Since last update I have the same error as you:

    Internal Server Error The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request. Please contact the server administrator if this error reappears multiple times, please include the technical details below in your report. More details can be found in the server log.


    I think the update broke something but I have no idea what.

  3. 16 minutes ago, REllU said:

    @skois @whitedwarf

    I watched through the Spaceinvadeone's video about setting up reverse proxy, and that indeed confirmed my hunch.

    Your modem is required to have NAT Relfection / Hairpinning / loopback, in order for the setup to work properly, and the domain name to be accessed from the same network.


    I'm a bit upset, as we _just_ bought a new modem to the office, but it's a consumer grade one, so it doesn't have these features.


    So I'll just have to figure out what kind of a modem we actually need, and how to get everything to work on out network the way we need.


    Oh well...



    First time I hear about this functionality, but it looks like my consumer grade modem has it.
    It's a shame you have to change it again.

  4. 22 hours ago, tazire said:

    EDIT 2

    Solved it...

    I downloaded the .tar file fully extracted it and put it in the apps folder in the appdata and restarted nextcloud. The app re appeared in the disabled list for me. Enabled it and seems to be working as before. Still held the same link to my Google Auth app too. Was expecting to have to set this up again and delete the old one but seems to be fine. 


    Very strange. I had issues before upgrading (I was still on a 18.x version). The application tab was empty and I got the same message as you when trying via occ command. But it was solve with the update.
    Hopefully everything is in order now.

  5. 4 hours ago, tazire said:

    Anyone else have issues with Two-Factor TOTP Provider since the update to 20.0.6? The app has disappeared from my list... Its not in my disabled list, active list nor am I able to download it from the apps section. Problem I have is that it was active prior to the update and nextcloud is still looking for 2FA but says it hasnt been configured, as shown. I have managed to disable it for now but id like to actually have it active. Anyone else experience/fix this? 



    I was about to upgrade when I saw your message. Were you able to solve the issue and have TOTP working back as normal ?

  6. On 1/22/2021 at 3:30 PM, REllU said:


    I'll look into this more, and try out using the certificates from cPanel!

    Just to clarify though, I do have certificates from letsencrypt, and they seem to be working outside of the network just fine, as I'm able to get a secure connect to both, OnlyOffice server as well as NextCloud outside of the network.


    I'll report back once I've tested cPanel certificates!


    FYI I just successfully reinstalled the OnlyOffice integration with nextcloud. I was getting an error when trying to connect to the Onlyoffice server in nextcloud. Looking at the OnlyOffice docker log I found out that it was due to a certificate error. Finally I was able to solve it by following these steps:

    1. Open the console on the container
    2. browse to /etc/onlyoffice/documentserver/default.json
    3. Set 'rejectUnauthorized' to false


    Maybe it could solve your issue as well.


  7. Nextcloud is a fantastic cloud storage with lots of options (I also use it to sync my agenda & contacts with my phone) but the office integration is too bad IMO. I spent hours trying to setup the integration of Collabora or OnlyOffice with my Nextcloud docker. I even got OnlyOffice working for a moment but then I updated a docker or changed something somewhere and it was over. I have not been able to make this integration work anymore.


    Instead of hitting my head against a wall I installed the CryptPad docker. OnlyOffice is integrated natively and you can easily import an existing document and export it when modified without creating an account. If you create an account you can benefit form its encrypted file storage but it is limited to compatible files only (you cannot use it to store something else than "pads").


    In the end I could not find an ideal solution but I am quiet happy with that setup: nextcloud as a cloud service and CryptPad as a document editor.

  8. I just wanted to give a positive feedback as I was able to install the docker on my server and to import 21k pictures & videos.


    For me the main missing feature is the lack of authentification. Basically anyone having access to your network can openly browse your pictures.

    To secure it I installed the Authelia docker, which works well with NginxProxyManager. It took me some time (had a short night afterwards ;) ) but it is now secured and works flawlessly.



    • Thanks 1
  9. On 11/17/2020 at 3:22 AM, smcw said:

    I believe it was due to the bad SATA card. I haven't had the error come back since replacing the card, so I believe this was just left over from that.

    The issue is gone for me as well. Looks like there was an issue with the bios of my motherboard but everything went fine after I updated it.

  10. The description on how to run it is not accurate anymore but it's pretty easy:

    1 . Open a terminal and create the folder and sub-folder

    mkdir mnt/user/appdata/tor-relay

    mkdir mnt/user/appdata/tor-relay/config
    2. Create the config file by opening it with nano

    nano mnt/user/appdata/tor-relay/config/torrc

    3. Copy-paste the configuration information from here https://github.com/DarkIsDude/tor-server#tor-configuration and change whatever you want there.

    4. Save the file and start the docker



    • Thanks 1
  11. On 7/15/2020 at 7:44 AM, Nanobug said:

    I found a solution around the same time you wrote it.
    I'm not using let's encrypt like he does. I'm using NGINX Proxy Manager which has let's encrypt built into it.
    And while I was doing another thing, I noticed it had a text saying "enable websocket". And I just had to enable it right there.
    Thank you anyway though :)

    Thanks man. I had the same issue as you and didn't realize it was as easy as enabling the option in the proxy host configuration !

  12. Here is how I got my server running again, there are probably better ways but that can maybe help someone else.


    1. Boot in safe mode

    2. Make a copy of the /boot/config/plugins folder (with a .bak extension)

    3. Delete the content of the plugins folder

    4. Reboot normally

    5. Install the community app plugin via the link found on this forum

    6. Install the essential plugins

    7. Restore the /boot/config/plugins content for the reinstalled plugins


    After that my docker containers were not recognized properly (no shortcut to WebUI). I solved that easily:

    1. Make a copy of the /mnt/user/appdata folder

    2. Reinstalled the containers in "next next next" mode

    3. Stop the containers

    4. Restore the /mnt/user/appdata folder

    5. Start the containers again


    I still don't understand why my server could not boot properly and why deleting all the plugins solved the issue, so if you have any idea you are welcome.


  13. Hi all,


    I updated unRAID to the latest version (6.8.1) and rebooted without issue. Yesterday I shutdown my server and since then it does not work properly.


    The web GUI is not reachable (connection refused), my docker containers are off as well as the smb shares but I can SSH using putty.

    I have tried to boot in safe mode and I am able to start the array and then to run my docker containers, use the smb shares, etc.


    This issue already happened last time I updated unRAID and I had to re-create my USB flash and to reinstall all the plugins and docker containers... 

    Is there a way to uninstall or disable the plugins on next boot so that i can reinstall them properly ?

    Or is there anything I should try before starting to install everything again ?

    Thank you in advance for your help


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