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Posts posted by Joly0

  1. 6 hours ago, ich777 said:

    EDIT: I've looked now a bit deeper into that and it makes sure that the path exists even if you disable the service but I assume you've deleted everything after you've disabled the service and not before disabling the service, correct?

    Yes, exactly. I disabled docker, lxc and vm´s, deleted or moved everything from my cache pool to my array and tried to format my pool, but couldnt because that path existed. After deleting/moving i made sure, no files were on my cache pool anymore

  2. Just a technical question: Does the plugin constantly check if the lxc folder exists and if not, creates it? If so, i might have found a bug. I had lxc disabled and my cache drive empty, where lxc would store the lxc folder (/mnt/cache/lxc). Now even though i deleted everything from my cache drive, randomly this folder structure appeared on my cache pool: /mnt/cache/lxc/cache

    This made me unable to reformat my cache drive (which i was trying to do). Took me some time to notice the folder on the cache drive

  3. 4 minutes ago, Niklas said:

    Did you remove it like my instructions said?  You can't just delete the docker-folder manually. It will not remove the datasets. That's two different things. If you deleted the docker folder only, you'll have to remove all datasets manually. It is mentioned here before too so read back some posts.

    Yes, i stopped docker, deleted the docker directory throug the  docker settings and removed the the folder in the system share afterward aswell

  4. 9 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

    These will be created if you used docker in folder mode, only options is to manually delete them.

    Is it safe to delete them? Can i somehow "look into them" to make sure, there is no important data?

    And how would i delete them? There are hundreds of them


  5. Hey guys, i have recreated my btrfs cache pool to zfs and build up everything, but i have noticed, that i have tons of datasets randomly being created with random has namesgrafik.thumb.png.31f60c9d9ad3e4507d7dbe4bc56773dd.png


    I have already tried deleting and recreating my docker directory on that cache pool, but that didnt help. So where are those datasets coming from and how can i remove them? Its quite annoying with the zfs master pluging, as i cant hide those

  6. Hey guys, i have written above already. I have a ton of datasets or snapshots (i am not sure) and i dont know where they come from?

    Others said its because of docker folder, but it isnt, i removed it and they still are there...

  7. 2 hours ago, Niklas said:

    Running 6.12.x?
    You would have to exclude /cache/ and that's usually a no go for obvious reasons.
    To fix it you will probably have to create a new share with the name docker and switch over to /mnt/user/docker in docker settings, like this:

    Before doing that, you need to do this:
    "Bring up the Docker settings page and set Enable docker to No and click Apply. After docker has shut down click the Delete directory checkbox and then click Delete. This will result in deleting not only the various files and directories, but also all layers stored as datasets."

    You can then go to the Apps-tab -> Previous Apps, select and re-install all of your containers with retained config.

    Create flash backup before anything.

    After all this, you should be able to exclude /docker/.*

    Thank you, thats a great tip. I will do that. Though isnt it possible to copy over everything from system/docker/ to then docker/ without loosing or having to recreate all the dockers?

  8. Is it safe to change the backing storage type from default to zfs when there are already existing containers running? Will it make a difference? Can i convert existing ones to the new backing storag type? What do i have to do so?


    Btw, some "tooltips" (i mean those help texts) for various options would be helpful. Like for this setting "Default LXC backing storage type:". I have some idea what that means, but for others it might not, what it involes, what it does, etc. Just an idea for the future :D

  9. already done this, or to be precise, already have been doing this since ever


    But ok, i did this and it worked, so i guess the update broke the setting there. It was still enabled, but it seems like it was disabled. Disabling and reenabling it helped, thx

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  10. Hey guys, i think the recent unraid update (6.12.4) broke something regarding lxc networking. I have updated and switched to macvtap driver (disabled bridging) and now my containers are unable to ping my lxc container and vice-versa. The lxc cointainer is also unable to ping the host. I have tested eth0 and virhost0 as network interfaces for lxc, but both arent working. Is there anything i can do?

  11. Ok, kann mir das mal ein bisschen genauer erklären, wie ich das also jetzt umsetzen kann?

    Ich habe eine Fritzbox und würde halt im internen netz gerne meinen pihole auch über ipv6 anbieten, nicht außerhalb. Bin auf unraid 6.12.4 und nutze für pihole zum beispiel schon das neue custom: eth0 netzwerk, aber halt nur ipv4. Wie setzr ich das also jetzt ordentlich um?


    Wäre nett, wenn mir das einer genauer erklären könnte, soweit ich die letzten nachrichten verstehe soll es ja wohl doch iwie so gehen ohne GUA

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