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Posts posted by CmdrKeen

  1. On 6/27/2022 at 3:47 PM, Paz said:
    2022-06-27 18:41:45.839973 [info] Host is running unRAID
    2022-06-27 18:41:45.856789 [info] System information Linux 95ec76292e68 5.15.46-Unraid #1 SMP Fri Jun 10 11:08:41 PDT 2022 x86_64 GNU/Linux
    2022-06-27 18:41:45.877158 [info] OS_ARCH defined as 'x86-64'
    2022-06-27 18:41:45.897022 [info] PUID defined as '0'
    2022-06-27 18:41:45.921104 [info] PGID defined as '0'
    2022-06-27 18:41:45.956221 [info] UMASK defined as '0000'
    2022-06-27 18:41:45.975433 [info] Permissions already set for '/config'
    2022-06-27 18:41:46.000004 [info] Deleting files in /tmp (non recursive)...
    2022-06-27 18:41:46.021029 [info] WEBUI_PASSWORD defined as 'XXXXXXXXXXXX'
    2022-06-27 18:41:46.074090 [info] JAVA_VERSION defined as 'latest'
    2022-06-27 18:41:46.099727 [info] Starting Supervisor...
    2022-06-27 18:41:46,284 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/mineos-node.conf" during parsing
    2022-06-27 18:41:46,284 INFO Set uid to user 0 succeeded
    2022-06-27 18:41:46,287 INFO supervisord started with pid 7
    2022-06-27 18:41:47,289 INFO spawned: 'shutdown-script' with pid 79
    2022-06-27 18:41:47,290 INFO spawned: 'start-script' with pid 80
    2022-06-27 18:41:47,290 INFO reaped unknown pid 8 (exit status 0)
    2022-06-27 18:41:48,291 INFO success: shutdown-script entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 0 seconds (startsecs)

    Hi I've an issue with the umask setting.

    I've tried to set umask to 0000 or 000 but in both cases the files in the folder /config/mineos/games/servers/[NAMESERVER]/plugins/Skript those file permissions are not set to chmod 777 as they should be.

    total 52
    -rw-rw-r--  1 root root 19566 Jun 27 20:14 config.sk
    -rw-rw-r--  1 root root  1640 Jun 27 20:14 features.sk
    drwxrwxr-x+ 1 root root    68 Jun 27 20:14 lang/
    -rw-rw-r--  1 root root 22420 Jun 27 20:14 materials.json
    drwxrwxr-x+ 1 root root   668 Jun 27 20:14 scripts/
    -rw-rw-r--  1 root root   100 Jun 27 20:14 variables.csv

    I need the file to be editable by everyone because I've mounted the path /config/mineos/games/ in a folder in unraid. Than I've shared the folder with SMB but nobody can modify those files.

    Any suggestion?


    the files in question which you listed in your second quote bubble are not set to allow global modifying, so if the user modifying them is not the owner or of the same group, they cannot. if you were to chmod that directory recursively with 777 it would allow global write permissions. ( from the console for the docker: chmod +R 777 /config/mineos/games/servers/[NAMESERVER]/plugins/Skript )


    this is not a permanent fix...the closest thing i was able to find personally was to separate mineos files to their own share in unraid, and modify unraid's samba config for that new share to add "force user = root", "force group = root", and "create mask = 777" to /etc/samba/smb-shares.conf, then restart samba. this makes every new file you add automatically be owned by root and have full permissions. obviously this is not perfect and not advised, however it was the only thing that worked relatively well for me. additionally, these changes would go away every time the unraid server restarts as the smb-share.conf file i edited gets reset every boot.

    • Thanks 1
  2. On 6/27/2022 at 9:05 AM, clb92 said:

    Yes, I'm having this issue too now. No problems two days ago, but it takes forever to start up now. I'm seeing it stuck exactly like in your first screenshot. Haven't waited long enough for it to reach "MineOS-node started" yet.

    I'm actually looking for an alternative to MineOS, as it also no longer has PaperMC profiles built-in anyway.


    I had previously used the MineOS docker from Clowrym and only switched to binhex's when i was having some instability and performance issues with Clowrym 's and realized it had not been updated in almost 2 years.


    since i posted that on the 17th of last month i have switched back to Clowrym's MineOS docker and have had no issues with it whatsoever (other than some shenanigans getting my minecraft servers transferred). I honestly was not able to figure out why it was taking so long to start and why it would suddenly lose the ability to have a webui.

    also being able to download PaperMC directly from MineOS again is nice

  3. 43 minutes ago, JonathanM said:

    Mine loads promptly, as long as I have enough storage. I accidentally ran out of space because I didn't delete old archives, and it took forever to start until I manually deleted some of them. BTW, the drive the files were on still showed free space, and other apps were fine, but the mineos internal logs showed out of space when trying to create snapshots and archives. Didn't troubleshoot further because removing the extra archives fixed it.


    You could try moving your active games profile folder to another location temporarily and see if it starts promptly.


    I just tried moving the entire "games" directory inside a new folder so it was in a different location. the docker is still taking a very long time to boot. last time I rebooted it (about 20 minutes ago) it never actually fully booted into a working webui. it finished booting but i was never able to get to the login page at all, just showed "unable to connect".

  4. anybody else have an issue where the docker takes almost 20 minutes to finish loading so i can access the webui?

    The log will stay at this screen for 17-18 minutes or so before finishing booting, and any time i need to restart the docker it does the same thing.



    Eventually it finishes booting and the log looks like this (note the timestamps to see the delay):


  5. On 3/26/2022 at 1:39 PM, ArKineX said:

    Been awhile since I posted last, but I decided it was time to update my Minecraft servers to the latest PaperMC out now.


    Last version I have is for 1.17.1.


    I have seen a few others on this thread with this same issue...once on the latest version of the MineOS container, there is no longer an option for PaperMC in the profiles selection to choose from.


    @binhex, with the latest version of MineOS, was PaperMC removed on purpose due to some compatibility issue or something?


    I have tried manually downloading the latest PaperMC jar from their site, puttying into Unraid....putting the new jar in there...changing the permissions to 0777 and Users/Nobody, but nothing I do seems to make that work either.


    The new jar doesn't even show up on the "Change the running jar file to..." dropdown.


    My question is what do I do now?  Am I stuck with 1.17.1? Since my servers are in PaperMC/bukkit format and would like to retain that, what do I use to bring my servers up to the latest?  How can I force PaperMC manually if possible?.


    Any help would be appreciated!


    I haven't had any issues manually dropping a new jar in my server folder and selecting it in MineOS. Make sure you dropped the paperclip.jar into the correct folder ( /config/mineos/games/servers/NAMEOFSERVER/paperclip.jar )


    If it is in the right place but not showing up, I would recommend launching the console for the docker (click the mineos docker icon in unraid and select console) and run

    chmod -R 777 /config

    this will probably take about 30 seconds to complete. once it's finished, restart the docker and see if the file you dropped into the server folder will show up.

    • Like 1
  6. On 1/27/2022 at 5:56 AM, frokes said:

    I've been having some strange issues with the Binhex Container sometimes loading all of my 12 threads to 95% or 100% and keeping it there as long as anyone is on the server I'm hosting. A reboot of the container appears to fix the issue but it takes the container a solid 5min to even let me get to the web UI and another 2-3 min to show me my list of servers (1 server). I've already moved my dynmap storage folder to not interfere with the scanning that has been mentioned here before.

    The server is running :
    MC_Spigot 1.18.1

    16GB RAM (48Gb total )

    on a Ryzen 5 3600 6c/12t


    Last time this occured I had to stop the container from Unraid as the WebUI wasn't responding at all anymore and basically froze my entire server. After that I checked the logs a bit more carfully and I'm getting a ton of  lines saying "[Spigot Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:" listing basically every function on the server (minecraft.server.level.ChunkProvider, Dynmap, etc.). I assume that this is the due to the container shutting down through Unraid but I though I'd still mention it.

    There are also a bunch of "Can't keep up!" (~100ticks behind) messages now and then but usually only after somebody TPs around on the server (creative server so this happens quite often).


    First post here so please let me know if I missed something and huge thank you for supporting this awesome docker container!


    I can't help with the issue of the docker taking a long time to start the webui and then a long time to load the server list, but i had a lot of server performance issues with spigot in the past and they mostly went away when i switched to paper. might be good to look into it.

  7. 5 hours ago, lovingHDTV said:

    I had to manually change the server.config file to point to java-17 instead of java-16 in case someone else hits this.




    I might recommend setting the JAVA_VERSION variable in the unraid docker config to "latest" (no quotes). this will set it to default your servers to java 17 (for now, though if it gets updated past this it should follow suit). If you don't have this variable in the docker config page, you should be able to add it manually:



    If you need a server to use version 8 or 11, then set it manually in the server.config file for that server.

    • Like 2
  8. On 11/21/2021 at 4:24 PM, binhex said:

    In preparation for Minecraft 1.18 I have bumped up the version of Java from 16 to 17 in the latest image. My understanding is that the current release 1.17 should work fine with Java 17, if you find this is not the case then please let me know


    I just updated the docker and experienced this upgrade...

    I've got 4 servers running 1.16.5 paper, 1 server running 21w14a (last 1.17 beta before mojang stripped out the world gen), and 1 server running 1.17.1 paper.

    the 1.17 and 21w14a servers have no issue running on java version 17 (i specified in the server.config that they use java 17). the 1.16.5 servers will not start with java 17. not sure if I'm doing something wrong but they were working fine on java 16. i set them to use java 8 for now, since java 16 was replaced with java 17 in the docker


    also...the JAVA_VERSION variable in the docker config doesn't recognize java version 17 as the default...when i had 16 in there the log said it didn't recognize it and instead set it to "latest". when i emptied the variable, it defaults to java 8

  9. 18 hours ago, Uplinkpro said:

    Fresh install the only options i changed for the docker was the java version to 16, however after i try to login i get no response from the server at all. logs all seem just fine.


    are you able to access the webui? or is your issue that a minecraft server isn't working?

  10. On 9/15/2021 at 7:32 PM, kikkawa said:

    Im running a modded minecraft server on the docker, only 1 server running and when its just me playing its fine when player 2 joins it gets a little laggy despite being allocated 5gb xms to 15gb xmx ram, pack is ATM 6 so its about 300 mods 

    Is there anything else to up the resources to give a smoother play?

    Changed the docker to use 8 cores and 8 threads out of the cpus available, would it be worth upping the allocated ram to 20gb+ in mine os server as well?


    minecraft isn't particularly multi-threaded for CPU; all 8 cores aren't going to be utilized for 1 server. I'd probably uncheck all the CPU cores and just let unraid schedule core usage as it sees fit rather than assigning that many cores to it.

    that sounds like a lot of mods for 1 minecraft server to be running. more RAM might help but hard to say. 

  11. Does anyone else have the same issue i have where any time i download a new version of paper or any time i add a new plugin or add any new files in the appdata folder for mineos, i can't access the webui anymore until i chmod -R 777 the config directory and reboot the docker?


    I'm basically wondering if i backup all my servers and torch all traces of the docker and start again...will it fix the issue or are other people experiencing the same thing?


    On 8/24/2021 at 3:20 PM, C_James said:

    Hey Im wondering. has anyone elses normal java minecraft server for 1.17 and 1.17.1 died? like mine os will simply not start a server with 1.17plus .jar set?



    Keep in mind that Minecraft 1.17+ requires Java version 16 or newer:


    On 6/13/2021 at 2:48 PM, CmdrKeen said:

    I was successfully able to specify Java version per server by following instructions from fegkay15 here:



    Basically, edit the "server.config" file for each server, and add a line right under the [java] heading:


    Change 16 to 11 if needed. restart the minecraft server after saving file.

    This is the location of the java binary for me. since this is for the mineos docker specifically (not the whole unraid server) and these were installed as part of an update to mineos docker, the location should be the same for everyone, though results may vary. 

    • Like 2
  13. 3 hours ago, ghost82 said:

    No, it's not possible: ovmf boots uefi, seabios boots legacy, that's all; you need to convert your uefi installation to legacy.

    I never tried from uefi to legacy, only legacy to uefi, microsoft has an utility for this and it's straight forward.

    Try to search in internet, I saw some links pointing to some instructions, so this should be feasible.

    Make backups first!

    Microsoft's utility only goes Legacy -> UEFI, it does not go the other way. 


    I will need to create a new VM then. Thank you for the info. I will back up my data and start from scratch.

  14. I'm trying to passthrough a GTX 550 Ti to my Windows 10 VM, which was previously installed using OVFM BIOS, UEFI boot mode, GPT partition. I was using a Radeon HD 6450 passed through.

    After attempting to pass through the card unsuccessfully for a few hours, i realized that the new card will not operate properly on a system that does not support Legacy mode (when i put it in my other system to RIP the vBIOS, i had to enable legacy mode before it would boot with that card in at all).

    My question is, is there a way to either enable Legacy/CSM mode in OVFM, or else enable UEFI mode in SeaBIOS?

  15. I was successfully able to specify Java version per server by following instructions from fegkay15 here:



    Basically, edit the "server.config" file for each server, and add a line right under the [java] heading:


    Change 16 to 11 if needed. restart the minecraft server after saving file.

    This is the location of the java binary for me. since this is for the mineos docker specifically (not the whole unraid server) and these were installed as part of an update to mineos docker, the location should be the same for everyone, though results may vary. 

    • Like 3
  16. 15 hours ago, JorgeB said:

    Didn't you see the warning in red letters that's it's broken in v6.9.x?


    You just need to stop array, unassign both cache devices, start array so Unraid "forgets" cache assignments, re-assign both the OLD (original) cache devices, start array and and the original pool should mount.

    you evidently didn't read my post. I DID see the warning message as i said at the bottom. 

    additionally, the array would not start (the START button was greyed out) unless 2 cache drives were selected. not sure why this was the case.


    I did manage to get everything moved over and working great thanks to jonathanm

  17. 57 minutes ago, John_M said:


    How did you do the file copying? Perhaps your docker.img file lost its sparseness during the process and got expanded to its full size. If I'm copying sparse files I always use cp with the --sparse=always option or rsync with the --sparse option.


    I used "cp -R /mnt/cache/* /mnt/cachenew/"

    when i noticed the descrepency i went over it again with rsync -ah but got the same result


    I'm not sure what sparseness means

  18. So i copied all data from /mnt/cache to /mnt/cachenew

    then i stopped the array and renamed "cache" -> "cacheold" and renamed "cachenew" -> "cache"

    then i started the array and went to the chares tab. it auto-selected the new "cache" as what it was using for the appdata share (which is my only share set to remain on cache).

    i confirmed by starting a new blank minecraft server just to add a new folder through a docker. it is indeed using this new cache


    my only issue is there seems to be a descrepency of about 20gb between the old cache and the new one, and i can't figure out why this is.

  19. 17 minutes ago, jonathanm said:

    CA Backup / Restore?


    I suppose you could set up another pool since you are on 6.9.2, if everything is using /mnt/user paths you wouldn't need to change anything, just copy from one pool to the other.

    I am using default mounting locations (i believe this should be /mnt/user/...)

    so the process would be;

    - stop docker & VM services

    - stop array

    - create a 2nd cache pool of my 2 x 480gb SSDs

    - start array

    - copy all files from original cache pool to 2nd cache pool (I'll need to figure out how to do this. I guess i can use the command line since i can't use krusader)

    - remove original cache pool...?


    I'm relatively confident in the first part but I'm a little unsure of the last few steps.


    My appdata share is set to be only on my cache drives for performance reasons. this is where my plex data relies. I'm not entirely sure how to copy data from one cache pool to the other since the /mnt/user/ directory only has shares in it.

  20. 5 minutes ago, jonathanm said:

    Follow the directions for completely replacing the cache, by using the parity array as a temporary location for the data using the mover.

    I would prefer to not transfer everything to the array as the last time i needed to transfer my plex media library info to/from spinning disk storage it took over a day due to the large number of small files (even though the total size isn't that large). ideally going from SSD -> SSD would be much faster.

  21. I currently have 2 x 240gb SSDs as a RAID 1 cache pool. I am trying to replace these with 2 x 480gb SSDs, and I have tried to follow the instructions here:




    Upon selecting the 480gb drive as one of the 2 cache drives and starting the array, the pool devices look like this:



    and there is an option at the bottom to format all unmountable disks (which seems to be both devices currently selected as cache drives, sdg and sdi)


    I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. I also really don't want to copy all the data from my cache pool to the array if i can help it since there is a lot of very small files (plex media library info and minecraft servers, etc.) which would take an extremely long time to copy.


    EDIT: upon noticing the disclaimer that this isn't working in unraid 6.9.x, i read through that post in which someone suggested instead removing one drive without adding a new one first, however i am unable to start the array unless I have 2 drives selected (start button is greyed out).

    any other suggestions?

  22. 10 hours ago, jonathanm said:

    Sorry, it's not my intent to make you feel stupid, I was genuinely wondering why you thought the current content of the drive mattered even though both itimpi and jorgeb told you that the drive would be completely overwritten with the emulated content regardless of what was already on the drive when it was reassigned to the slot.


    I'm trying to improve how technical concepts are explained to people unfamiliar with them, and there was clearly a breakdown in communication somewhere. Not knowing how something technical works doesn't make you stupid. Everybody regardless of intelligence needs new concepts explained at least once, I'd like to know how to better communicate this specific concept.


    Sorry. My thought process was being possibly overly cautious. I didn't fully understand the contents would be overwritten regardless of content.


    I would have understood that better had I stopped the array, removed that drive form the array, restarted the array without that drive in it, stopped the array again, and tried to re-add it. At that point I had a clearer picture because there was the notice that it would rebuild. There was no clue in the webui of that being the case until I went through that process. (Even though I wiped the drive first, it still didn't want to rebuild until I went through that process)

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