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Posts posted by mebrunner24

  1. On 4/11/2020 at 6:45 PM, Squid said:

    The docker containers already installed will be up and running as-is.  You will not however be able to "edit" them or hit the webUI from the context menu.  The data the system needs for that is on the flash drive.  Any chance you have a backup of the flash drive or were running the appdata plugin?

    @Squid - I was able to get up and running thanks to you and @jonathanm. However, as you mentioned previously I'm unable to edit or use the webUI of he docker containers. I had a backup from the CA appdata backup from 3/29/2020. I did a restore of that but it still does not allow me to edit or view the webUI.


    What can I do to get that functionality back?

  2. 1 hour ago, Squid said:

    You're going to have to reassign your drives.  If you don't know what was what, then assign everything as data drive.  Whatever comes up as unmountable was your parity drive(s).  If you have more than 1 unmountable drive and were only working from a single parity drive then stop and ask here for more help.

    @Squid Is this just "Disk 1, Disk 2, etc.."?


    1 hour ago, Squid said:

    The docker containers already installed will be up and running as-is.  You will not however be able to "edit" them or hit the webUI from the context menu.  The data the system needs for that is on the flash drive.  Any chance you have a backup of the flash drive or were running the appdata plugin?

    I do not have a backup of the USB unfortunately.

  3. @Squid -  I used Cisdem for Mac and have the following:





    Looks like the zip files contain some older setups. Would this be useful for a recovery?



    Unfortunately, I can't find anything useful in this format. I'm not sure if it was recovered properly or not. I also have one from October 2019 so a little more recent.


    What should be the next step?

    - Create a new USB boot drive?

    - How would I recover the license?

    - How would I recover my configuration for the docker containers and things like that?

    - How would I recover the data on my array?



  4. @Squid - looks like I can't access the USB. Have tried it in a Win10 PC and now a Mac as well. I have a Ubuntu laptop but have not tried that. Unless that'll be easier to get the /config folder later.


    What would be the next step in order to retrieve the /config folder if possible?



    Also, I did a restart of the machine and now I can't get the machine to boot up at all. No access to SSH anymore.. I have added a screenshot above.


    Supermicro X8DTL-3F motherboard



  5. After a restart sometime last week, I lost the ability to access the web UI of my unraid host. I can run Advanced IP Scanner and shows he host, hostname, and IP address as if it were still accessible. I can ping the host, access the host via SSH, and access via winSCP. However, no access to the web UI at all. So none of my docker containers are currently working.


    Any help would be appreciated.

  6. I've lost the ability to access the webui and I believe it's due to the fact that somehow the "start-script" is looking at the wrong files. 


    2020-02-02 15:40:56,929 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
    total 16
    drwxrwxr-x 1 nobody users 194 Feb 2 15:40 .
    drwxrwxr-x 1 nobody users 268 Feb 1 18:22 ..
    -rwxrwxr-x 1 nobody users 39 Feb 2 15:28 credentials.conf
    -rwxrwxr-x 1 nobody users 1809 Oct 5 2018 us2806_nordvpn_com_ca.crt
    -rwxrwxr-x 1 nobody users 2822 Feb 2 15:40 us2806.nordvpn.com.tcp443.ovpn
    -rwxrwxr-x 1 nobody users 602 Oct 5 2018 us2806_nordvpn_com_tls.key

    I don't recall ever using the us2806 server before.


    In my /openvpn folder i have the following: 


    I've restarted and stopped the docker image several times. How would I update the start-script? How did this happen? I haven't changed any settings or messed with it. All was fine about a week ago, then randomly it stopped working.

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