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Posts posted by xrqp

  1. On 9/28/2023 at 8:31 PM, Lolight said:

    There's a common misconception that a lower TDP CPU would always be more efficient as compared to a higher TDP equivalent.

    We pay electricity based on kWh (kiloWatt hours), or you could say Wh (Watt hours).  Instead of defining "efficiency", lets instead look at the number of watthours to do a computing job (Wh/job), where we don't care if it takes more time, but we only care about the product of time and watts (Wh).  


    I thought the laptop would use less Wh to do a job vs a desktop even though the desktop could do it quicker?  Assume both are modern using similar cpu topology.  Has this issue been tested?


    I guess another question is the watts used by cpu while idling at minimum use (dockers shutdown etc).  Would not the desktop CPU idle at higher watts than a laptop cpu?  Has this been tested? 


    With wattmeter (Kill-a-watt P3) I have read my unraid server at various conditions.  It had 6 spinning hard drives and a 30watt laptop type cpu, and 300W PSU (gold rated).

    1. Boot: 100w for 10 seconds, then start unraid: 45w.
    2. Spin up all disks: 58w.  I am not sure what tasks were running.
    3. Spin down all disks: 36w.  I am not sure what tasks were running.
    4. Idle: 29w (After waiting for all startup tasks to complete, all disks not spinning, minimum tasks running)
    5. Running Roon container and playing music: 32w.


  2. On 9/23/2012 at 2:24 PM, Joe L. said:

    Some BIOS have the ability turn on at a certain time,

    Is that uncommon?  I am wondering if it is worth it to hook up a monitor and keyboard to my unraid and look into this.  Right now, I am guessing my odds are low.  


    I got a run-of-the-mill board:

    ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC. PRIME Q270M-C , Version Rev X.0x
    American Megatrends Inc., Version 1607,  BIOS dated: Mon 21 Oct 2019

  3. Thanks.  It is working and rebuilding.  My mistake was when the array was stopped and i clicked on disk 4 "unassigned" to see the drop down list, I did not see that the 2nd choice was there since it looked the same as the serial number of the drive below (disk 5).  I could only see the one choice which was unassigned.  But now I looked really close and could see I did have the 2nd choice.  So all is good now.  Thanks.

    • Like 1
  4. The problem is I cannot rebuild disk 4 when it says "disk not installed", right?  How can I rebuild disk 4?  How can i get it to stop saying "disk not installed"?


    I know the cables are good because the replacement disk shows up in UD.  But I cannot get disk4 to stop saying "disk not installed".  Here is diagnostics.


  5. Here is info from my email warnings over the last week, in chronological order, oldest on top:


    June 29, 6:09 PM 

    Subject: Alert [TOWER] - Disk 4 in error state (disk dsbl)

    Description: ST8000DM004-2CX188_WCT0VFC8 (sdf)


    June 29, 6:09 PM

    Subject: Warning [TOWER] - array has errors

    Description: Array has 1 disk with read errors


    June 29, 6:43 PM

    Subject: Notice [TOWER] - Parity-Check finished (0 errors)

    Description: Duration: 2 days, 18 hours, 1 minute, 18 seconds. Average speed: 75.7 MB/s


    June 29, 7:55 PM

    Subject: Notice [TOWER] - Read-Check started

    Description: Size: 18.0 TB


    June 29, 8:18 PM

    Event: Unraid Disk 7 SMART health [199]

    Subject: Warning [TOWER] - udma crc error count is 1


    June 30, 9:33 AM

    Event: Unraid Disk 7 SMART health [199]

    Subject: Warning [TOWER] - udma crc error count is 2


    June 30, 10:03 AM

    Event: Unraid Disk 7 SMART health [199]

    Subject: Warning [TOWER] - udma crc error count is 3


    July 1, 2:44 AM

    Event: Unraid Read-Check

    Subject: Notice [TOWER] - Read-Check finished (932 errors)

    Description: Canceled



  6. Last night i powered down the Unraid tower.  Today before turning on, I swapped the 18TB replacement back to the 8TB original disk4.  Powered up and it will not show up on my network - will not run headless.  I swapped back to the 18TB that had previously worked headless, but it remained off the network (not headless).  so for any suggestions on what to do, I will be doing it with a monitor and keyboard plugged in.


    UPDATE.  I plugged in monitor and saw the IP address changed.  Using this new address, I am able now to run it from the network GUI.  I am back to showing the 18TB in UD, and array disk4 is "not installed".  How do I rebuild when "not installed" ?


    My dashboard showed this:


  7. I took out the 8TB dsk4, and replaced it with 18TB, but now it shows in unassigned devices and does not show on the array.  Array still says disk4 is "not installed".  How do I get it into the array?


    I am trying things to get the new drive to show in the array, as a choice in the disk4 dropdown:

    1. I stopped the array - it changed disk4 in the array to say "unassigned" instead of "not installed" so that feels like progress.  But when I click "unassigned" there is no other choice to change it.  So I still cannot get the replacement drive into the array.
    2. I stopped array and started in maintenance mode.  It did not help.
    3. The replacement drive had been precleared, but I used UD to "clear" it, to see if I could get it to show up in the disk4 array dropdown, but no success.  I formated it and tried again - no sucess.  tried with maint. mode and regular mode - no sucess.
  8. Is it correct that if cable swapping is successful, the drive will no longer say "not installed"? 


    It is an 8TB drive.  My parity is 18TB.

    I did a "read" check.  It found some errors.   I swapped cables some more but it still says "not installed".  So can I replace the 8TB drive with 18TB drive then rebuild the 18TB drive?  Or do I have to pass "read check" and a "parity check" first?  I am unable to get Parity check to show as an option.  



  9. This happened in the middle of a parity check today, at the same time I was downloading a lot.  Got hot disk reports (52C).  so i cleaned the PCs dust filters and vacuumed a little inside the case.  Then Disk 4 became "not installed" and it stays that way.

    I tried stopping and starting the array, and different power and sata cables, and it stays this way. 


    If I go to "Maintenance Mode" it also stays as "not installed".  Does that mean I cannot do a check and repair disk?

    Do I need to replace the disk?  If I have to replace it, can I replace with a bigger drive?


    Diagnostics attached.


    I wanted to continue the parity check, but it only allows me to do a read check.  Parity check does not sho0w up as a choice.  So I am running a read check now.  











  10. I should have saved all those anti static bags.  This info seems good:



    I see that I can buy bags quite cheaply.  I wonder if there are any bags that show well the IDs i put on the drives edges?


    I could get this.  https://getprostorage.com/product-category/lff-hard-drives/

    They say "Our anti-static foam keeps your equipment organized and safe. You can slide your hard drives into the foam without worrying about adding a dangerous charge to your device. " But I am skeptical.

    Wikipedia photo:


  11. After disabling Dynamix Cache Directories, CPU usage went to no spikes:  image.png.05cdca964c1a9817d67c95764c500ee9.png


    then I re-enabled it as shown in the first spike and get:



    about 10 minutes after re-enabling it, I get the spikes coming back:



    So i guess I will disable it, and see if it matters to me that I do not Cache Directories. Will it affect Krusader browsing?


    The above 3 graphs is while Krusader is doing a large copy operation, which may explain the baseline CPU usage of 25% in the first graph.

  12. 1. Are your HDD's secured in place or loosely sliding in the drawer?  They are secure.  There is no physical trauma.

    2. Do you always keep them sealed in anti-static bags while in storage?  No.

    3. Do you ground (earth) yourself every time you handle bare drives? It's especially important if you have carpeted floors.  No grounding.  I never get static shocks.

    4. Do you periodically (at least once a year, preferably every six months) take your HDDs out of storage and spin them up for at least a few minutes at the time?  No.  This is one I think I could start doing.  Might be necessary for fluid bearings to renew their lubrication layers and prevent them from becoming completely frozen.

    5. Any exposure to strong magnetic fields?  No.


    Thanks for the suggestions to think about.

    • Upvote 1
  13. When I put young mechanical hard drives that are just slightly and moderately used, when I put them in storage, after some years in storage, I reconnect them and it seems many fail.  Storage is in a drawer in my bedroom.  No shock, moderate temperatures and humidity.  I was hoping they could last 20 years if stored, but now I am not hopeful.


    Most of my HDD backups are left in storage.  Does anyone else notice this, or notice the opposite? 


    Please do not change this subject to be about why backups are good.  Thanks.

  14. I got this weird result with Krusader - 100% completed, but also "Stalled".



    I am having increasing "reallocated sector ct" warnings.  It started lower, but as the copy progressed the reallocated sector ct kept going up to the latest which is now 125.  Do you think that is why the copy of only 780 GB took 4 days, and why it says stalled?

  15. On 6/19/2015 at 9:41 AM, gundamguy said:

    Right now it basically says "Caution! Everything is working properly!"

    Hah.  Made me laugh.  But I must agree, that is how I feel about it.  Here is an enlargement of what i think we are talking about:


    or    image.png.533f82fd52e311211941785e3720a884.png      


    I am not expecting protection for anything that is not on the array with parity. 


    If it is a share with cache set to yes or prefer, then indicate unprotected with a gray circle.  And the tooltip says "Files on cache that are not cache pools are normally unprotected from a failure."

    If it is a share that is only on hard drives, then show the orange triangle.


    Also, sometimes I think it means it is unprotected from virus attack, or from not having password protection.  But it is only referring to drive failures.


    "Caution! Everything is working properly!"  Hah hah hah hah.  🤣


  16. I originally put a HDD (my #71) in UD as NTFS, and it had only 1 partition named "71".  Now I am trying to reformat it as XFS.  But it seems it is not working.  The steps used were:

    1.  Unmount

    2.  Delete partition

    3a.  Format as XFS

    3b.  But the old partition listing "71" comes back just before the end of the format process.

    4.  So I click "Mount" anyway, and the old partition remains.


    I am concerned that the old partition "71" did not stay deleted when I reformatted.  The partition is empty, and I can rename it, so I hope all is OK.  

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